Cobra Force: Capitalism Diagram [Salk/Aquarius]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is my last post on USMB, and it's in honor of 9/11 and an ode to capitalism-rhetoric and American idealism towards exploration (and negotiation!). It's inspired by the films Mars Attacks! and Mission to Mars (even though it's about the moon), and since it's patriotic in tone/theme, I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section (but I hope you like it and look forward to any comments!).

Cheers (signing off),



"U.S. President Donald Trump was informed of a strange black obsidian-like rock/mineral discovered during a secret NASA mission to the moon. The rock/mineral, named Aquarius, was not categorized in geology by human scientists and was therefore believed to be placed on the moon by a visiting alien intelligence of some kind (possibly!). Trump ordered NASA to organize a new exploratory and possible combat mission to the moon, and the U.S. military trained two of its elite soldiers, Argo and Joe, to suit up as the primary commanders for this important mission. Argo/Joe would land on the moon and investigate a possible intelligent alien species living underground. Trump called this mission 'Capital Crusade,' since the existence of intelligent life so close to Earth would have ramifications on human living and civilization."


"A photo was taken during the secret NASA mission to the moon during which the 'Aquarius' rock/mineral was discovered. Argo/Joe looked at the photo before leaving for the 'Capital Crusade' mission to the moon. The photo showed a sand clearing with a circular Colosseum like structure which when dug out some revealed a more intricate/elaborate spectator-arena type 'theater' of some kind. NASA had concluded that this structure was built by the same alien intelligence that left the Aquarius rock/mineral for human space explorers to find. Argo/Joe believed this photo revealed a certain alien intelligence presence intending to make some kind of contact with humanity by establishing a 'society' on the moon and perhaps taking 'notes' on capitalism-civilization on Earth."


"The shiny black obsidian-resembling rock/mineral discovered by the space explorers on the secret NASA mission to the moon was named Aquarius, since it had a special mystical look to it and was shinier than any obsidian rock/mineral found on Earth. Argo/Joe believed that the alien intelligence that built the theater-structure on the moon's surface left samples of the 'Aquarius' rock/mineral on Earth so humans would find it and conclude that an intelligent species sought to observe/analyze our civilization and make some kind of mercantile contact/contract involving the 'Aquarius' rock/mineral which Argo/Joe theorized was very 'valuable' to the aliens who placed it on the moon. Was this some kind of capitalism covenant?"


"When Joe and Argo landed on the moon with a handful of other personnel, scientists, and soldiers, the two military commanders began trolling around near the spot where the theater-structure was found. The structure was gone, but when Joe/Argo used NASA's special drilling device and began to dig in the ground where the structure was built/found, a body of water was discovered. Joe and Argo dove into the water and discovered a deep trench filled with water. As they swam deeper and deeper, armed with their newly-designed laser-guns with an ultra-bright UV flashlight built into the tip of the gun (designed to blind an enemy before shooting it with the laser!), they encountered three terrifying and rather large and seemingly intelligent (but predatory) reptile-dragon like alien creatures swimming there."


"As Joe/Argo engaged the alien creatures with their specially-designed guns, one of the creatures ripped of Joe's helmet while he was shooting/aiming his gun at one of the other creatures, but Joe killed the creature he was aiming at before grabbing his helmet off the ground and placing it back on his head (so he could continue to breathe underwater!). The alien creatures were swimming by some underwater structure and vessel which they obviously intentionally placed/built there as a base to keep hidden from human eyes/explorers. Joe/Argo continued to shoot at these creatures until finally, one creature implored them to drop their powerful blinding laser-guns and negotiate with them.

JOE/ARGO: What do you want?
ALIEN: We're taking notes on human capitalism!
JOE/ARGO: Is that why you left the 'Aquarius' rock/mineral for us to find?
JOE/ARGO: What is the role of the 'Aquarius' rock/mineral?
ALIEN: We like that name you gave our rock/mineral; 'Aquarius' is a bargain-token.
JOE/ARGO: Is it a universal capitalism negotiation-token of some kind?
ALIEN: Yes, it is; it's known around the universe as Obsidian.
JOE/ARGO: We have a similar rock/mineral on Earth which we also call obsidian!
ALIEN: Yes, we know that now...
JOE/ARGO: Well, this 'Obsidian'/'Aquarius' we found is very impressive indeed.
ALIEN: We want to negotiate some mercantile contract with your civilization.
JOE/ARGO: We'll report to our President (Donald Trump) these dealings/requests.


