Class War Illustrated


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere

So your basic thesis is that the earnings of any person are not theirs, but actually belong to the state and therefore anything not collected by the state is a loss by the state?

How much money is earned by those that are not on your target list that they do not send to the government? Is this money counted as a loss from the government coffers also?

At what point does any person exceed the amount of money that you deem it acceptable for a person to earn? Is any money kept by an individual acceptable? Why not just take it all and give back what ever seems like the right amount according to the intelligencia?

Should any private property be allowed to be held by individuals?
Remind us again how you are not an anarchist, reverend?

Now there wouldn't be an ulterior motive in your pretty little Table O' Crap, would there?
As a new slate of presidential candidates prepare to pander to Iowa voters by forcing the rest of the country to pump corn into their gas tanks, a bipartisan backlash is building. Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican, and Sen. Ben Cardin, Maryland Democrat, teamed up Wednesday to introduce legislation to eliminate the 45-cents-per-gallon ethanol tax credit doled out to blenders of this unnecessary and inefficient gasoline additive that costs taxpayers $5.7 billion a year.

EDITORIAL: End ethanol subsidies - Washington Times
The tax income that the government could gain without raising taxes and just closing loopholes is amazing. Thats what we need to do, close loopholes.
Remind us again how you are not an anarchist, reverend?

Now there wouldn't be an ulterior motive in your pretty little Table O' Crap, would there?

He's pointing out (correctly) the direction our discourse is being pushed. Rather than so immediately calling it 'crap,' you should take an honest look at it and revisit who the dopes getting your votes are really advocating for. It's actually quite obvious - Not you.
Remind us again how you are not an anarchist, reverend?

Now there wouldn't be an ulterior motive in your pretty little Table O' Crap, would there?

He's pointing out (correctly) the direction our discourse is being pushed. Rather than so immediately calling it 'crap,' you should take an honest look at it and revisit who the dopes getting your votes are really advocating for. It's actually quite obvious - Not you.

As one who understands economics, I am a staunch advocate for incentive to investment. Tax incentives for the wealthy are one of the smartest things any economy can ever do.

I also understand that most humans are too petty, too lazy, and too jealous to understand the basic concepts that drive their own success and failures.
Class warfare is real it just has no teeth, because the poor have nothing to fight back with...non violently. What is happening in the Middle East right now is a prime example. The leaders of these countries are filthy rich from oil and graft while the people struggle to make ends meet on a daily basis. Their middle class usually leaves the country, and we see their children in our schools. Now they are in the middle of civil wars of their own creation because of their greed of money and power. When a man has nothing left to loose, why not revolt, violently or not.

Here in this country we have the working poor, of which I include myself. We work two jobs, and our spouses work as well, for a combined income of 35 - 50K a year. We make too much to qualify for assisstance yet not enough to get ahead especially with kids at home. Pay check to pay check we live as more and more things are taken away from us. Take medical Ins. for instance, started out with coverage for the whole family then it went to a copay, then the copay increased out of affordability, then the coverage dropped to just me, and my family was not covered. Haven't had a raise in over five years as per the freeze, along with the end of over time. 2nd job at minimum wage doesn't cover the loss of income. Retirement has been frozen as well, the company no longer matches or contributes in any way to our 401K yet prevents us from withdrawing any of it.

School is out because of bills, someone has to pay them, so someone has to work. Owning a home locks you into a particular geographical location that you can't just pick up and leave. Everytime gas, food, or taxes go up it puts a strain on the finances. Everytime someone gets injured or ill puts a strain on the finances. Everytime a repair need doing in puts a strain on the finances.

This is not a "Oh woe is me", this is a statement of facts. I'm sure someone out there will point out "personal responsibility" and the choices I made to get me to this point. However the cards are stacked against people like myself. When my shop (non union) closes down for holidays I get penalized for working two jobs by the state. Everyone gets to claim unempoloyment for the two weeks but me, I must subtract from my unemployment check everything I made at my minumum wage job, so basically I get to work for free. This is how we repay motivation and hard work.

