CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
You all know what I think of polls...
Rasmussen Poll: CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network
Coming in behind MSNBC. That's right - behind MSNBC.
Mark Tapson

A Rasmussen Poll published Wednesday declares that CNN is the least trusted news network on cable television, reports Politistick.

The new poll found that 75% of those polled watch at least some cable news (24% say they rarely or never watch cable news networks for politics). Out of that number, 42% watch Fox News, 35% CNN, and 19% MSNBC.

Fox News topped the poll as trusted by 50% of those polled. MSNBC is viewed as trusted by 43%. The Clinton News Network came in third in trustworthiness at 33%.

So much for “The Most Trusted Name in News.”

The older the voter, the more likely he or she is to watch cable news networks for politics. Older voters prefer Fox News, while those under 40 prefer to watch CNN.

The poll also found that among all voters, only 37% trust the political news they are getting, compared to 36% who do not. Twenty-six percent (26%) aren't sure.

Regarding election coverage, the poll revealed that


No surprise there. Most also didn’t trust media fact-checking during the campaign. No surprise there, either. Are you getting the message, news media?

Rasmussen Poll: CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network
You all know what I think of polls...
Rasmussen Poll: CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network
Coming in behind MSNBC. That's right - behind MSNBC.
Mark Tapson

A Rasmussen Poll published Wednesday declares that CNN is the least trusted news network on cable television, reports Politistick.

The new poll found that 75% of those polled watch at least some cable news (24% say they rarely or never watch cable news networks for politics). Out of that number, 42% watch Fox News, 35% CNN, and 19% MSNBC.

Fox News topped the poll as trusted by 50% of those polled. MSNBC is viewed as trusted by 43%. The Clinton News Network came in third in trustworthiness at 33%.

So much for “The Most Trusted Name in News.”

The older the voter, the more likely he or she is to watch cable news networks for politics. Older voters prefer Fox News, while those under 40 prefer to watch CNN.

The poll also found that among all voters, only 37% trust the political news they are getting, compared to 36% who do not. Twenty-six percent (26%) aren't sure.

Regarding election coverage, the poll revealed that


No surprise there. Most also didn’t trust media fact-checking during the campaign. No surprise there, either. Are you getting the message, news media?

Rasmussen Poll: CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network
Not just older folks watch FOX as they routinely beat CNN and MSDNC in the all important 25-54 demographic that advertisers covet.
You all know what I think of polls...
Rasmussen Poll: CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network
Coming in behind MSNBC. That's right - behind MSNBC.
Mark Tapson

A Rasmussen Poll published Wednesday declares that CNN is the least trusted news network on cable television, reports Politistick.

The new poll found that 75% of those polled watch at least some cable news (24% say they rarely or never watch cable news networks for politics). Out of that number, 42% watch Fox News, 35% CNN, and 19% MSNBC.

Fox News topped the poll as trusted by 50% of those polled. MSNBC is viewed as trusted by 43%. The Clinton News Network came in third in trustworthiness at 33%.

So much for “The Most Trusted Name in News.”

The older the voter, the more likely he or she is to watch cable news networks for politics. Older voters prefer Fox News, while those under 40 prefer to watch CNN.

The poll also found that among all voters, only 37% trust the political news they are getting, compared to 36% who do not. Twenty-six percent (26%) aren't sure.

Regarding election coverage, the poll revealed that


No surprise there. Most also didn’t trust media fact-checking during the campaign. No surprise there, either. Are you getting the message, news media?

Rasmussen Poll: CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network
Not just older folks watch FOX as they routinely beat CNN and MSDNC in the all important 25-54 demographic that advertisers covet.
What throughs this out of balance and reality is that the original big three, NBC, CBS and ABC get ten times the viewers as FOX cable news. The vast majority of Americans get their news from local stations.
If it was not for doctors waiting rooms, no one would watch CNN.

The leftist media have gone so far overboard everyone considers them the crazy old cat lady that lives down the street.
You all know what I think of polls...
Rasmussen Poll: CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network
Coming in behind MSNBC. That's right - behind MSNBC.
Mark Tapson

A Rasmussen Poll published Wednesday declares that CNN is the least trusted news network on cable television, reports Politistick.

