CNN aired the series tonight............."History of the sitcom" and its TRASH

What is interesting to me is the complete role reversal of men and women in the past 50 years in sitcoms.

In the 50s and 60s - Women were submissive kitchen dwellers who were ditsy and always referred to their husbands opinions because they were really just silly women.
In the 70s, there was a "movement" of sorts where women were no longer the little woman. Their roles were much more even with the men, and even showed them how dumb they were at times.
But by the 1980s... men were all idiots. Complete dumbasses, and now it is the brilliant wife that constantly has to save them from their childish stupidity. And it is still this way today. Name a family sitcom where the husband is not an imbecile and the wife is not smarter, more mature and always ends up saving the day.
Which is why we haven't watched a single network sitcom in years. The last sitcom I can think of that I watched was The Office. Watched some of Sunny in Philadelphia and Parks and Rec and of course Trailer Park Boys. But none of those are family sitcoms.
The most pathetic male tv character of all time is Ray Ramano
The most pathetic male tv character of all time is Ray Ramano
For sure... and at the same time who the hell would want to be married to Debbie?
CONSTANTLY bitching and belittling Ray every single day. I think I would rather be married to Marie the mother-in-law than Debbie.
Although... she was pretty hot.

For sure... and at the same time who the hell would want to be married to Debbie?
CONSTANTLY bitching and belittling Ray every single day. I think I would rather be married to Marie the mother-in-law than Debbie.
Although... she was pretty hot.

View attachment 523177
she was hot enough to ruin my credit

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