CNN fires Editor for Admiration of Hezbollah Cleric

Big Fitz

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Nov 23, 2009
CNN Fires Middle Eastern Editor Over Tweet

Well that goes some way to why CNN has had an anti-Israel slant for 20 years. Nothing like having someone who admires terrorists dedicated to destroying Israel on staff to bring impartiality to your news cast.

This is where the fairness doctrine should REALLY be applied. Editorial staffs. The ones who really decide what goes on the news.
CNN Fires Middle Eastern Editor Over Tweet

Well that goes some way to why CNN has had an anti-Israel slant for 20 years. Nothing like having someone who admires terrorists dedicated to destroying Israel on staff to bring impartiality to your news cast.

This is where the fairness doctrine should REALLY be applied. Editorial staffs. The ones who really decide what goes on the news.

No, no, no. That would be government interference in journalism.

The Fairness Doctrine is intended only to cripple conservative viewpoints in the media.
I am not surprised the woman tweeted what she did about the Aytollah..

"Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah was known for his relatively liberal views on women, [30] such as that they are equal to men. He believed that women have just as much of a responsibility towards society as men do, and women should be role models for both men and women.[31] Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah also believed that women have the same exact ability as men to fight their inner weaknesses.[32][33] He saw Hijab as something that makes a man see a woman not as a sex object, but instead as a human being. He believes that women should cover their entire body except for their face and hands, and that they should avoid wearing excessive make-up when they go out in public.[34]

Fadlallah also issued a fatwa on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women that supports the right of a woman to defend herself against any act of violence whether social or physical. The fatwa reaffirms the rights of women, both at their workplace and at home, and states that Islam forbids men from exercising any form of violence against women and forbids men from depriving women of their legal rights. In his words "physical violence in which women are beaten, proves that these men are weak, for only the weak are in need of unjust violence".[35] He also issued fatwas (religious edicts) forbidding female circumcision and honour killings."
Daveman said:
No, no, no. That would be government interference in journalism.

The Fairness Doctrine is intended only to cripple conservative viewpoints in the media.

Oh that's right.... I fergotted for a moment.

"Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah was known for his relatively liberal views on women,... <snip lots puzzling of details>

Yes, that's all well and good, but on par with the "Hitler loved animals" kinda line. A redeeming feature, which really, after spending a few years driving muslim children to school and seeing enclaves of them like "Little Mogadishu" and "Little Somalia" here in the Twin Cities.... I really have to say it's quite a skewed view of being liberal on women issues. I've seen my fair share of Hijabs and honestly, they don't help the men look at women any differently other than a shapeless ankle length dress would.

So in a way, compared to his peers on this subject, yes, okay, I can see why maybe this woman admired that aspect about that, but I highly doubt it stopped there. CNN was very wise to let her go due to lost credibility.
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