The new poll found that 75% of those polled watch at least some cable news (24% say they rarely or never watch cable news networks for politics). Out of that number, 42% watch Fox News, 35% CNN, and 19% MSNBC.

Fox News topped the poll as trusted by 50% of those polled. MSNBC is viewed as trusted by 43%. The Clinton News Network came in third in trustworthiness at 33%.

So much for “The Most Trusted Name in News.”

The older the voter, the more likely he or she is to watch cable news networks for politics. Older voters prefer Fox News, while those under 40 prefer to watch CNN.

The poll also found that among all voters, only 37% trust the political news they are getting, compared to 36% who do not. Twenty-six percent (26%) aren't sure.

Regarding election coverage, the poll revealed that


No surprise there. Most also didn’t trust media fact-checking during the campaign. No surprise there, either. Are you getting the message, news media?

Rasmussen Poll: CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network
Not just older folks watch FOX as they routinely beat CNN and MSDNC in the all important 25-54 demographic that advertisers covet.
What throughs this out of balance and reality is that the original big three, NBC, CBS and ABC get ten times the viewers as FOX cable news. The vast majority of Americans get their news from local stations.
No argument there. The broadcast networks dominate dramatically.

The common lefty belief in here and elsewhere is Fox's audience is primarily older viewers and that, to them, is a negative and thus an audience to dismiss. But the reality is they have far more younger viewers than CNN and MSNBC, often combined. Not something the clowns like to hear about, thus I provide the service.
You all know what I think of polls...
Rasmussen Poll: CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network
Coming in behind MSNBC. That's right - behind MSNBC.
Mark Tapson

A Rasmussen Poll published Wednesday declares that CNN is the least trusted news network on cable television, reports Politistick.

The new poll found that 75% of those polled watch at least some cable news (24% say they rarely or never watch cable news networks for politics). Out of that number, 42% watch Fox News, 35% CNN, and 19% MSNBC.

Fox News topped the poll as trusted by 50% of those polled. MSNBC is viewed as trusted by 43%. The Clinton News Network came in third in trustworthiness at 33%.

So much for “The Most Trusted Name in News.”

The older the voter, the more likely he or she is to watch cable news networks for politics. Older voters prefer Fox News, while those under 40 prefer to watch CNN.

The poll also found that among all voters, only 37% trust the political news they are getting, compared to 36% who do not. Twenty-six percent (26%) aren't sure.

Regarding election coverage, the poll revealed that


No surprise there. Most also didn’t trust media fact-checking during the campaign. No surprise there, either. Are you getting the message, news media?

Rasmussen Poll: CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network
CNN and ABC are the most insidious networks in the history of television.
“Very Fake News”? You Bet
Trump's indictment is still an understatement.
February 20, 2017
Bruce Bawer


I moved to Europe in 1998, and it was just about that time that the New York Times went online in a serious way. I still remember sitting at an Amsterdam café one day at happy hour and having an American tourist say to me, with obvious wonder: “Did you know that you can read the New York Times online every day? The whole paper? For free?” For years thereafter, was the first site I went to every morning. It was, after all, the “newspaper of record.” And at the time, I was a regular contributor to it. In those days, hardly a month went by without my byline appearing in one section of the paper or another – the book review, the travel section, the op-ed page, Leisure & Arts, Week in Review. Even after I published my book on Islam, While Europe Slept, in 2006, and the phone calls and e-mails from the dozen or so Times editors I worked with mysteriously stopped coming all at once, I continued to peruse the Gray Lady while sipping my morning coffee.

Even as it became clearer and clearer that the powers that be at the Times had committed the paper to a see-no-evil position on Islam, I kept reading it, although it became increasingly maddening to do so. After a certain point I started trying to break free – but it was tough, like trying to kick heroin. A few weeks ago, unable to bear the daily onslaught of anti-Trump propaganda, I finally managed it: I stopped reading the New York Times. Hold the applause: I'm pretty sure that at some point I'll fall off the wagon.

