Clegg tax war on the middle class: Families could face 'lie detector tests'


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Middle-class families could be forced to undergo lie detector tests as part of a major crackdown on tax avoidance being spearheaded by Nick Clegg.

Tens of thousands will face intrusive new tax investigations under the plans unveiled by the Deputy Prime Minister yesterday.

Clegg tax war on the middle class: Families could face 'lie detector tests' | Mail Online

My favorite quote from the article:

He will say that legal tax avoidance and illegal evasion are ‘just as bad’ as falsely claiming benefits, adding: ‘Both come down to stealing money from your neighbours.’

So saving your money from the clutches of the government is stealing from your neighbors. But the government taking money from the people that it has no right to in the first place isn't stealing at all.

These nonsensical policies are from the Con-Dem government that is supposed to be about limiting government, not making it larger and more intrusive in people's lives. Just goes to show that whether your "conservative," "liberal," or "progressive" the state will always continue growing.

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