CDZ Civil War 2. Is it Coming?

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Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
There is no denying, the temperature is rising in America. Our culture and just about everything associated with the Old America are under assault. I choose the word assault, but its OK for others to use 'change'. I'm OK with that. But I fear for what is ahead in our country.

If a Civil War manifest as a direct result of the confiscation of guns, the deaths in this country will be horrific. If we are to believe its only us old people who are 'clinging to our guns and religion, it would be unwise to assume everyone, or even the majority, would willingly relinquish their guns. The older generation could view the risk of death, and rationalize it by realizing they have not many years left to live by default.

This recent attack on our civil liberties is fearsome, all in the name of children killed in school shootings. I argue the deaths we will see from a Civil War II will far exceed, by order of magnitude, those children killed in classrooms.

The end does not justify the means

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Americans are too fat and lazy to support a civil war

Gun owners would pee their pants

I have addressed that false assumption in my OP. You are rolling the dice to assume it would go the way the government wants.

Very dangerous assumption

We already had another Civil War. The Infinity War is next. As much as I want to see it I'll probably just wait until it comes out on DVD.
Jake thinks the military will side with the Fascist gun grabbers. After watching the FBI fully adopt "we were just following orders" attitude he may be right
There will be some sporadic additional violence. But the "fundamental change" the Left wants is obviously coming, because the Right isn't paying attention.
There are many posing on "the right" who are all for the Fascist changes.
Authoritarians do have their similarities. That's the "political horseshoe" theory.
There is no denying, the temperature is rising in America. Our culture and just about everything associated with the Old America are under assault. I choose the word assault, but its OK for others to use 'change'. I'm OK with that. But I fear for what is ahead in our country.

If a Civil War manifest as a direct result of the confiscation of guns, the deaths in this country will be horrific. If we are to believe its only us old people who are 'clinging to our guns and religion, it would be unwise to assume everyone, or even the majority, would willingly relinquish their guns. The older generation could view the risk of death, and rationalize it by realizing they have not many years left to live by default.

This recent attack on our civil liberties is fearsome, all in the name of children killed in school shootings. I argue the deaths we will see from a Civil War II will far exceed, by order of magnitude, those children killed in classroom.

The end does not justify the means

I'm hearing civil war from many social media outlets. We are fed up with the liberal communist tyrants trying to dissolve our democracy and Constitution.
We already had another Civil War. The Infinity War is next. As much as I want to see it I'll probably just wait until it comes out on DVD.
What is that, the next Avengers?
Pfft. Of course. Where have you been? Getting laid? :rolleyes:
Yeah. Just don't tell my wife about my "secret laptop".


I saw that that guy who plays Captain America will do two more movies and that's it. That Spandex™ does chafe.
There is no denying, the temperature is rising in America. Our culture and just about everything associated with the Old America are under assault. I choose the word assault, but its OK for others to use 'change'. I'm OK with that. But I fear for what is ahead in our country.

If a Civil War manifest as a direct result of the confiscation of guns, the deaths in this country will be horrific. If we are to believe its only us old people who are 'clinging to our guns and religion, it would be unwise to assume everyone, or even the majority, would willingly relinquish their guns. The older generation could view the risk of death, and rationalize it by realizing they have not many years left to live by default.

This recent attack on our civil liberties is fearsome, all in the name of children killed in school shootings. I argue the deaths we will see from a Civil War II will far exceed, by order of magnitude, those children killed in classroom.

The end does not justify the means

I'm hearing civil war from many social media outlets. We are fed up with the liberal communist tyrants trying to dissolve our democracy and Constitution.

We are getting to the very reason our Founding Fathers established the 2A.

The Second Amendment will not be needed until they try to take it away

I'm hearing civil war from many social media outlets. We are fed up with the liberal communist tyrants trying to dissolve our democracy and Constitution.

Then get your ass out there and start the war!

I dare you, I double-dog dare you.

Just keep it far away from me if you don't mind.
There is no denying, the temperature is rising in America. Our culture and just about everything associated with the Old America are under assault. I choose the word assault, but its OK for others to use 'change'. I'm OK with that. But I fear for what is ahead in our country.

If a Civil War manifest as a direct result of the confiscation of guns, the deaths in this country will be horrific. If we are to believe its only us old people who are 'clinging to our guns and religion, it would be unwise to assume everyone, or even the majority, would willingly relinquish their guns. The older generation could view the risk of death, and rationalize it by realizing they have not many years left to live by default.

This recent attack on our civil liberties is fearsome, all in the name of children killed in school shootings. I argue the deaths we will see from a Civil War II will far exceed, by order of magnitude, those children killed in classroom.

The end does not justify the means

I'm hearing civil war from many social media outlets. We are fed up with the liberal communist tyrants trying to dissolve our democracy and Constitution.

We are getting to the very reason our Founding Fathers established the 2A.

The Second Amendment will not be needed until they try to take it away

You see that Parkland female student praising Fidel Castro? LMAO
Highly unlikely. The problem with these civil war fantasies is that most people think they are going to be the pens or the generals of the revelotuion. You’re going to have a thousand generals and five grunts.
Americans are too fat and lazy to support a civil war

Gun owners would pee their pants

I have addressed that false assumption in my OP. You are rolling the dice to assume it would go the way the government wants.

Very dangerous assumption


Your OP was written by a hysterical drama queen

Americans are too comfortable to engage in Civil War
There is no denying, the temperature is rising in America. Our culture and just about everything associated with the Old America are under assault. I choose the word assault, but its OK for others to use 'change'. I'm OK with that. But I fear for what is ahead in our country.

If a Civil War manifest as a direct result of the confiscation of guns, the deaths in this country will be horrific. If we are to believe its only us old people who are 'clinging to our guns and religion, it would be unwise to assume everyone, or even the majority, would willingly relinquish their guns. The older generation could view the risk of death, and rationalize it by realizing they have not many years left to live by default.

This recent attack on our civil liberties is fearsome, all in the name of children killed in school shootings. I argue the deaths we will see from a Civil War II will far exceed, by order of magnitude, those children killed in classrooms.

The end does not justify the means


Remember the bread riots? There will be a US War over food and water before anyone comes for your guns and starts "Cival War 2."
Highly unlikely. The problem with these civil war fantasies is that most people think they are going to be the pens or the generals of the revelotuion. You’re going to have a thousand generals and five grunts.
I will be a grunt, no problem, I can just work on my urban guerrilla warfare. Shoot down the Trader Joes and Starbucks so the liberals dont know where to hide.
There is no denying, the temperature is rising in America. Our culture and just about everything associated with the Old America are under assault. I choose the word assault, but its OK for others to use 'change'. I'm OK with that. But I fear for what is ahead in our country.

If a Civil War manifest as a direct result of the confiscation of guns, the deaths in this country will be horrific. If we are to believe its only us old people who are 'clinging to our guns and religion, it would be unwise to assume everyone, or even the majority, would willingly relinquish their guns. The older generation could view the risk of death, and rationalize it by realizing they have not many years left to live by default.

This recent attack on our civil liberties is fearsome, all in the name of children killed in school shootings. I argue the deaths we will see from a Civil War II will far exceed, by order of magnitude, those children killed in classroom.

The end does not justify the means

I'm hearing civil war from many social media outlets. We are fed up with the liberal communist tyrants trying to dissolve our democracy and Constitution.

We are getting to the very reason our Founding Fathers established the 2A.

The Second Amendment will not be needed until they try to take it away

The second amendment has never been needed because we have a strong first amendment

Repeating the gun lover fantasy of using their hunting rifles to fight off an evil government is a joke
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