Clinton's speech


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
During his speech I must admit I agreed with him when he said that in 1996 the country was in the MIDDLE of the biggest peacetime expansion of the economy in history. If we consider that the expansion ended in 2008 that means it started, according to Clinton, somewhere around 1986 and we know who was president then. Clinton was able to ride out the expansion but his failed policies lead to what we are seeing today. It was predicted and it occurred. When Clinton pushed for the "free" trade agreements like no president before him it was predicted that there would be a great sucking sound of jobs leaving the country, and that is exactly what is happening. Doesn't matter if the Republicans wanted the agreements or not they would not have passed with out Clinton strong arming his own party. Then we have have the dotcom crash in 2001, the wind down from the unfounded scare over Y2K and the result of Clinton's limb wristed dealings with terrorists resulting in 9/11. Of all the Presidents I have known I doubt any did more damage to the American people then did W.J. Clinton. And this is said without bring up his LYING UNDER OATH.
Any successes Clinton had were related to his Republican Congress. NAFTA was his baby along with the beginning of what led to the housing bubble.
is that why the repubs want to implement trade agreements with other nations, Reagan and Bush pushed for china as a most favored nation, to open up markets. It is what big business wants, and they usually get it.
But also remember that Congress makes the treaties with nations to trade with, and the repubs controlled Congress and also pushed NAFTA.
Any successes Clinton had were related to his Republican Congress. NAFTA was his baby along with the beginning of what led to the housing bubble.

Shit loads of republicans wanted and voted for NAFTA. And Bush SR. signed it the first time around.

Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1986 among the three nations, the leaders met in San Antonio, Texas, on December 17, 1992, to sign NAFTA. U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas, each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed it. The agreement then needed to be ratified by each nation's legislative or parliamentary branch.

North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And republicans ratified it right beside the dems.
clinton submitted a budget busting budgetg that was even voted down by his own party.. they when dems got slaughtered ie 3010 he moved to the center and became more pragmatic. Something obama will never do

dems and obama are fixated on the 21 new taxes in obamacare. then of course bubbas read all 2000 pages. Dems can't spend evnough and they can't tax enough.
I would go along with a tax increase on the rich but the dems would just give it to bums that don't wanna work so bullshit on that.
Slick Willie's long tiring speech was full of BS as per usual....

He's a liar as much as Obama is....remember Clinton promised he would NOT raise taxes....and then raised them almost immediately once elected....? Obama will do the same thing....
Sounded like he was campaigning for himself, or Hillary in four years.

He nailed Obama with a few huge shots.
Any successes Clinton had were related to his Republican Congress. NAFTA was his baby along with the beginning of what led to the housing bubble.

The housing bubble was bad, real bad for those greedy SOBs who were playing the system. They should have been made to pay. But did you know that the prices of housing dropped to where it should have been due to inflation, not below?
During his speech I must admit I agreed with him when he said that in 1996 the country was in the MIDDLE of the biggest peacetime expansion of the economy in history. If we consider that the expansion ended in 2008 that means it started, according to Clinton, somewhere around 1986 and we know who was president then. Clinton was able to ride out the expansion but his failed policies lead to what we are seeing today. It was predicted and it occurred. When Clinton pushed for the "free" trade agreements like no president before him it was predicted that there would be a great sucking sound of jobs leaving the country, and that is exactly what is happening. Doesn't matter if the Republicans wanted the agreements or not they would not have passed with out Clinton strong arming his own party. Then we have have the dotcom crash in 2001, the wind down from the unfounded scare over Y2K and the result of Clinton's limb wristed dealings with terrorists resulting in 9/11. Of all the Presidents I have known I doubt any did more damage to the American people then did W.J. Clinton. And this is said without bring up his LYING UNDER OATH.

You're an idiot. There were recessions in 1990 and 2001. You can't even get economic history correct let alone make any comments about it.
Sounded like he was campaigning for himself, or Hillary in four years.

