Coast Guard Mostly Saves Very Stupid People


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

A simple declaration that should be shouted to the rooftops! I haven’t read anything clearer in a very long time.

When it comes to Search and Rescue (SAR) our Coast Guard is world class. But after a while, it must get pretty repetitive saving people suffering from self-inflicted wounds. So a study was conducted, with some surprising results.

WASHINGTON, DC — Nearly 83 percent of mariner rescues since 1960 involved unrelentingly stupid behaviors and/or people, according to a recent study by the U.S. Coast Guard. Though the service treats all search and rescue situations equally, most on-scene commanders will privately admit that a majority of the time “it was just some dumb bastard with no concern for personal safety,” according to the study’s authors.These statistics are unthinkable,” said Coast Guard spokesperson Lt. Carla Willmington. “Our service prides itself on response time, SAR organization, and comprehensive rescue pattern analysis. But it’s tough to stay on task when the bulk of these cases involve people paralyzed from the neck up. ”
To view the article in its entirety, click Here

From Coast Guard Mostly Saves Very Stupid People, Study Finds
Can’t hit a nail any squarer than that!

Been a boater for a lot of years and totally agree with this unofficial Coast Guard assessment of many many many fellow boaters. Unbelievable stupidity more often than not enhanced by alcohol consumption will somehow straighten out the complexities of rather simple boat operations and navigation I guess is their foolish rationale.

There are bright spots though. Lots of times a catastrophe results in little if any personal injuries, but some asshole gets to watch his boat disappear beneath the surface of the lake. I always give a nice long blow on the horn as the last foot or so slowly sinks into the depths.
Are they at least charging these stupid people the cost of their rescue?

Does the Coast Guard Charge for Rescues or Assistance?@ Does the Coast Guard Charge for Rescues or Assistance? – The Log

The Coast Guard does not charge a fee to provide assistance to a boat at sea. Coast Guard fees are established by federal statute, and for the most part these fees are limited to documentation services, vessel inspection and mariner licensing. The Coast Guard is expressly prohibited by statute (Title 46 US Code, sec. 2110) from charging a fee for any search and rescue service, so this is not something that is subject to a discretionary waiver.

Whether or not they will respond to particular calls are something else.
Ask firemen how many idiots cause fires they have to put out.

Agree, most fires are not acts of God but involve people cutting corners on safety or setting up risky conditions
On the plus side, we don't get as many fires from people smoking in bed
Ask firemen how many idiots cause fires they have to put out.

Agree, most fires are not acts of God but involve people cutting corners on safety or setting up risky conditions
On the plus side, we don't get as many fires from people smoking in bed

One also has to remember that originally fire departments were mostly about stopping a fire from spreading from its origin to other properties.

The technology of the time basically limited them to trying to contain the damage to the original and surrounding structures.
its just a job . first respunders get paid and made into hero's . Dummies live and go on to do stupid things again . ------ off topic perhaps but i am amused when i see 2 fire trucks and a couple police cars showing up for a traffic accident and mopping up some oil or gas on the ground . [oil spill averted]
its just a job . first respunders get paid and made into hero's . Dummies live and go on to do stupid things again . ------ off topic perhaps but i am amused when i see 2 fire trucks and a couple police cars showing up for a traffic accident and mopping up some oil or gas on the ground . [oil spill averted]

I wonder how many times they do that because of local directives to try to keep the municipalty from being sued.
its just a job . first respunders get paid and made into hero's . Dummies live and go on to do stupid things again . ------ off topic perhaps but i am amused when i see 2 fire trucks and a couple police cars showing up for a traffic accident and mopping up some oil or gas on the ground . [oil spill averted]

I wonder how many times they do that because of local directives to try to keep the municipalty from being sued.
-------------------------------- yeah , might be standing orders of just OVERTIME .
its just a job . first respunders get paid and made into hero's . Dummies live and go on to do stupid things again . ------ off topic perhaps but i am amused when i see 2 fire trucks and a couple police cars showing up for a traffic accident and mopping up some oil or gas on the ground . [oil spill averted]

I wonder how many times they do that because of local directives to try to keep the municipalty from being sued.
-------------------------------- yeah , might be standing orders of just OVERTIME .

Guardies don't get overtime!
its just a job . first respunders get paid and made into hero's . Dummies live and go on to do stupid things again . ------ off topic perhaps but i am amused when i see 2 fire trucks and a couple police cars showing up for a traffic accident and mopping up some oil or gas on the ground . [oil spill averted]

I wonder how many times they do that because of local directives to try to keep the municipalty from being sued.
-------------------------------- yeah , might be standing orders of just OVERTIME .

Guardies don't get overtime!
-------------------------------------------------------- good point thanks , but mostly the overtime goes to the police and 'fire department' that all stand around with lights a flashing showing PRESENCE to their employers LongKnife .
there is a so called nature trail where i used to live . It is paved and runs for maybe 20 miles , its alright . A few years back a kid fell off his bike and hurt himself and with cell phones an ambulance could be called . An outcry went up for ambulance being able to access the 'nature trail' from a few different points . Its just funny , just a comment , maybe i am crazy . Maybe a helicopter landing site and standby helicopters and crew should be there , i don't know .

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