Civil War...? In Iraq...? Inconceivable...!


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
Columbus, OH
<center><h1><font color=red>Civil War...? In Iraq...? Inconceivable...!</font></h1></center>

According to reports today, car bombs exploded near the Ali Iman shrine in Najaf, one of the most sacred sites to Shia Islam, and at a bus station in Karbala. Both cities are Shia controlled. According the <a href=>BBC</a>, <blockquote>"...the aim of the bombers - believed to be Sunni insurgents - is to kill as many Shias as possible and try to stir up sectarian trouble ahead of the 30 January poll, our correspondent says.But leading Shias urged their supporters not to respond in kind.

"The Shias are committed not to respond with violence, which will only lead to violence. We are determined on elections," said one of the most respected Shia clerics, Mohammed Bahr al-Uloum..."</blockquote>

The key to avoiding all out civil-war between the Sunnis and the Shias lies in whether or not the Shia clerics can keep their followers in check. If they cannot, todays car bombings are but the first volley in a bloody internecine struggle between the Sunnis and the Shias. As to what the Kurds will do, that is anyone's guess. They may be content to play wait-and-see, letting the Sunnis and Shias slaughter each other. But should they be regularly attacked by either, or both, the Sunnis or Shias all bets are off. Iraq will become embroiled in a three-way civil war that will make Lebanon look like a Sunday-school picnic, as well as further radicalize and destabilize the entire region. If American forces step in, they will be accused of playing favorites, and will become targets to all involved.

Both British and US intelligence summaries pointed to the very real possibility of a three way civil war in Iraq. But, as is typical of the Bush administration, if the projections donnot pass their ideological litmus test, they are ignored. If civil war does erupt it, and its consequences, can be laid squarely upon the doorstep of the Bush administration. They were warned against going into Iraq to begin with, but they chose to ignore those warnings...The blood, both US and Iraqi, is on their hands.

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Bullypulpit said:
The blood, both US and Iraqi, is on their [Bush's] hands.

It is not, you stupid idiot. Try the scum-of-the-Earth terrorists, moron. Bush isn't over there blowing up Jewish children. :fu2:
TheEnemyWithin said:
It is not, you stupid idiot. Try the scum-of-the-Earth terrorists, moron. Bush isn't over there blowing up Jewish children. :fu2:

His pursuit of an illegal and unjust war in Iraq rather than Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, leave him with the blood of the 9/11 victims, our US troops, and the countless Iraqi civilan casualties on his hands. Wake Up...! And smell the ashes...
Bullypulpit said:
His pursuit of an illegal and unjust war in Iraq rather than Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, leave him with the blood of the 9/11 victims, our US troops, and the countless Iraqi civilan casualties on his hands. Wake Up...! And smell the ashes...

Illegal and unjust?? Who said it was illegal? You're so ignorant it amazes me. Al-Qaeda is the thing that WE ARE FIGHTING RIGHT NOW IN IRAQ STUPID!! What do you think all those terrorists are??

P.S. The civilian casualties caused by Bill Clinton's missile strikes in Serbia don't seem to bother you any. Why don't you wake up?
TheEnemyWithin said:
Illegal and unjust?? Who said it was illegal? You're so ignorant it amazes me. Al-Qaeda is the thing that WE ARE FIGHTING RIGHT NOW IN IRAQ STUPID!! What do you think all those terrorists are??

If the insurgents in Iraq are Al Qaeda it's because they came there after the invasion; Iraq is a festering incubation den for Islamo-terrorists. Terrorist doesn't necessarily = Al Qaeda. Take it easy on the caps and the exclamation points when you're wrong, sport.
nakedemperor said:
If the insurgents in Iraq are Al Qaeda it's because they came there after the invasion; Iraq is a festering incubation den for Islamo-terrorists. Terrorist doesn't necessarily = Al Qaeda. Take it easy on the caps and the exclamation points when you're wrong, sport.