He nailed Obama with a few huge shots.

He was campaigning that is why I bring up the reality of him and not the stroybook BS we are hearing.

Please share how he nailed Obama.
"If we consider that the expansion ended in 2008 that means it started"

The expansion ended when George W. Bush cut taxes twice using reconciliation to block Democratic oppostion and started two totally by choice. The guy assumed a balanced budget with surpluses projected all the way to the outyears then was too stupid to continue with Clinton's plan and pay off the national debt. Ironically it would have been "paid in full" this year.
During his speech I must admit I agreed with him when he said that in 1996 the country was in the MIDDLE of the biggest peacetime expansion of the economy in history. If we consider that the expansion ended in 2008 that means it started, according to Clinton, somewhere around 1986 and we know who was president then. Clinton was able to ride out the expansion but his failed policies lead to what we are seeing today. It was predicted and it occurred. When Clinton pushed for the "free" trade agreements like no president before him it was predicted that there would be a great sucking sound of jobs leaving the country, and that is exactly what is happening. Doesn't matter if the Republicans wanted the agreements or not they would not have passed with out Clinton strong arming his own party. Then we have have the dotcom crash in 2001, the wind down from the unfounded scare over Y2K and the result of Clinton's limb wristed dealings with terrorists resulting in 9/11. Of all the Presidents I have known I doubt any did more damage to the American people then did W.J. Clinton. And this is said without bring up his LYING UNDER OATH.

Well to your "points":

With NAFTA you are comparing apples and oranges. NAFTA moved manufacturing low skill low paying jobs out of the country. But Clinton's version of NAFTA included funding for the retraining those effected by the bill. This led to a great many people discovering technology and getting hired at better jobs with better salaries. Additionally imports and exports exploded which added shipping jobs to that expansion. The amount of people newly employed under the Clinton administration is record breaking.

The "Dotcom" crash was the result of a new industry no one had any idea what to do with. Prior to the Clinton administration, the internet was basicaly a rich man's or geek's hobby. After the Clinton administration it became a market place. The paradigm shift during the Clinton administration was a "work in progress". Most people are aren't savvy enough to understand this call it a "bust". It wasn't.

The "unfounded" Y2K scare was a very real problem. Thanks to the efforts of people, like myself, who worked countless hours to get legacy software and hardware in to shape, nothing much happened. People in technology are the unsung heroes of that effort.

Clinton's efforts against terrorists were hardly "limp wristed" and prime example of conservative obstruction. The Muj were essentially a US conservative creation of dirt poor religious zealots fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. To US conservatives, this was a "fun" way to embarrass the Soviets and mette out retribution for Vietnam. For the US in general, this was a proof of concept for the very same terrorists who had animosity for the west in general. It was George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan that sent serious funding to Osama Bin Laden. Clinton identified Bin Laden as a threat but American Conservatives laughed at him, saying he was "wagging the dog" to obscure the witch hunt they had going to get him out of office. They blocked efforts that Clinton initiated to send special forces to get Bin Laden and let him have missiles instead.

The Clinton impeachment had nothing to do with "lying" and everything to do with usurping power and embarrassing the opposition. The same goes for shutting down the government, twice. The Conservatives took, what were severe government powers and used them as weapons in trivial partisan bickering..with grave consequences. As 9/11 has shown.
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During his speech I must admit I agreed with him when he said that in 1996 the country was in the MIDDLE of the biggest peacetime expansion of the economy in history. If we consider that the expansion ended in 2008 that means it started, according to Clinton, somewhere around 1986 and we know who was president then. Clinton was able to ride out the expansion but his failed policies lead to what we are seeing today. It was predicted and it occurred. When Clinton pushed for the "free" trade agreements like no president before him it was predicted that there would be a great sucking sound of jobs leaving the country, and that is exactly what is happening. Doesn't matter if the Republicans wanted the agreements or not they would not have passed with out Clinton strong arming his own party. Then we have have the dotcom crash in 2001, the wind down from the unfounded scare over Y2K and the result of Clinton's limb wristed dealings with terrorists resulting in 9/11. Of all the Presidents I have known I doubt any did more damage to the American people then did W.J. Clinton. And this is said without bring up his LYING UNDER OATH.

