Closing Our Borders To Africa: Nigerian Immigrants - Heroin, Ebola, And Militant Islam


Senior Member
May 4, 2014

I spoke to this forum, awhile ago about my fears about the influx of Nigerian immigrants. I stated that they would pose a security threat to our nation because they are migrating because of their impoverished conditions not because of political or religious constraints.

I also stated that many of them didnt truly integrate into the American system, they stayed in enclaves - pockets that for the most part are hosting Islamic extremism. Shortly after my post, there was news coverage about Boko Haram - and the inability of the Nigerian government being able to contain their extremism.

I also stated that we really should rethink our open borders to Africa, as we give hundreds of millions of dollars in aid per year, and still have our open borders to that population.

There are plenty of other African countries if we want to be generous that could receive our aid - they should be political refugees not simply leaving because they are poor. We have poverty here.

1. Heroin: (a) Source for history - the Nigerians used to give the heroin to African Americans to sell them breakdowns to their impoverished communities. Now, they are giving Heroin to rural area White college students. Distribution in Three Cities.pdf (b) Now: Prosecutors Nigerian ran heroin smuggling ring - Washington Times
2. Boko Haram: Out of the 2.5 Million Nigerians that are here, I bet you if you polled them - 50-60% are muslim. They are not like the Malcolm X muslim, they are not like the Caldean muslim, they are radical extremists.
3. Ebola: African countries do not have proper screening systems - for health and otherwise.

I think we should re-evalutae our obsession with just primarily focusing on South of the border which is also a problem and look at rewriting WHY we are letting these people in simply because they are poor? I dont mind letting them in if they are seeking political asylum i.e. they tried to over throw their dictator government, got caught and need refuge here. I dont mind if they are seeking religious refuge. But if our government is giving your country $500 some million dollars in aid, and you are still coming here something is wrong.

Rural areas need aid.

And there are like - what seems to be 1 million of them in Texas.
no , the Statue can stand , just get rid of the destructive emma lazurus lefty propaganda poem Luddley !!
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should be no propaganda , what was the Statue built to signify , certainly wasn't --- give us yer huddled masses !!

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