You're wrong, fucktard.
If the insurgents in Iraq are Al Qaeda it's because they came there after the invasion;

Well, if ne's right there then it's just even more evidence to back up the view that we are fighting the Global war on terror in Iraq, not the war against Iraq :D If we were only in afghanistan, the insurgents would only be in afghanistan, and it Would have been a much rougher ride to afghan elections, and we'd be stuck in Afghanistan. I say this is not at all civil war but more of the same fan faming terrorists have attempted since the shiite festivals in march. It hasn't been working and I don't foresee it ever developing into civil war.
nbdysfu said:
Well, if ne's right there then it's just even more evidence to back up the view that we are fighting the Global war on terror in Iraq, not the war against Iraq :D If we were only in afghanistan, the insurgents would only be in afghanistan, and it Would have been a much rougher ride to afghan elections, and we'd be stuck in Afghanistan. I say this is not at all civil war but more of the same fan faming terrorists have attempted since the shiite festivals in march. It hasn't been working and I don't foresee it ever developing into civil war.

That's a good citizen...! You're such a good little citizen...! You are rationalizing our government's pursuit of an illegal, unwarranted, ill-concieved and unjust war in Iraq. Yes you're such a good little citizen...! Do you want me to rub your tummy?

<center><img src=></center>
What makes the current war in Iraq "illegal?" What makes it "unjust?"

Those two words are thrown around quite a bit in these types of discussions but I have yet to see anyone PROVE such is the case...

Since the article above offers those assertions, I would expect that the producers of said article can substatiate the claims and have provided the necessary facts to supporters of their views, so how about sharing the proof?
Bullypulpit said:
His pursuit of an illegal and unjust war in Iraq rather than Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, leave him with the blood of the 9/11 victims, our US troops, and the countless Iraqi civilan casualties on his hands. Wake Up...! And smell the ashes...

Two thoughts on this...

1. Was the '91 Gulf War legal? If so, on what date was an Armistice signed with Iraq, declaring a cessation of hostilities thus making our current actions anything more than a continuation of hostilities after a long cease-fire?

2. By what laws are you declaring the actions illegal? The words of Kofi do not establish Legal Precedence in the United States of America. Casus Beli existed the first time Iraq fired on United States forces while enforcing the United Nations resolutions. One could also argue that when it was discovered that Saddam Hussein was plotting to assassinate former President Bush, Casus Beli was again given.
the Gulf war was LEGAL, because it had a mandate from UNO.

this war in Iraq 2003 was illegal and injust
Personly, excpet the fall of Hussein and the fact that US get more Oil, I didn't really see a fight against Al Quaeda.
Like said nakedemperor, Al Quaeda has not the monopole of terrorism. And USA have not the right to attack a country without real prooves, documents, and UNO mandate. Because it will be chaos.

For Iraq : there is a big problem between Chiites and Sunnites.
And the civil war has already begun.

so, it is why the situation of the US troops is quite bad - to not say in the deep shit -
with a civil war on the shoulders, it will be hard to win the peace.
padisha emperor said:
this war in Iraq 2003 was illegal and injust

Where are the charges that have been brought forth if it is illegal?

Personly, excpet the fall of Hussein and the fact that US get more Oil, I didn't really see a fight against Al Quaeda.

Can you please show me proof of the US getting more oil or gaining anything in the oil department?
Bullypulpit said:
His pursuit of an illegal and unjust war in Iraq rather than Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, leave him with the blood of the 9/11 victims, our US troops, and the countless Iraqi civilan casualties on his hands. Wake Up...! And smell the ashes...

please name a legal and just war?

i thought the cia blew up the wtc and al queda and osama were funded by the cia so how would a war against them be legal?

question who has killed more iraqi civilians, sadam his bathists and the current freedom fighters or bush...please provide body count from a website
jimnyc said:
Where are the charges that have been brought forth if it is illegal?

Can you please show me proof of the US getting more oil or gaining anything in the oil department?

Where are the charges than have been brought forth to prove that THE WAR WAS LEGAL? The UN, NATO, CIA, FBI, PENTAGON? What organization can you cite that can reveil a report of which justifies the invasion of Iraq?

As far as the oil? You are aware that Russia, Germany and France had very huge oil deals with Iraq. Guess what? Should Saddam Hussein be dethroned, those contracts are null and void.
hylandrdet said:
As far as the oil? You are aware that Russia, Germany and France had very huge oil deals with Iraq. Guess what? Should Saddam Hussein be dethroned, those contracts are null and void.

Have you been in a coma for the last year? :rotflmao:

Or have I travelled back in time somehow?
Said1 said:
Have you been in a coma for the last year? Or have I travelled back in time somehow?
LOL must have been-----lost me too--I really thought Saddam was in jail but you know how those reporters are!

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