Climate Change Activist rally: "Cold weather not the point!!!"


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Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
High tide hits as Olympia rally calls attention to climate change

Published: January 15, 2013

Cold weather not the point, environmentalist says


Freezing weather with light snow flurries greeted about 200 climate activists gathered on the steps of the state Capitol noon Monday to demand the state Legislature get serious about climate change.

Anger over a political system that is slow to respond to the climate crisis, including a recent presidential campaign in which both major party candidates avoided the topic like the plague and stepped all over each other portraying themselves as coal-friendly in pursuit of coal-country votes in swing states such as Ohio.

“We need to channel our anger into action,” Pickett said. “We’ve got to stop feeding our addiction to fossil fuels.” Despair that decisive action, moving forward won’t keep the planet from heating up far into the future, leaving a mess for today’s children and grandchildren.

Read more here: High tide hits as Olympia rally calls attention to climate change | Northwest News | The Bellingham Herald

High tide hits as Olympia rally calls attention to climate change | Northwest News | The Bellingham Herald

The ONLY question becomes, why are these people wasting an entire day on this? Can somebody explain that to me? Here is the spectacular level of futility of the committed warmists clearly on display right here in this one article. Trakkar would have a higher liklihood of success if he listed himself as a participant in next months Miss Universe pageant.

Cold weather is exactly the point:D:D. Ask the people of eastern China if they want to open up their wallet to stop "global warming" living for the past 3 weeks in temperatures that freeze hot water in 1 second. Freezing temperatures in the southwest this week..........tell those people "The government is going to double your electric bill due to global warming but dont worry, your heat will be delivered via a windmill in your back yard!! You'll be saving the planet"

In other words, the reality is..................

as always, weather is only weather, until CAGW needs it to be climate.

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