CNN in pre-CYA FisaGate mode


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
CNN reported that an FBI attorney will be recommended for criminal indictments relating to the false, inaccurate, deceptive FISA warrant sworn out on Carter Page which marked the known beginning of the Obama Administration's spying on a Presidential candidate.

They described it as basically a harmless clerical error that should not distract from Trump Collusion with the Russians.

Shit got real
Good luck with selling a "clerical error" to a jury of 12 people. If this is the best that Republicans can do, it's pretty weak, after all of their rantings and ravings about a vast security agency conspiracy to spy on the Trump campaign. This reeks of total desperation not to come up empty.
Good luck with selling a "clerical error" to a jury of 12 people. If this is the best that Republicans can do, it's pretty weak, after all of their rantings and ravings about a vast security agency conspiracy to spy on the Trump campaign. This reeks of total desperation not to come up empty.
NOW the POS is hosting Romney and others who might vote against him Does trump have one ounce of decency?? A mafia crook
CNN reported that an FBI attorney will be recommended for criminal indictments relating to the false, inaccurate, deceptive FISA warrant sworn out on Carter Page which marked the known beginning of the Obama Administration's spying on a Presidential candidate.

They described it as basically a harmless clerical error that should not distract from Trump Collusion with the Russians.

Shit got real
FBI Official Under Investigation for Alteration of Carter Page Surveillance Document | The Washington Pundit
Good luck with selling a "clerical error" to a jury of 12 people. If this is the best that Republicans can do, it's pretty weak,

You're right Dragonlady...on everything but the "republicans"'s the filth trying to say it was a "minor clerical error"...and yes, TRY to convince a jury of that! :)
Lots of stuff will be coming out before the horowitz report (dec 9th)! They're trying to get ahead of the bad news...maybe make up a sob story to soften the blow.

Obama didn't mean tooooooo :boohoo:
Lots of stuff will be coming out before the horowitz report (dec 9th)! They're trying to get ahead of the bad news...maybe make up a sob story to soften the blow.

Obama didn't mean tooooooo :boohoo:

What bad news? Every law suit the Trump Administration has tried, they've lost. Justice is spending all of its time investigation the FBI, CIA and NSA. They couldn't even get the grand jury to indict McCable.

Not one prosecution of a Democrat, a law enforcement office or anyone else, EXCEPT TRUMP STAFFERS, ADVISORS AND CRONIES. Those are the guys going to jail.
Lots of stuff will be coming out before the horowitz report (dec 9th)! They're trying to get ahead of the bad news...maybe make up a sob story to soften the blow.

Obama didn't mean tooooooo :boohoo:

What bad news? Every law suit the Trump Administration has tried, they've lost. Justice is spending all of its time investigation the FBI, CIA and NSA. They couldn't even get the grand jury to indict McCable.

Not one prosecution of a Democrat, a law enforcement office or anyone else, EXCEPT TRUMP STAFFERS, ADVISORS AND CRONIES. Those are the guys going to jail.

Give it a couple of more weeks and the perp walking will begin!
Good luck with selling a "clerical error" to a jury of 12 people. If this is the best that Republicans can do, it's pretty weak, after all of their rantings and ravings about a vast security agency conspiracy to spy on the Trump campaign. This reeks of total desperation not to come up empty.
well when the best your side can do is "look into it" becomes impeachable, we have to admit the bars been dropped about as low as it can go.

but put nothing past the dems. they can take it lower i'm sure.

This should satisfy the mods requirements ....another demonRAT DEEP STATER hopefully going to feel the STING of the Attorney General .....seems this slow but steady CRIMINAL PROCEDURES will easily replace the phony impeachment hearings even in the party of INFANTICIDES lap dog media!

Powerlineblog ^ | November 21, 2019 | John Hinderaker

Imagine how it must have pained CNN to report this: “FBI official under investigation after allegedly altering document in 2016 Russia probe.”

Who is the official? We don’t know. Nor does the CNN report makes clear the context, although, given the scope of the DOJ Inspector General’s investigation, obtaining the FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page is the obvious candidate.

An FBI official is under criminal investigation after allegedly altering a document related to 2016 surveillance of a Trump campaign adviser, several people briefed on the matter told CNN.
Presumably, that means the FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page.

The possibility of a substantive change to an investigative document is likely to fuel accusations from President Donald Trump and his allies that the FBI committed wrongdoing in its investigation of connections between Russian election meddling and the Trump campaign.
Well, yes. That is the point.

Horowitz turned over evidence on the allegedly altered document to John Durham, the federal prosecutor appointed early this year by Attorney General William Barr to conduct a broad investigation of intelligence gathered for the Russia probe by the CIA and other agencies, including the FBI. The altered document is also at least one focus of Durham’s criminal probe.