It's hard for me to have sympathy for those who lost money in the stock market, or who complain about how they have to pay a medical copay, or chip in on their pension. Give less than two shits about those who have to pay for extra carry on luggage. Don't really care about the high gas prices as I had to start walking/riding my bike to work two years ago, my vehicle just sits in the garage. Vacations - none in the last three years, yet the hours I work have increased to 56 a week and hopefully more as I look for a third job.

Is class warfare real? Look to the French revolution and the middle east of today. I'm not saying it will be like that but when you have nothing left to loose.....
Remind us again how you are not an anarchist, reverend?

Now there wouldn't be an ulterior motive in your pretty little Table O' Crap, would there?

He's pointing out (correctly) the direction our discourse is being pushed. Rather than so immediately calling it 'crap,' you should take an honest look at it and revisit who the dopes getting your votes are really advocating for. It's actually quite obvious - Not you.

As one who understands economics, I am a staunch advocate for incentive to investment. Tax incentives for the wealthy are one of the smartest things any economy can ever do.

I also understand that most humans are too petty, too lazy, and too jealous to understand the basic concepts that drive their own success and failures.

Poverty in America is increasing, and the chasm between them and the rich is growing larger. Why? Is there some genetic reason so many more people are being petty, lazy, and jealous than they were in years past?

Occams razor suggests otherwise... Follow the money. The money supply is artificially inflated during bubbles (as one who 'understands economics,' you should already be aware of this) and the haves have an opportunity to take a preposterous amount of it during this time; the supply is great enough that nobody really notices. Then suddenly the burst... And whose left holding the bag? The rich only lose wealth on paper. The poor are the ones who actually lose their jobs and often, their stuff.
Class warfare is real it just has no teeth, because the poor have nothing to fight back with...non violently. What is happening in the Middle East right now is a prime example. The leaders of these countries are filthy rich from oil and graft while the people struggle to make ends meet on a daily basis. Their middle class usually leaves the country, and we see their children in our schools. Now they are in the middle of civil wars of their own creation because of their greed of money and power. When a man has nothing left to loose, why not revolt, violently or not.

Here in this country we have the working poor, of which I include myself. We work two jobs, and our spouses work as well, for a combined income of 35 - 50K a year. We make too much to qualify for assisstance yet not enough to get ahead especially with kids at home. Pay check to pay check we live as more and more things are taken away from us. Take medical Ins. for instance, started out with coverage for the whole family then it went to a copay, then the copay increased out of affordability, then the coverage dropped to just me, and my family was not covered. Haven't had a raise in over five years as per the freeze, along with the end of over time. 2nd job at minimum wage doesn't cover the loss of income. Retirement has been frozen as well, the company no longer matches or contributes in any way to our 401K yet prevents us from withdrawing any of it.

School is out because of bills, someone has to pay them, so someone has to work. Owning a home locks you into a particular geographical location that you can't just pick up and leave. Everytime gas, food, or taxes go up it puts a strain on the finances. Everytime someone gets injured or ill puts a strain on the finances. Everytime a repair need doing in puts a strain on the finances.

This is not a "Oh woe is me", this is a statement of facts. I'm sure someone out there will point out "personal responsibility" and the choices I made to get me to this point. However the cards are stacked against people like myself. When my shop (non union) closes down for holidays I get penalized for working two jobs by the state. Everyone gets to claim unempoloyment for the two weeks but me, I must subtract from my unemployment check everything I made at my minumum wage job, so basically I get to work for free. This is how we repay motivation and hard work.

It's hard for me to have sympathy for those who lost money in the stock market, or who complain about how they have to pay a medical copay, or chip in on their pension. Give less than two shits about those who have to pay for extra carry on luggage. Don't really care about the high gas prices as I had to start walking/riding my bike to work two years ago, my vehicle just sits in the garage. Vacations - none in the last three years, yet the hours I work have increased to 56 a week and hopefully more as I look for a third job.

