CNN: Mad that Trump got two scoops of ice cream


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
This organization is an outright joke. Clintons were walking off with billions, and they cover it up. But Trump is dastardly for taking an extra scoop of ice cream!

CNN ‘scoop’: More ice cream for Trump than others | | Media Equalizer

You really don't get it, do you? The point had nothing to do with the reporters getting more ice cream. It had to do with a president who is too arrogant to care if others receive equal consideration.
I haven't had ice cream since January...... Now I'm mad a Trump, so I'm giving to make fun of Cheetos.
Fattest president in a hundred years

Of course he demands two scoops
The outrage on the left is clearly demented.

The only benefit from this obvious derangement by the MSM, is now we have a media attacking the POTUS 24/7 rather than blowing the POTUS 24/ they did the prior asshole.
The outrage on the left is clearly demented.

The only benefit from this obvious derangement by the MSM, is now we have a media attacking the POTUS 24/7 rather than blowing the POTUS 24/ they did the prior asshole.

Actually I first read this on this message board, and Fox is all over it.
I can just see Fat Donny counting the scoops everyone gets
The outrage on the left is clearly demented.

The only benefit from this obvious derangement by the MSM, is now we have a media attacking the POTUS 24/7 rather than blowing the POTUS 24/ they did the prior asshole.
There is no outrage. The fat slob is being mocked by the media for being like a small child. The last thing trump needs is a double serving of ice cream.
His small hands wouldn't be able to hold the cone and he would drop it.
The outrage on the left is clearly demented.

The only benefit from this obvious derangement by the MSM, is now we have a media attacking the POTUS 24/7 rather than blowing the POTUS 24/ they did the prior asshole.
There is no outrage. The fat slob is being mocked by the media for being like a small child. The last thing trump needs is a double serving of ice cream.
Try to calm down. You might try yoga.
The outrage on the left is clearly demented.

The only benefit from this obvious derangement by the MSM, is now we have a media attacking the POTUS 24/7 rather than blowing the POTUS 24/ they did the prior asshole.
There is no outrage. The fat slob is being mocked by the media for being like a small child. The last thing trump needs is a double serving of ice cream.
Try to calm down. You might try yoga.
I am calm gipper. I think this is a funny story.
The outrage on the left is clearly demented.

The only benefit from this obvious derangement by the MSM, is now we have a media attacking the POTUS 24/7 rather than blowing the POTUS 24/ they did the prior asshole.
There is no outrage. The fat slob is being mocked by the media for being like a small child. The last thing trump needs is a double serving of ice cream.
Try to calm down. You might try yoga.
I am calm gipper. I think this is a funny story.
If yoga doesn't work, I am afraid it might be incurable.

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