“civilized people don’t act this way”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Bill Maher on Muslim protestors. Are you sure bill? When did we become civilized? Since the hanging of a Black teenager for exercising his freedom of speech? Since in 2011 there was 33 violent hate crime against gay?. One causing the death or a 15 year old. Since the revenge murder of a million innocent Muslim men, women and children for the murder of 3,000 Americans? Christians applauding the death of American troops in civilized? Radical Christians Americans are no more civilized the radical Islam.
How civilized is gangs avenging each other? How civilized is the death penalty?
It's an old argument but you are free to go live among the Muslins and report back as to how civilized they are...if you can. No one is keeping you in a country that you seem to hate.
Bill Maher on Muslim protestors. Are you sure bill? When did we become civilized? Since the hanging of a Black teenager for exercising his freedom of speech? Since in 2011 there was 33 violent hate crime against gay?. One causing the death or a 15 year old. Since the revenge murder of a million innocent Muslim men, women and children for the murder of 3,000 Americans? Christians applauding the death of American troops in civilized? Radical Christians Americans are no more civilized the radical Islam.
How civilized is gangs avenging each other? How civilized is the death penalty?

You seem to hate America so much, why don't you move?
And since when do Christians applaud the death of our troops you idiot?? My son is in the military, do you think i hate him?? I don't hate anyone, but i do really really really dislike you and your crazy thoughts. You need some help...............
Bill Maher on Muslim protestors. Are you sure bill? When did we become civilized? Since the hanging of a Black teenager for exercising his freedom of speech? Since in 2011 there was 33 violent hate crime against gay?. One causing the death or a 15 year old. Since the revenge murder of a million innocent Muslim men, women and children for the murder of 3,000 Americans? Christians applauding the death of American troops in civilized? Radical Christians Americans are no more civilized the radical Islam.
How civilized is gangs avenging each other? How civilized is the death penalty?

You seem to hate America so much, why don't you move?
And since when do Christians applaud the death of our troops you idiot?? My son is in the military, do you think i hate him?? I don't hate anyone, but i do really really really dislike you and your crazy thoughts. You need some help...............

You wonder how such evils such as communism can exist? She's that crazy...The fucking missing link of your wondering. :eusa_shhh:
Bill Maher on Muslim protestors. Are you sure bill? When did we become civilized? Since the hanging of a Black teenager for exercising his freedom of speech? Since in 2011 there was 33 violent hate crime against gay?. One causing the death or a 15 year old. Since the revenge murder of a million innocent Muslim men, women and children for the murder of 3,000 Americans? Christians applauding the death of American troops in civilized? Radical Christians Americans are no more civilized the radical Islam.
How civilized is gangs avenging each other? How civilized is the death penalty?

Jesus are you an idiot.

Whens the last time a Christian slapped on a suicide belt and blew up a bunch of people in a restaurant??

Whens the last time a Christian set a nightclub on fire and burned over 200 people to death??

Religion has caused millions of deaths around the world throughout history. However, Muslims seem to be the religion of killers at the moment. Hell. They'd kill you OL'Lady, your family, hell your whole town if they thought it would get them something.

Shit. They don't even need a reason.

As I said. Your an idiot. If you don't like it here in the USA then move to a Muslim Country. You'd make a great second class citizen. Idiot.
Bill Maher on Muslim protestors. Are you sure bill? When did we become civilized? Since the hanging of a Black teenager for exercising his freedom of speech? Since in 2011 there was 33 violent hate crime against gay?. One causing the death or a 15 year old. Since the revenge murder of a million innocent Muslim men, women and children for the murder of 3,000 Americans? Christians applauding the death of American troops in civilized? Radical Christians Americans are no more civilized the radical Islam.
How civilized is gangs avenging each other? How civilized is the death penalty?

Jesus are you an idiot.

Whens the last time a Christian slapped on a suicide belt and blew up a bunch of people in a restaurant??

Whens the last time a Christian set a nightclub on fire and burned over 200 people to death??

Religion has caused millions of deaths around the world throughout history. However, Muslims seem to be the religion of killers at the moment. Hell. They'd kill you OL'Lady, your family, hell your whole town if they thought it would get them something.

Shit. They don't even need a reason.

As I said. Your an idiot. If you don't like it here in the USA then move to a Muslim Country. You'd make a great second class citizen. Idiot.

They would cut her tongue out if she criticised them they way she bitches about the U.S. and a litany of other gripes.
Muslims have never been civilized and never will be civilized. There entire lives are to be committed to war and advancing islam.

Change out islam from christianity, and that's exactly what today's GOP is as well.
Muslims have never been civilized and never will be civilized. There entire lives are to be committed to war and advancing islam.

Change out islam from christianity, and that's exactly what today's GOP is as well.

Give us some proof, dumbass. And don't go back centuroes. Pop up a video of a Chritian hacking someone's head off while the crowd of so called "moderates" cheers.
Muslims have never been civilized and never will be civilized. There entire lives are to be committed to war and advancing islam.

Change out islam from christianity, and that's exactly what today's GOP is as well.

Give us some proof, dumbass. And don't go back centuroes. Pop up a video of a Chritian hacking someone's head off while the crowd of so called "moderates" cheers.