Is class warfare real? Look to the French revolution and the middle east of today. I'm not saying it will be like that but when you have nothing left to loose.....

How will raising taxes on other people change your situation?
Poverty in America is increasing, and the chasm between them and the rich is growing larger. Why? Is there some genetic reason so many more people are being petty, lazy, and jealous than they were in years past?

Occams razor suggests otherwise... Follow the money. The money supply is artificially inflated during bubbles (as one who 'understands economics,' you should already be aware of this) and the haves have an opportunity to take a preposterous amount of it during this time; the supply is great enough that nobody really notices. Then suddenly the burst... And whose left holding the bag? The rich only lose wealth on paper. The poor are the ones who actually lose their jobs and often, their stuff.
Follow the money you say?

What about the trillions confiscated from those who've earned it, in order to feather the nests of those who haven't earned it, during the 55+ years of the Great Society?

Yet the chasm between wealthy and poor has never been greater?

Is that supposed to be any proof of success of the socialistic welfare state?
Poverty in America is increasing, and the chasm between them and the rich is growing larger. Why? Is there some genetic reason so many more people are being petty, lazy, and jealous than they were in years past?

Occams razor suggests otherwise... Follow the money. The money supply is artificially inflated during bubbles (as one who 'understands economics,' you should already be aware of this) and the haves have an opportunity to take a preposterous amount of it during this time; the supply is great enough that nobody really notices. Then suddenly the burst... And whose left holding the bag? The rich only lose wealth on paper. The poor are the ones who actually lose their jobs and often, their stuff.
Follow the money you say?

What about the trillions confiscated from those who've earned it, in order to feather the nests of those who haven't earned it, during the 55+ years of the Great Society?

Yet the chasm between wealthy and poor has never been greater?

Is that supposed to be any proof of success of the socialistic welfare state?

Are you an anarchist odd-dude?

Without a social safety net, we're Rwanda. True story. :thup:

So your basic thesis is that the earnings of any person are not theirs, but actually belong to the state and therefore anything not collected by the state is a loss by the state?

How much money is earned by those that are not on your target list that they do not send to the government? Is this money counted as a loss from the government coffers also?

At what point does any person exceed the amount of money that you deem it acceptable for a person to earn? Is any money kept by an individual acceptable? Why not just take it all and give back what ever seems like the right amount according to the intelligencia?

Should any private property be allowed to be held by individuals?

This is such bullshit....Instead of addressing the issues you repackage it into a "people should keep their own money and you want to take it" strawman to make it easier for you to fight it.

Nothing is wrong to the conservative...The way things are are the way things should be. If the rich are raping our anuses numb....Hey, they deserve it...Poor people should make it on their own, but rich people deserve the additional help.

I'll watch this thread to see if ANY CONSERVATIVE sees a problem with cutting early childhood learning programs so that we can cover tax cuts on someones estate. Early childhood learning for christ sakes....

Dam kids should learn to do for themselves! That's conservativism....The least amonst us are expected to do the most. The kids, the homeless, the poor, learning programs, healthy eating programs, medicare, medicade everything must go....But a 2-5% tax increase for the rich is sooooooo wrong. 2 f*ckin percent!!!!!
Occams razor suggests otherwise... Follow the money. The money supply is artificially inflated during bubbles (as one who 'understands economics,' you should already be aware of this) and the haves have an opportunity to take a preposterous amount of it during this time; the supply is great enough that nobody really notices. Then suddenly the burst... And whose left holding the bag? The rich only lose wealth on paper. The poor are the ones who actually lose their jobs and often, their stuff.

You know what else looks good on paper?

"400 people control $1.3 TRILLION of OUR money. Its OUR national resource."

Let me ask you, and your economic messiah about the elephant in the roon:

How many of those 400 people are static?

They're just sitting there, holding on to money, right?

Or do they have businesses, and investments, and charities that put people to work and generate other businesses, investments, and charities?

Moore is a LOT smarter than you, because he can get you to believe whatever he wants you to believe

For you are one of those who don't understand your own successes and failures.

You still think they're all my fault.

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