But for the moment it feels good. What makes it feel even better is that I've also been entirely CNN-free for several months now. Well, almost entirely. I've slipped up a couple of times. The other evening, having read and heard about the wall-to-wall Trump-hate now on display at CNN, I felt obliged to check it out. Sure enough, when I put on Don Lemon's show in medias res, he and a panel of “experts” were discussing Trump's latest actions and statements. Uniformly, their reactions to everything were a combination of fake outrage and chuckling condescension. In short, nothing had changed since the campaign. None of them had learned anything. None of them was thinking seriously about anything. They were all still in the same reflexive mode. Who would want to watch any of this, except to see a reflection of his or her own lockstep hatred?

I was about to turn off the TV when Lemon's show cut to a commercial break. I know CNN in the U.S. runs actual ads – at least it did the last time I was there – but on CNN Europe those breaks are filled almost entirely with promos for CNN's own programming. When I shook off the CNN habit a few months ago, I had almost all of these promos memorized, like the TV commercial jingles of my childhood. The promo that came on the other evening was a new one for me, however. It was for Becky Anderson's show Connect the World. If Don Lemon's show was an anti-Trump hatefest, Anderson's promo was a loving celebration. A celebration of what? Two words: Abu Dhabi. Against the backdrop of a soaring musical score, Becky gave us an excited, affectionate overview of the emirate.


This, as they say, is CNN. If you're not watching it, you're not missing anything. Well, at least you're not mentioning anything that deserves to be called journalism. Very fake news? That's an understatement.

“Very Fake News”? You Bet
I seem to remember some odd story from one of the mainstreams years ago, about publications like the National Enquirer and the other supermarket tabloids and how amazed they were at how popular they were, the money/profits they made vs how outrageous their stories are.....all in contrast to their supposed factual news stories and how they were not doing as well.

Seems as though the MSM has tried to join the outrageous news, yet still fails.
The Ten Worst Cases Of 'Very Fake News'
A lying press is the enemy of the people.
February 24, 2017
Deborah Weiss

As you all know by now, Trump has repeatedly accused the MSM of disseminating “fake news”, a charge that is thrown back at Trump by Leftist propaganda media outlets posing as news organizations. For those of you who do not understand what "fake news" is, it is not just unsubstantiated or inaccurate stories that constitute fake news; it’s the biased (and very possibly coordinated) steady drum beat of characterizations, foundationless questions and the one sided selection of what is reported. Following are some examples of MSM fake news.

1) The Russians “hacked the election”, giving the false impression that Russia was able to get into the voting machines, and designed to lead the viewer to believe that Donald Trump did not win the election fairly, legally or honestly.

2) Donald Trump is "anti-Semitic" simply because he didn't word things the way they wanted him to, and ignoring or failing to report Trump’s policy positions that constitute the most pro-Israel positions we have seen in decades, including discussions to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and the UN Ambassador’s position to ensure that Israel will be protected at the UN. (Contrast this to Obama’s positions, which pandered to anti-Semitic Islamists and allowed unilateral targeting of Israel for scorn, while turning a blind eye to Palestinian terrorism. Yet, “anti-Semitic” was never a charge leveled at Obama).

... 8 more

10) Worst of all, the Left makes accusations of fake news when the news is actually real, but they don’t like the facts or conversely, cites parody as real news. This (purposely) confuses the public and makes it harder to distinguish real news from fake news. Yes, the Left is so full of it, that their claims of fake news are fake.

All of the above examples demonstrate tactics that the MSM uses to relay fake news, influence public opinion, and lead audiences to pre-determined conclusions. Almost all the MSM news these days is fake. And the President is right: it’s not just fake news; it’s “very fake news”. But very fake news is not news at all. It is commentary, opinion, stories, and sometimes outright fabrications presented as objective fact.

