Civility impossible?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
710 Threads in this forum vs over 100,000 in just the other 2. Should we infer civility is impossible when it comes to politics? Or that most participants are incapable of making their points without insults?
710 Threads in this forum vs over 100,000 in just the other 2. Should we infer civility is impossible when it comes to politics? Or that most participants are incapable of making their points without insults?

I would much prefer that it be totally civil.

After a while, one gets tired of being attacked without even having said two sentences first....
710 Threads in this forum vs over 100,000 in just the other 2. Should we infer civility is impossible when it comes to politics? Or that most participants are incapable of making their points without insults?

Laziness as well. Many people write long, informed posts only to be answered in sound bite cliches.
Delta isn't this just like life, maybe a little extreme life, but the diversity on this web site is educational because I never realized how many thought processes are all over the map. Honestly I didn't think some people with an abundance of vitriol could keep it up so long while on the other hand I am amazed how some with a wealth of facts and footnotes seemed mired in the present and aren't advocating ways to move the ball forward. And while this is not everybody, so many people are so earnest they have lost their sense of humor. The overriding thread that seems to run through all web sites like this one seems to be does it bring me a sense of community. So whether I am a villain or a saint am I part of the show. Remember you have to sift through a lot of dirt and rock to find a little bit of gold. Don't despair. As a character of too many years I sorta like the line from Neil Youngs song "Old Man Take A Look At My Life". "It doesn't mean that much to me to mean that much to you" Good advice for dealing with some in this crowd.
710 Threads in this forum vs over 100,000 in just the other 2. Should we infer civility is impossible when it comes to politics? Or that most participants are incapable of making their points without insults?
The level of ire in America is growing. There's more derision among people because of politics, race and religion than there was before the Civil War, and quite frankly, I don't see it going away without some big way to release the tension, like another Civil War.
If I'm not mistaken, the clean debate zone is fairly new. Added in the past year?

Edited to add: first post was 7/30/12. So it's not been around for a long time
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710 Threads in this forum vs over 100,000 in just the other 2. Should we infer civility is impossible when it comes to politics? Or that most participants are incapable of making their points without insults?
The level of ire in America is growing. There's more derision among people because of politics, race and religion than there was before the Civil War, and quite frankly, I don't see it going away without some big way to release the tension, like another Civil War.

Translated: Progressives will continue to rule and reign and maybe some day call out the troops like Lincoln did.

So what if it costs millions of American lives. The only goal is to preserve the collectivist state.
710 Threads in this forum vs over 100,000 in just the other 2. Should we infer civility is impossible when it comes to politics? Or that most participants are incapable of making their points without insults?
The level of ire in America is growing. There's more derision among people because of politics, race and religion than there was before the Civil War, and quite frankly, I don't see it going away without some big way to release the tension, like another Civil War.

Translated: Progressives will continue to rule and reign and maybe some day call out the troops like Lincoln did.

So what if it costs millions of American lives. The only goal is to preserve the collectivist state.
No, that's not the translation. This is what I'm talking about...

...I think the days of progressives ruling are coming to a screeching halt. With the advent of obamacare being shoved down the vast majority of people's throats by 'progressives' that didn't even read the bill, the amount of distrust and ire that's building against this authoritarian, dictator type ruling over people by the left is back firing on them, as witnessed recently by the Phil Robertson escapade. Something is going to spark a set of events and it will quickly spiral out of control, like the government not being able to pay the interest on the debt and our economy crashing, or the stock market crashing, more than likely something to do with the economy, and that will cause riots, then truck drivers will be afraid to drive into cities, the cities will run out of food, and the country will be in full blown anarchy inside of a couple days. It'll happens so fast there won't be any way to stop it, but whether you call it anarchy, rioting out of control, or whatever, it will be civil war, because Washington won't be able to come out of it unscathed, because all in all, they will be the sole reason it all happened in the first place.
The level of ire in America is growing. There's more derision among people because of politics, race and religion than there was before the Civil War, and quite frankly, I don't see it going away without some big way to release the tension, like another Civil War.

Translated: Progressives will continue to rule and reign and maybe some day call out the troops like Lincoln did.

So what if it costs millions of American lives. The only goal is to preserve the collectivist state.
No, that's not the translation. This is what I'm talking about...

...I think the days of progressives ruling are coming to a screeching halt. With the advent of obamacare being shoved down the vast majority of people's throats by 'progressives' that didn't even read the bill, the amount of distrust and ire that's building against this authoritarian, dictator type ruling over people by the left is back firing on them, as witnessed recently by the Phil Robertson escapade. Something is going to spark a set of events and it will quickly spiral out of control, like the government not being able to pay the interest on the debt and our economy crashing, or the stock market crashing, more than likely something to do with the economy, and that will cause riots, then truck drivers will be afraid to drive into cities, the cities will run out of food, and the country will be in full blown anarchy inside of a couple days. It'll happens so fast there won't be any way to stop it, but whether you call it anarchy, rioting out of control, or whatever, it will be civil war, because Washington won't be able to come out of it unscathed, because all in all, they will be the sole reason it all happened in the first place.
Profanity and name calling generally destroys a thread. Once that starts, any intelligent discussion seems to stop. I do think that some people have a need to express their aggression and that's why they're here. I try not to ever launch a personal attack on poster. It's pointless.
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The level of ire in America is growing. There's more derision among people because of politics, race and religion than there was before the Civil War, and quite frankly, I don't see it going away without some big way to release the tension, like another Civil War.

