CNN Legal Analyst Goes Rogue, Stunningly Supports Confirmation Of Kavanaugh, Slams Dems


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
CNN Legal Analyst Goes Rogue, Stunningly Supports Confirmation Of Kavanaugh, Slams Dems
CNN may have some regrets after asking a “group of expert commentators” about their reaction to the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings with Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford.... While the commentators delivered a predictable narrative on the testimonies of the Supreme Court nominee and the woman accusing him of sexually assaulting her nearly four decades ago, one of the group went rogue.... Citing facts as the basis and not the spectacle that unfolded, CNN legal analyst, Paul Callan, gave a no-nonsense assessment of why he was in favor of the Senate confirming Kavanaugh, while delivering a scathing appraisal of Ford’s testimony and Democrats’ behavior.... “Had this been a court proceeding, the charges against Kavanaugh would likely have been dismissed or a verdict of ‘not guilty’ rendered,” he concluded. “On the evidence adduced at the Kavanaugh hearings, the verdict of the Senate should be that his nomination is confirmed.”

When even CNN analysts can’t condone the Democrats actions. This speaks volumes. Will CNN take the risk, of public scrutiny, when they fire him? Finally CNN had on a person who is not a Dem robot! Callan was right in everything he said. It will be instructive to see if Mr. Callan suffers any adverse consequences for bucking the CNN Party line.
The American people are tired of this out of control crap from the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left aka DSA. There was NO evidence that supported Ford's accusation(s), whatsoever. Everyone she has named, has refuted her accusation, completely.
Thank you Mr. Paul Callan of CNN, for your courageous assessment, of the past Senate Judicial hearing.
CNN Legal Analyst Goes Rogue, Stunningly Supports Confirmation Of Kavanaugh, Slams Dems
CNN may have some regrets after asking a “group of expert commentators” about their reaction to the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings with Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford.... While the commentators delivered a predictable narrative on the testimonies of the Supreme Court nominee and the woman accusing him of sexually assaulting her nearly four decades ago, one of the group went rogue.... Citing facts as the basis and not the spectacle that unfolded, CNN legal analyst, Paul Callan, gave a no-nonsense assessment of why he was in favor of the Senate confirming Kavanaugh, while delivering a scathing appraisal of Ford’s testimony and Democrats’ behavior.... “Had this been a court proceeding, the charges against Kavanaugh would likely have been dismissed or a verdict of ‘not guilty’ rendered,” he concluded. “On the evidence adduced at the Kavanaugh hearings, the verdict of the Senate should be that his nomination is confirmed.”

When even CNN analysts can’t condone the Democrats actions. This speaks volumes. Will CNN take the risk, of public scrutiny, when they fire him? Finally CNN had on a person who is not a Dem robot! Callan was right in everything he said. It will be instructive to see if Mr. Callan suffers any adverse consequences for bucking the CNN Party line.
The American people are tired of this out of control crap from the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left aka DSA. There was NO evidence that supported Ford's accusation(s), whatsoever. Everyone she has named, has refuted her accusation, completely.
Thank you Mr. Paul Callan of CNN, for your courageous assessment, of the past Senate Judicial hearing.
Sounds like a job opening will be in his future at many other networks if someone gets stupid... . Good job Paul Callen.
Paul Callan should double-slam the Dems again...he should tell CNN to go "F--K themselves!" And go to NewsMax TV. He would suit well there with Mark Levine.
I've noticed a bit more of this lately. Might be a combination of realizing their low ratings demand more balance, and, if they continue supporting socialism, well, that's what the alt-left will give them. They have tried to be centre left, and they've gone far left.

How long will this last? We will see if this guy is invited again, he's been on many times so this will say alot...
I don't think any of the Democrats has claimed that a criminal case could be made on this flimsy "evidence." They just don't give a fuck.

If he was in favor of the "Constitutional Right of Abortion," they wouldn't care if there was videotape of a gangbang with K at the head of it, they would vote to confirm.

It's all about killing babies and the threat to that practice.
Most Americans have a sense of fair play about things and when they see obviously well thought out plans to completely destroy a person and his family for purely political reasons they don’t like it. It’s too easy to see themselves or a loved one as the innocent victim of such a vicious attack and react accordingly.

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