President Trump’s charge that “the press is the Enemy of the American people” is correct. But it isn’t because “a free and independent press” is a threat. It’s because the MSM, while free, is lacking the objectivity that used to constitute the hallmark of prestigious journalism. The public relies on the media to provide them with unbiased information (to the extent possible), which in turn, will help shape their understanding of events at home and abroad. Yet today, the constant one-sided, biased, and inaccurate reports flowing out of many “news” outlets more closely resemble propaganda, disinformation, or even influence operations, than they do news.

Information is power. Disinformation hurts the public that the media purports to serve. Yet, at this point, it seems safe to say that you are less informed if rely on the MSM for your information rather than more informed. My advice? Turn off the MSM and find other sources. President Trump is right: the lying press is dangerous.

The Ten Worst Cases Of 'Very Fake News'
Fake News Media Pretending Preet Bharara's Investigations Led to Dismissal
March 13, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

The fake news media has become an absurd joke. Its coverage is little more than propaganda that is so blatantly dishonest it might as well be operating in North Korea.


This isn't a partisan issue. This is just reality. The media went from reporting on the dismissal of 46 prosecutors to spinning conspiracy theories about Preet Bharara getting fired because of FOX News. This is typical of how the media just creates its own conspiracy theories while ignoring its own reporting.

Fake News Media Pretending Preet Bharara's Investigations Led to Dismissal
April 6, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

And now your latest Fake News brought to you by CNN, the official channel of Fake News, and sponsored by Pepsi.

When King Abdullah II of Jordan was presented with a wave of refugees from Syria, he welcomed more than a million people into his country.

When President Donald Trump was presented the same, he closed the door.

This is so wrong that it actually redefines the term wrong.

Not only hasn't Jordan resettled any Syrian or Iraqi migrants, but after several generations it still refuses to grant citizenship to its own "Palestinians" who ended up there after a failed genocidal campaign of ethnic cleansing against Israel.

Much of Jordan's population still doesn't have citizenship. This has extensive legal implications for things like marriage.


FACT CHECK: CNN Misleads About Trump, Jordan and Refugees


June 15, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


1. Zucker got his start on the Today show. He headed entertainment for NBC. He has zero connections to journalism. His big idea for CNN was infotainment.

2. CNN and the rest of the media have been obsessively trying to delegitimize the 2nd amendment and those parts of the 1st amendment that they don't like, most notably Freedom of Religion, while working to censor supposed "fake news" on social media.

3. The Constitution protects a free press. There's nothing free about a series of media monopolies pushing a single agenda and trying to suppress any different points of view while trying to overthrow the results of a democratic election.

If Zucker had any sense of shame, he would be ashamed. But the media has no shame. Just arrogance, anger and greed.

CNN Boss Whines About "Shameful Attacks" on Media
I seem to remember some odd story from one of the mainstreams years ago, about publications like the National Enquirer and the other supermarket tabloids and how amazed they were at how popular they were, the money/profits they made vs how outrageous their stories are.....all in contrast to their supposed factual news stories and how they were not doing as well.

Seems as though the MSM has tried to join the outrageous news, yet still fails.


You all know what I think of polls...
Rasmussen Poll: CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network
Coming in behind MSNBC. That's right - behind MSNBC.
Mark Tapson

A Rasmussen Poll published Wednesday declares that CNN is the least trusted news network on cable television, reports Politistick.

The new poll found that 75% of those polled watch at least some cable news (24% say they rarely or never watch cable news networks for politics). Out of that number, 42% watch Fox News, 35% CNN, and 19% MSNBC.

Fox News topped the poll as trusted by 50% of those polled. MSNBC is viewed as trusted by 43%. The Clinton News Network came in third in trustworthiness at 33%.

So much for “The Most Trusted Name in News.”

The older the voter, the more likely he or she is to watch cable news networks for politics. Older voters prefer Fox News, while those under 40 prefer to watch CNN.

The poll also found that among all voters, only 37% trust the political news they are getting, compared to 36% who do not. Twenty-six percent (26%) aren't sure.

Regarding election coverage, the poll revealed that


No surprise there. Most also didn’t trust media fact-checking during the campaign. No surprise there, either. Are you getting the message, news media?

Rasmussen Poll: CNN Least Trusted Cable News Network



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