You're an idiot. There were recessions in 1990 and 2001. You can't even get economic history correct let alone make any comments about it.

So what are you saying is that the recession ended in 2001? That still would not mean that Clinton had a thing to do with the expansion. Or are you saying that Clinton was lying? HE said in the middle, I just agreed with him. Yes, there were recessions but we hardly noticed because we didn't have Obama around to make them the weakest and the longest of recoveries. A recession is part of the normal business cycle.
Any successes Clinton had were related to his Republican Congress. NAFTA was his baby along with the beginning of what led to the housing bubble.

NAFTA was Republican supported. No Republicans voted for Clinton's 1993 budget.

that is what I said but it would not have passed without Clinton. Clinton is the reason that the Republcians took over in 1995 and things went great until 2006 when the democrats took over. The timeline just doesn't look good for the democrat party. I said the boom ended in 2008 because all through Bush's term unemployment was low and we recovered from the Clinton spawned recession and 9/11.
During his speech I must admit I agreed with him when he said that in 1996 the country was in the MIDDLE of the biggest peacetime expansion of the economy in history. If we consider that the expansion ended in 2008 that means it started, according to Clinton, somewhere around 1986 and we know who was president then. Clinton was able to ride out the expansion but his failed policies lead to what we are seeing today. It was predicted and it occurred. When Clinton pushed for the "free" trade agreements like no president before him it was predicted that there would be a great sucking sound of jobs leaving the country, and that is exactly what is happening. Doesn't matter if the Republicans wanted the agreements or not they would not have passed with out Clinton strong arming his own party. Then we have have the dotcom crash in 2001, the wind down from the unfounded scare over Y2K and the result of Clinton's limb wristed dealings with terrorists resulting in 9/11. Of all the Presidents I have known I doubt any did more damage to the American people then did W.J. Clinton. And this is said without bring up his LYING UNDER OATH.

You're an idiot. There were recessions in 1990 and 2001. You can't even get economic history correct let alone make any comments about it.

So what are you saying is that the recession ended in 2001? That still would not mean that Clinton had a thing to do with the expansion. Or are you saying that Clinton was lying? HE said in the middle, I just agreed with him. Yes, there were recessions but we hardly noticed because we didn't have Obama around to make them the weakest and the longest of recoveries. A recession is part of the normal business cycle.

Clinton was referring to the 10 year expansion from 1991 to 2001.
All the usual talking points from the left. If it's good, it's all Dem accomplishments, if it's bad, it was the evil Republican's fault.

Seriously, we need to stop the blame and elect the people that can fix this without partisanship. Obama can't, he doesn't know how, and his administrative appointments are complete failures!!

I'm going to give Romney a chance, if he can't do it, I'll vote him out. I refuse to allow the talking heads in DC to tell me it's about Party, it's about who can fix this dam* mess instead of making it worse.

I'm thoroughly disgusted with Washington, if they're not doing the job, vote them out no matter how long they've been there.

Haaaa heros, yeah you made a whole pot load of money being heros.

I confuse nothing, what was predicted then happened.


As for you claim of an increase in exports, there was no boom. 1992 is as far as this site went back.

United States Exports
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Any successes Clinton had were related to his Republican Congress. NAFTA was his baby along with the beginning of what led to the housing bubble.

NAFTA was Republican supported. No Republicans voted for Clinton's 1993 budget.

NAFTA was intiated by George HW Bush. Clinton took it over and added a retraining component..

It was WILDLY successful.



Cut out the whole post did ya?

Arguing with an empty chair..

Good on you.

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