It's not that hard to see. Attacks on women, gays, filled with hate and violence. Non-stop bloodlust, warmongering, hatred to those that aren't christians. Trying to force religion on the masses etc,..

Radical islam and the evangelicals are virtually the same.
Change out islam from christianity, and that's exactly what today's GOP is as well.

Give us some proof, dumbass. And don't go back centuroes. Pop up a video of a Chritian hacking someone's head off while the crowd of so called "moderates" cheers.

It's not that hard to see. Attacks on women, gays, filled with hate and violence. Non-stop bloodlust, warmongering, hatred to those that aren't christians. Trying to force religion on the masses etc,..

Radical islam and the evangelicals are virtually the same.

Really? LOL. Christians outside of a very rare nut stays to debating the issues....Are you calling all conservatives that want limited government this? Islam has been at war with our civilization since 621, learn something.
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Bill Maher on Muslim protestors. Are you sure bill? When did we become civilized? Since the hanging of a Black teenager for exercising his freedom of speech? Since in 2011 there was 33 violent hate crime against gay?. One causing the death or a 15 year old. Since the revenge murder of a million innocent Muslim men, women and children for the murder of 3,000 Americans? Christians applauding the death of American troops in civilized? Radical Christians Americans are no more civilized the radical Islam.
How civilized is gangs avenging each other? How civilized is the death penalty?

You seem to hate America so much, why don't you move?
And since when do Christians applaud the death of our troops you idiot?? My son is in the military, do you think i hate him?? I don't hate anyone, but i do really really really dislike you and your crazy thoughts. You need some help...............

I think she's referring to the Westboro Baptist Church.

Although I don't fully agree with her, she has a point. Radical Islam is probably the most violent organized group in the world today.....But we aren't exactly an innocent and loving society. We have our own radical element that beats up gays just because we don't agree with their lifestyle. We have a "war on drugs" that only makes that poison a hot enough commodity that poor people with few other options will kill, be killed, or risk hard time imprisonment to buy/sell/use the stuff.

Like I said....I don't fully agree with her, But why is it....when anyone points out our faults, that you guys say that they "hate America"? Do you think America /s a perfect society and shouldn't be criticized? Why are her thought so "crazy" and people from your side who think Obama ordered the deaths of those people in the movie theater in Colorado isn't? Or that Obama has a secret agenda to destroy America? or any of the other hundreds of conspiracy laden things that gets said?

Look....the vast majority of us are law abiding, hard working, tax paying citizens...but to deny that we have our own radical element is naive and is just that.....denial.
Bill Maher on Muslim protestors. Are you sure bill? When did we become civilized? Since the hanging of a Black teenager for exercising his freedom of speech? Since in 2011 there was 33 violent hate crime against gay?. One causing the death or a 15 year old. Since the revenge murder of a million innocent Muslim men, women and children for the murder of 3,000 Americans? Christians applauding the death of American troops in civilized? Radical Christians Americans are no more civilized the radical Islam.
How civilized is gangs avenging each other? How civilized is the death penalty?

Civilized people protest with remote control drones loaded with hellfire missles...from air conditioned bunkers in Nevada... Then they drive their SUVs home after their shift and stop on the way at Starbucks.
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Bill Maher on Muslim protestors. Are you sure bill? When did we become civilized? Since the hanging of a Black teenager for exercising his freedom of speech? Since in 2011 there was 33 violent hate crime against gay?. One causing the death or a 15 year old. Since the revenge murder of a million innocent Muslim men, women and children for the murder of 3,000 Americans? Christians applauding the death of American troops in civilized? Radical Christians Americans are no more civilized the radical Islam.
How civilized is gangs avenging each other? How civilized is the death penalty?

Civilized people protest with remote control drones loaded with hellfire missles...from air conditioned bunkers in Nevada... Then they drive their SUVs home after their shift and stop on the way at Starbucks.

Wait.....I'll say it for them.....

Why do you hate America?

You know....I happened to watch CNN the other night, I was trying to catch up on some headlines....then an ad for Piers Morgan came on and he was having Jesse Ventura as his guest. I though....This could be entertaining, so I kept it tuned onto that station. The one thing that Ventura said that really made me think was this....If you include the "war on drugs", most of us have been at war our whole lives.

He is right....this shit has got to stop.
Bill Maher on Muslim protestors. Are you sure bill? When did we become civilized? Since the hanging of a Black teenager for exercising his freedom of speech? Since in 2011 there was 33 violent hate crime against gay?. One causing the death or a 15 year old. Since the revenge murder of a million innocent Muslim men, women and children for the murder of 3,000 Americans? Christians applauding the death of American troops in civilized? Radical Christians Americans are no more civilized the radical Islam.
How civilized is gangs avenging each other? How civilized is the death penalty?

Civilized people protest with remote control drones loaded with hellfire missles...from air conditioned bunkers in Nevada... Then they drive their SUVs home after their shift and stop on the way at Starbucks.

Wait.....I'll say it for them.....

You know....I happened to watch CNN the other night, I was trying to catch up on some headlines....then an ad for Piers Morgan came on and he was having Jesse Ventura as his guest. I though....This could be entertaining, so I kept it tuned onto that station. The one thing that Ventura said that really made me think was this....If you include the "war on drugs", most of us have been at war our whole lives.

He is right....this shit has got to stop.

That you are correct about...there has always been a war on something or someone.
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