Class Warefare; The 1%; Union Bosses


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
While the rank and file go on strike for weeks at the behest of Labor bosses, just who do the workers blame? The Corporate CEO's, the 1%ers who don't care for their employees, right?

Just who are the 1%ers? Let's take a look:

1. UFCW (United Food & Commercial Workers) boss - salary $360,737 in 2009. Outgoing president received $709,000.

2. NEA (National Education Association), Teachers Union, President received $397, 721.

3. AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) $479, 328.

4. AFT (American Federation of Teachers) $428, 284.

5. IAM (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers $284, 975.

6. IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers), $375,767.

7. SEIU (Service Employees International Union) $306, 388

8. Teamsters, $362, 868/

How much do union bosses make? (PHOTOS) - International Business Times

While their people are the rank and file and punching the clock, they are dining in the finest restaurants around. Where's the outrage?
welllllll.....let's compare that with private sector CEO's. Seems to me that Union Bosses, while well compensated....are fairly compensated. Unlike Corporate CEO'S who get tens of millions of dollars and a golden parachute even if they run a company into the ground....but hey.... do blather on with apples and oranges comparisons. what.....let's try...Professional Athletes?.....Actors? Musicians? Funny, only right wingers have a problem with those people....Why? oh...because those people are the Labor class....even though they are well compensated, they work for record companies, movie studios, and sports therefore they should be demonized because they make so much and the entities that they work for should be deified.
welllllll.....let's compare that with private sector CEO's. Seems to me that Union Bosses, while well compensated....are fairly compensated. Unlike Corporate CEO'S who get tens of millions of dollars and a golden parachute even if they run a company into the ground....but hey.... do blather on with apples and oranges comparisons. what.....let's try...Professional Athletes?.....Actors? Musicians? Funny, only right wingers have a problem with those people....Why? oh...because those people are the Labor class....even though they are well compensated, they work for record companies, movie studios, and sports therefore they should be demonized because they make so much and the entities that they work for should be deified.

Alright, let's take out corporations from the mix. How many jobs would there be? (the job market would crash)

Take out Union Bosses and how many jobs would there be? (At the worst, the same; at the best, more)

Those two questions make you think that one entity is certainly more important than the other.
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I rest my case.:eusa_whistle:

hey's my day off. If you think that all I have to do is sit on my ass and hang on here all day....YOU are the problem with America.

Take corporations out of the mix? I'd fucking love to. Huge corporations are what is strangling growth in this country. They undercut and influence buy as much competition as they possibly can, they hold the workforce hostage with threats of moving their business overseas, they don't give a shit about their own country or it's people.

I think we need another Teddy Roosevelt in office who will put these disloyal fucks in their place and let small business thrive.

As far as unions? We need them more now than ever. There are very few unions out the private sector anyway... that have much power at all, and they haven't since Reagan. In that time span, private sector wages and benefits have been gutted, prices have gone up drastically(except for bullshit stuff like electronics), and more and more people can't make ends meet.....all the while those who have benefited most from this has had a "let them eat cake" attitude about the whole fucking thing.
I rest my case.:eusa_whistle:

hey's my day off. If you think that all I have to do is sit on my ass and hang on here all day....YOU are the problem with America.

Take corporations out of the mix? I'd fucking love to. Huge corporations are what is strangling growth in this country. They undercut and influence buy as much competition as they possibly can, they hold the workforce hostage with threats of moving their business overseas, they don't give a shit about their own country or it's people.

I think we need another Teddy Roosevelt in office who will put these disloyal fucks in their place and let small business thrive.

As far as unions? We need them more now than ever. There are very few unions out the private sector anyway... that have much power at all, and they haven't since Reagan. In that time span, private sector wages and benefits have been gutted, prices have gone up drastically(except for bullshit stuff like electronics), and more and more people can't make ends meet.....all the while those who have benefited most from this has had a "let them eat cake" attitude about the whole fucking thing.

Right... Take evil corporations out so we can all make stuff in our huts and hope someone buys our neat stuff at the Flea Market come Sunday.
While the rank and file go on strike for weeks at the behest of Labor bosses, just who do the workers blame? The Corporate CEO's, the 1%ers who don't care for their employees, right?

Just who are the 1%ers? Let's take a look:

1. UFCW (United Food & Commercial Workers) boss - salary $360,737 in 2009. Outgoing president received $709,000.

2. NEA (National Education Association), Teachers Union, President received $397, 721.

3. AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) $479, 328.

4. AFT (American Federation of Teachers) $428, 284.

5. IAM (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers $284, 975.

6. IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers), $375,767.

7. SEIU (Service Employees International Union) $306, 388

8. Teamsters, $362, 868/

How much do union bosses make? (PHOTOS) - International Business Times

While their people are the rank and file and punching the clock, they are dining in the finest restaurants around. Where's the outrage?
and all these teachers union salaries are coming from us tax payers ...
I rest my case.:eusa_whistle:

hey's my day off. If you think that all I have to do is sit on my ass and hang on here all day....YOU are the problem with America.