"When Joe/Argo reported back to the White House through their NASA moon-vessel radio-communicators, President Trump ordered that the space explorers/unit first scour the moon again using the new moon-trolling military vehicle NASA attached to their shuttle (named Havoc). Joe/Argo were to troll around the moon's surface on Havoc looking for signs of anything else the alien creatures left/build for human space explorers to find before negotiating/establishing that special 'mercantile contract' involving the Obsidian/Aquarius rock the alien creatures left on the moon for humans to find. Joe/Argo did just that before pledging to the alien creatures to bring back diamonds to the moon from Earth in exchange for more of the aliens' special Obsidian rock/mineral."


"When Joe/Argo returned to the moon with handsome diamonds and exchanged them for Obsidian materials from the alien creatures and took them back to Earth, geologists at the Salk Institute were commissioned to study the Obsidian mineral the aliens presented as barter. The conclusions of the findings would help the Trump Administration assess the best following procedures for continuing negotiations with the alien creatures. Was the Obsidian rock/mineral vile, potent, toxic, or reactive and therefore meant to be a covert terrorist weapon of some kind? That's what the Salk geologists were ordered to study. The Salk scientists discovered that the Obsidian the aliens presented was capable of shape-shifting upon heat and transforming into a glass-like substance impermeable/invincible to impact and therefore shatter-proof. Salk scientists wanted humans to now use this special material to build a glass city on the moon!"


"President Trump tweeted and gave press statements to inform the American people that this landmark discovery revealed the aliens' intention to create this glass city with the help of human scientists and explorers and engineers. Joe/Argo accepted a special Medal of Bravery. As the human scientists and President Trump continued to communicate with the alien creatures using a radio-system Joe/Argo left on the moon, plans began for the building of this amazing shatter-proof 'glass-city' which would be co-habitated by humans and the alien creatures. Trump tweeted with humor, 'This is more remarkable than even Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City (New Jersey)!'."


ALIEN 1: It seems these humans are fascinated by Obsidian.
ALIEN 2: This glass-city we're to build will be a 'beacon.'
ALIEN 1: What did we conclude about human capitalism?
ALIEN 2: Ambition and architecture make for grand species designs!
ALIEN 1: Is human capitalism therefore purely an ambition-system?
ALIEN 2: It's certainly liberty and fortune oriented...
ALIEN 1: The architectural ambitions echo a yearning for grandeur?
ALIEN 2: It seems so; did you read Trump's tweet about Taj Mahal casino?
ALIEN 1: Yes, humans are rather ironical.
ALIEN 2: We're to use this glass-city model to send a message to the universe.
ALIEN 1: The message is of course, "Human capitalism is facility-minded."
ALIEN 2: We will become humanity's 'teachers.'
ALIEN 1: If they fail to learn?
ALIEN 2: We'll destroy them for their capitalist immaturity!
ALIEN 1: Hail to theology.
ALIEN 1: Trump presented us with this Patriots-Falcons Super Bowl painting.
ALIEN 2: And a photo of the artist standing next to it.
ALIEN 1: It seems 'TrumpUSA' is a society of 'imagineers'!


"What was to ensue would be a great capitalism-oriented intellectual and philosophical exchange between ambitious humans and instructive aliens. The aliens were indeed considered 'teachers' by humanity, and the aliens regarded humans as curious and inquisitive. As long as TrumpUSA was a functioning society of capitalist imagineers unfettered by modern-day globalization-oriented problems such as terrorism, the aliens would continue to regard humans as worthy pupils of a new capitalism blueprint to create a more negotiation-oriented (rather than war-oriented) 'society' of intelligent beings. Aliens from around the universe would regard the glass-city as a 'beacon' of great negotiation promise and commercial/mercantile peace, where various goods and arts would be traded, representative of capitalism-optimism. This was the vision. Would this spell the end of terrorism forever?"




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