Classic Liberal Professors Speech Canceled over Antifa Security Concerns Post-Charlottesville


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is just an excuse to squelch free speech and Dr Jordan Peterson is no fucking Nazi, rflmao.

This is an excellent example of how the Big Media smears anyone that they disagree with as 'White Supremacist'.

Another meeting canceled near San Francisco had seven speakers several of whom were black, one was Hispanic and one was transgender, roflmao

Toronto university cancels 'free speech' event after Charlottesville - BBC News
A Canadian university has cancelled an event on the "stifling of free speech", citing safety concerns following the violent protests in Charlottesville.

Featuring controversial speaker Faith Goldy, the event was organised by a visiting Ryerson University tutor.

But on Wednesday, the school cancelled the 22 August event because it said it could not guarantee public safety.

The clashes in the US claimed one woman's life when a car ploughed into a crowd of anti-fascists.

A spokesperson said the university was "prioritising safety" over free speech "in light of recent events".....

The event was to feature controversial speakers Faith Goldy, Jordan Peterson and Gad Saad.

Faith Goldy is a journalist and political commentator with Canada's right-wing digital news site Rebel Media. In June, Goldy broadcast a YouTube video arguing that immigration policies were contributing to a "white genocide" in Canada.

While covering Charlottesville over the weekend for Rebel Media, she appeared to sympathize with many of the ideas espoused by the protesters.

Since then, the Rebel's founder Ezra Levant has publically denounced the so-called "alt-right," and a number of freelance journalists with the Rebel have announced they will no longer work for the organization.

University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson has made a name for himself campaigning against Canada's new transgender rights laws.

Gad Saad is a business professor who writes about how sex differences affect the consumer and argues against political correctness.​

Oh noes! she appeared to sympathize with the alt-Right! OMG!

People the Superstate is going to silence all of us if we are not leftwing cock suckers pretty damned soon.
White genocide is still taboo but it won't be for long. Way too many white bitches fucking the n*ggers these days.

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