Take corporations out of the mix? I'd fucking love to. Huge corporations are what is strangling growth in this country. They undercut and influence buy as much competition as they possibly can, they hold the workforce hostage with threats of moving their business overseas, they don't give a shit about their own country or it's people.

I think we need another Teddy Roosevelt in office who will put these disloyal fucks in their place and let small business thrive.

As far as unions? We need them more now than ever. There are very few unions out the private sector anyway... that have much power at all, and they haven't since Reagan. In that time span, private sector wages and benefits have been gutted, prices have gone up drastically(except for bullshit stuff like electronics), and more and more people can't make ends meet.....all the while those who have benefited most from this has had a "let them eat cake" attitude about the whole fucking thing.

Right... Take evil corporations out so we can all make stuff in our huts and hope someone buys our neat stuff at the Flea Market come Sunday.

and the worship of the false Gods continues.....
Don't forget the 6 figure highway robbery pension plans they get also!

While the rank and file go on strike for weeks at the behest of Labor bosses, just who do the workers blame? The Corporate CEO's, the 1%ers who don't care for their employees, right?

Just who are the 1%ers? Let's take a look:

1. UFCW (United Food & Commercial Workers) boss - salary $360,737 in 2009. Outgoing president received $709,000.

2. NEA (National Education Association), Teachers Union, President received $397, 721.

3. AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees) $479, 328.

4. AFT (American Federation of Teachers) $428, 284.

5. IAM (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers $284, 975.

6. IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers), $375,767.

7. SEIU (Service Employees International Union) $306, 388

8. Teamsters, $362, 868/

How much do union bosses make? (PHOTOS) - International Business Times

While their people are the rank and file and punching the clock, they are dining in the finest restaurants around. Where's the outrage?
welllllll.....let's compare that with private sector CEO's. Seems to me that Union Bosses, while well compensated....are fairly compensated. Unlike Corporate CEO'S who get tens of millions of dollars and a golden parachute even if they run a company into the ground....but hey.... do blather on with apples and oranges comparisons. what.....let's try...Professional Athletes?.....Actors? Musicians? Funny, only right wingers have a problem with those people....Why? oh...because those people are the Labor class....even though they are well compensated, they work for record companies, movie studios, and sports therefore they should be demonized because they make so much and the entities that they work for should be deified.

Alright, let's take out corporations from the mix. How many jobs would there be? (the job market would crash)

Take out Union Bosses and how many jobs would there be? (At the worst, the same; at the best, more)

Those two questions make you think that one entity is certainly more important than the other.

It's always "different" for progressives, "do as I say, not as I do" kinda thing.
welllllll.....let's compare that with private sector CEO's. Seems to me that Union Bosses, while well compensated....are fairly compensated. Unlike Corporate CEO'S who get tens of millions of dollars and a golden parachute even if they run a company into the ground....but hey.... do blather on with apples and oranges comparisons.
It is an apples to orange comparison comrade! The CEOs, Small Business owners, Executives, Presidents etc of a company produce a revenue that creates provides their salaries!

Union bosses don't produce a dollar! Rather they take doors from producers, by strong arming employers into job killing, industry killing and over-shore increasing deals!

Union bosses only take and destroy! Big difference bucko! what.....let's try...Professional Athletes?.....Actors? Musicians? Funny, only right wingers have a problem with those people....Why? oh...because those people are the Labor class....even though they are well compensated, they work for record companies, movie studios, and sports therefore they should be demonized because they make so much and the entities that they work for should be deified.
Nice red herring! Rightwingers view them as valuable assets to a company. Esp the professional athlete! They are essential the product that is being sold. If they were on the team, then the product would suffer and there would be no market for them!
hey's my day off. If you think that all I have to do is sit on my ass and hang on here all day....YOU are the problem with America.

Take corporations out of the mix? I'd fucking love to. Huge corporations are what is strangling growth in this country. They undercut and influence buy as much competition as they possibly can, they hold the workforce hostage with threats of moving their business overseas, they don't give a shit about their own country or it's people.

I think we need another Teddy Roosevelt in office who will put these disloyal fucks in their place and let small business thrive.

As far as unions? We need them more now than ever. There are very few unions out the private sector anyway... that have much power at all, and they haven't since Reagan. In that time span, private sector wages and benefits have been gutted, prices have gone up drastically(except for bullshit stuff like electronics), and more and more people can't make ends meet.....all the while those who have benefited most from this has had a "let them eat cake" attitude about the whole fucking thing.

Right... Take evil corporations out so we can all make stuff in our huts and hope someone buys our neat stuff at the Flea Market come Sunday.

and the worship of the false Gods continues.....

I understand that Corporations provide jobs, and allow people to prosper... Even Janitors. Obama isn't God... Sorry to disappoint you.
I rest my case.:eusa_whistle:

hey's my day off. If you think that all I have to do is sit on my ass and hang on here all day....YOU are the problem with America.