Translated: Progressives will continue to rule and reign and maybe some day call out the troops like Lincoln did.

So what if it costs millions of American lives. The only goal is to preserve the collectivist state.
No, that's not the translation. This is what I'm talking about...

...I think the days of progressives ruling are coming to a screeching halt. With the advent of obamacare being shoved down the vast majority of people's throats by 'progressives' that didn't even read the bill, the amount of distrust and ire that's building against this authoritarian, dictator type ruling over people by the left is back firing on them, as witnessed recently by the Phil Robertson escapade. Something is going to spark a set of events and it will quickly spiral out of control, like the government not being able to pay the interest on the debt and our economy crashing, or the stock market crashing, more than likely something to do with the economy, and that will cause riots, then truck drivers will be afraid to drive into cities, the cities will run out of food, and the country will be in full blown anarchy inside of a couple days. It'll happens so fast there won't be any way to stop it, but whether you call it anarchy, rioting out of control, or whatever, it will be civil war, because Washington won't be able to come out of it unscathed, because all in all, they will be the sole reason it all happened in the first place.

You have no idea what the Progressive movement is all about. It is about collectivism. They are sold on the notion that power must be centralized, thus giving master minds absolute power over all of us. As this power becomes more and more centralized, their subsequent power will also become enhanced. We will then move from a soft tyranny into a hard tyranny. Now we have an "elected" Congressional body with only a 5% approval rating......but they will find their way back into office anyway. We have a sitting President with an approval rating less than that of "W" and Nixon. So what?

We will one day look back on Obama as a conservative nice guy. Things will only PROGRESSIVLY deteriorate. We now live under a Mubarak type democracy and the GOP will have nothing to offer you that is better.
710 Threads in this forum vs over 100,000 in just the other 2. Should we infer civility is impossible when it comes to politics? Or that most participants are incapable of making their points without insults?

People will always find something that insults them. If the truth offends them then they should cease engaging in these forums.
Remember when "dissent" was the "highest form of patriotism?" Now it is the lowest form of racism. And you expect civility from these people?
710 Threads in this forum vs over 100,000 in just the other 2. Should we infer civility is impossible when it comes to politics? Or that most participants are incapable of making their points without insults?

If you look through this forum, things are moderated heavily and it seems that threads do pretty well. There is on poster who seems want to jam up the works with endless pontificating (but name calling has gotten several of her posts removed).

I have appreciated it.

I openly admit to flaming hard on most other threads. If I had the self control I wanted, I'd never wonder outside this forum.

At the same time, threads can sit idle for days with no activity.

I get bored and I get out the napalm.
Remember when "dissent" was the "highest form of patriotism?" Now it is the lowest form of racism. And you expect civility from these people?

Wait till Hillary wins. Then racists will turn into misogynists overnight.
710 Threads in this forum vs over 100,000 in just the other 2. Should we infer civility is impossible when it comes to politics? Or that most participants are incapable of making their points without insults?

If you look through this forum, things are moderated heavily and it seems that threads do pretty well. There is on poster who seems want to jam up the works with endless pontificating (but name calling has gotten several of her posts removed).

I have appreciated it.

I openly admit to flaming hard on most other threads. If I had the self control I wanted, I'd never wonder outside this forum.

At the same time, threads can sit idle for days with no activity.

I get bored and I get out the napalm.

I don't mind opposition. Opposing points of view are good as they help us refine our own. And once or twice a lifetime we might actually change our minds about something :) It's the junior high language and insults that irk me to no end. I don't want it censored or modderated like, I just expect better from people. Set the bar higher and people try to meet it, set it too low and they'll do the minimum instead.

"Lead by example, not volume." - Me.
Remember when "dissent" was the "highest form of patriotism?" Now it is the lowest form of racism. And you expect civility from these people?

It is because of the nature of those threads, that I do not argue, defend or explain my opinions. We all have a right to ours.
I've found that many threads are just invitations to an argument by people who are so set in their opinions that they aren't going spend the time to even consider your opinion, so why waste the time.
Eh, all leisure time ultimately is wasting time. Once you realize that, how it's wasted doesn't matter. Forum discussions, games, tv, whatever. :)

Great line from Babylon 5,

Susan Ivanova: "Hurry up we're wasting time!"

Zathras: "You cannot waste time. There is infinite time. YOU are finite."

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