…The alterations were significant enough to have shifted the document’s meaning and came up during a part of Horowitz’s FISA review where details were classified, according to the sources.
So someone at the FBI needs to go to jail. This sounds like a tough rap to beat.

Horowitz’s investigators conducted more than 100 witness interviews in their review. During one of interviews this year, they confronted the witness about the document. The witness admitted to the change, the sources said.
Sounds like a pretty easy criminal prosecution. There is no conceivable excuse for altering a document that is submitted to a panel of federal judges as the basis for obtaining a warrant to spy on an American.

Maybe this has been public for a while, but I haven’t seen it: CNN says that the IG’s report will be published on December 9, and Horowitz will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on December 11. I’m looking forward to it.
Obama is going to jail......Horowitz is brining them all down.....#MAGA

Look for this FBI lawyer to be indicted by next week -- and his ties to Obama will be exposed

Its about time someone connected to the Dems get arrested, its unfair that Trump's people get all of the indictments..
Obama is going to jail......Horowitz is brining them all down.....#MAGA

Look for this FBI lawyer to be indicted by next week -- and his ties to Obama will be exposed

Its about time someone connected to the Dems get arrested, its unfair that Trump's people get all of the indictments..
I expect thete is a firewall around obama

But if it all comes crashing down his reputation will suffer
Obama is going to jail......Horowitz is brining them all down.....#MAGA

Look for this FBI lawyer to be indicted by next week -- and his ties to Obama will be exposed

Its about time someone connected to the Dems get arrested, its unfair that Trump's people get all of the indictments..
I expect thete is a firewall around obama

But if it all comes crashing down his reputation will suffer
So basically, Obama is more powerful than Trump...even tho Obama hasn't been president for 3 years??

Cool......Who else is more powerful than Trump?? Maybe we need to let those folks run things instead of pretending Trump is running it
Obama is going to jail......Horowitz is brining them all down.....#MAGA

Look for this FBI lawyer to be indicted by next week -- and his ties to Obama will be exposed

Its about time someone connected to the Dems get arrested, its unfair that Trump's people get all of the indictments..
I expect thete is a firewall around obama

But if it all comes crashing down his reputation will suffer
So basically, Obama is more powerful than Trump...even tho Obama hasn't been president for 3 years??

Cool......Who else is more powerful than Trump?? Maybe we need to let those folks run things instead of pretending Trump is running it
I suspect that obama underlings will not betray him

Nor does the Deep State which still has great influence want to harm obama
Lots of stuff will be coming out before the horowitz report (dec 9th)! They're trying to get ahead of the bad news...maybe make up a sob story to soften the blow.

Obama didn't mean tooooooo :boohoo:

What bad news? Every law suit the Trump Administration has tried, they've lost. Justice is spending all of its time investigation the FBI, CIA and NSA. They couldn't even get the grand jury to indict McCable.

Not one prosecution of a Democrat, a law enforcement office or anyone else, EXCEPT TRUMP STAFFERS, ADVISORS AND CRONIES. Those are the guys going to jail.

Give it a couple of more weeks and the perp walking will begin!

You’ve said the same thing through 20 plus investigations. How’s that working out for you so far?
Obama is going to jail......Horowitz is brining them all down.....#MAGA

Look for this FBI lawyer to be indicted by next week -- and his ties to Obama will be exposed

Its about time someone connected to the Dems get arrested, its unfair that Trump's people get all of the indictments..

Democrats don’t hire criminals or commit crimes as a standard operating practice. Cons can’t seem to help themselves. Maybe conservatives are just criminal by nature.

Trump has always been a liar and a criminal. His impeachment was inevitable.
Obama is going to jail......Horowitz is brining them all down.....#MAGA

Look for this FBI lawyer to be indicted by next week -- and his ties to Obama will be exposed

Its about time someone connected to the Dems get arrested, its unfair that Trump's people get all of the indictments..

Democrats don’t hire criminals or commit crimes as a standard operating practice. Cons can’t seem to help themselves. Maybe conservatives are just criminal by nature.

Trump has always been a liar and a criminal. His impeachment was inevitable.
The democrats can impeach on a simple majority in the house

but their case is bs and it will fall apart in the senate

you got nuthin
Lots of stuff will be coming out before the horowitz report (dec 9th)! They're trying to get ahead of the bad news...maybe make up a sob story to soften the blow.

Obama didn't mean tooooooo :boohoo:

What bad news? Every law suit the Trump Administration has tried, they've lost. Justice is spending all of its time investigation the FBI, CIA and NSA. They couldn't even get the grand jury to indict McCable.

Not one prosecution of a Democrat, a law enforcement office or anyone else, EXCEPT TRUMP STAFFERS, ADVISORS AND CRONIES. Those are the guys going to jail.

Give it a couple of more weeks and the perp walking will begin!

You’ve said the same thing through 20 plus investigations. How’s that working out for you so far?

How is that impeachment inquiry going for you? Mired in the mud of hearsay?

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