Take corporations out of the mix? I'd fucking love to. Huge corporations are what is strangling growth in this country. They undercut and influence buy as much competition as they possibly can, they hold the workforce hostage with threats of moving their business overseas, they don't give a shit about their own country or it's people.

I think we need another Teddy Roosevelt in office who will put these disloyal fucks in their place and let small business thrive.

As far as unions? We need them more now than ever. There are very few unions out the private sector anyway... that have much power at all, and they haven't since Reagan. In that time span, private sector wages and benefits have been gutted, prices have gone up drastically(except for bullshit stuff like electronics), and more and more people can't make ends meet.....all the while those who have benefited most from this has had a "let them eat cake" attitude about the whole fucking thing.

They threated to go overseas because of these contracts and pensions the unions deliver! Ever heard of getting paid while not working? The labor market is full of lazy workers due to unions and they can get better workers overseas that work harder for the pay without the outlandish pensions.

That doesn't even bring up the fact that many union people woud prefer an open shop!
A fews years ago in the Vegas casino "Paris" I saw a bunch of union goons walking around with their union shirts on living it up on their union's dues while the working man was back home working....
Two more months and all the Keynesian shit gets mothballed for two generations at least............and I cant wait.

Unions are a joke...........fuck them. Fucking greedy assholes.........when they went down hard in Wisconsin I damn near laughed my balls off.

Not sure if anybody else caught it, but Steelplate was interviewed by CNN just after the election results rolled in...............

[ame=]The Most Disappointed Barrett Supporter In Wisconsin - YouTube[/ame]

Im still laughing every time I play this.............
A fews years ago in the Vegas casino "Paris" I saw a bunch of union goons walking around with their union shirts on living it up on their union's dues while the working man was back home working....

I wonder how many worker's dues were lost over a Blackjack table. :lol:
I rest my case.:eusa_whistle:

hey's my day off. If you think that all I have to do is sit on my ass and hang on here all day....YOU are the problem with America.

Take corporations out of the mix? I'd fucking love to. Huge corporations are what is strangling growth in this country. They undercut and influence buy as much competition as they possibly can, they hold the workforce hostage with threats of moving their business overseas, they don't give a shit about their own country or it's people.

I think we need another Teddy Roosevelt in office who will put these disloyal fucks in their place and let small business thrive.

As far as unions? We need them more now than ever. There are very few unions out the private sector anyway... that have much power at all, and they haven't since Reagan. In that time span, private sector wages and benefits have been gutted, prices have gone up drastically(except for bullshit stuff like electronics), and more and more people can't make ends meet.....all the while those who have benefited most from this has had a "let them eat cake" attitude about the whole fucking thing.

Right... Take evil corporations out so we can all make stuff in our huts and hope someone buys our neat stuff at the Flea Market come Sunday.

We can all sell beads on the beaches and sing Kumbaya.
Right... Take evil corporations out so we can all make stuff in our huts and hope someone buys our neat stuff at the Flea Market come Sunday.

and the worship of the false Gods continues.....

I understand that Corporations provide jobs, and allow people to prosper... Even Janitors. Obama isn't God... Sorry to disappoint you.

wow...who said he was? Obama is a politician...nothing more.

But to worship the almighty dollar like a God and deifying those who collect the most is a false religion. What good are jobs when many of those working folk can't afford to live in their own country in a fairly comfortable manner?

Don't sit there and try to make the Conglomerate a benevolent ruler. They want slave labor and they don't give a shit whether their "subjects" can't make a go of it. Rooting for them to win is like going to La's Vegas and rooting for the Casinos to win.
hey's my day off. If you think that all I have to do is sit on my ass and hang on here all day....YOU are the problem with America.

Take corporations out of the mix? I'd fucking love to. Huge corporations are what is strangling growth in this country. They undercut and influence buy as much competition as they possibly can, they hold the workforce hostage with threats of moving their business overseas, they don't give a shit about their own country or it's people.

I think we need another Teddy Roosevelt in office who will put these disloyal fucks in their place and let small business thrive.

As far as unions? We need them more now than ever. There are very few unions out the private sector anyway... that have much power at all, and they haven't since Reagan. In that time span, private sector wages and benefits have been gutted, prices have gone up drastically(except for bullshit stuff like electronics), and more and more people can't make ends meet.....all the while those who have benefited most from this has had a "let them eat cake" attitude about the whole fucking thing.

Right... Take evil corporations out so we can all make stuff in our huts and hope someone buys our neat stuff at the Flea Market come Sunday.

We can all sell beads on the beaches and sing Kumbaya.

That is the Liberal Utopian dream.
Anybody know what Steelplate was doing in Wisconsin this past June on the night of the recall elections??

[ame=]The Most Disappointed Barrett Supporter In Wisconsin - YouTube[/ame]

Sheeeeeeeeeeet..........does this asshole need to be bitch slapped or what???
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