Civil Union: Networks Promoting Gay Agenda


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Civil Union: Networks Promoting Gay Agenda

By Matthew Philbin
November 14, 2012

According to exit polling of the 2012 election, just 5 percent of voters who turned out were gay. Yet voters said their states should legalize same-sex marriage by 49 percent to 46 percent. Indeed, social issues like gay marriage and the media-concocted “war on women” probably gave President Obama his margin of victory.

Consider another figure: According to a May 2011 Gallup poll, most U.S. adults “estimate that 25 percent of Americans are” gay or lesbian. In reality, the number of people who identify themselves that way is just 3.4 percent, according to a Gallup survey released in October 2012. But it’s understandable that so many people might overestimate the number.

Gay issues are sympathetically presented everywhere in the media. From gay characters and themes in movies and TV to journalists crusading for same-sex marriage, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) topics command an ever-increasing share of attention.

When New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane admitted the paper’s liberal bias in his final column in August 2012, he wrote that issues like “gay marriage seem almost to erupt in The Times, overloved and undermanaged, more like causes than news subjects.” Brisbane’s example, gay marriage, wasn’t chosen at random. Print, electronic and broadcast media have taken up the gay agenda.

That normalization is the goal of groups like the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). “What people see in the media has a huge impact and GLAAD ensures images of LGBT people and allies grow acceptance, understanding and build support for equality,” they state. Journalists have been happy to help, pushing issues like same-sex marriage, and gay adoption and parenting, hate crimes legislation, and gay-focused anti-bullying initiatives. Those issues also figure in their coverage of politics, religion and education.


Read more: Civil Union: Networks Promoting Gay Agenda |

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The Homosexual Agenda:

6:00 AM: Gym
8:00 AM: Breakfast (oatmeal, egg whites and mimosas)
9:00 AM: Hair appointment
10:00 AM: Shopping (preferably at Nordstrom's or Saks)
12:00 PM: Brunch
2:00 PM: Assume complete control of the U.S. Federal, state, and local governments, as well as all other forms of world government, destroy all healthy marriages, replace all school counselors in grades K-12 with agents from Colombian and Jamaican drug cartels, bulldoze all houses of worship, secure total control of the INTERNET and all mass media
2:15 PM: Be fabulous
2:30 PM: Mud mask and forty winks of beauty rest to prevent facial wrinkles from the stress of world conquest
4:00 PM: Cocktails
6:00 PM: Light Dinner (soup, salad with romaine, radicchio, arugula, and balsamic vinaigrette dressing, and PouillyFuisse)
8:00 PM: Theater
10:30 PM: "Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight!"


Regards from Rosie

Civil Union: Networks Promoting Gay Agenda

By Matthew Philbin
November 14, 2012

According to exit polling of the 2012 election, just 5 percent of voters who turned out were gay. Yet voters said their states should legalize same-sex marriage by 49 percent to 46 percent. Indeed, social issues like gay marriage and the media-concocted “war on women” probably gave President Obama his margin of victory.

Consider another figure: According to a May 2011 Gallup poll, most U.S. adults “estimate that 25 percent of Americans are” gay or lesbian. In reality, the number of people who identify themselves that way is just 3.4 percent, according to a Gallup survey released in October 2012. But it’s understandable that so many people might overestimate the number.

Gay issues are sympathetically presented everywhere in the media. From gay characters and themes in movies and TV to journalists crusading for same-sex marriage, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) topics command an ever-increasing share of attention.

When New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane admitted the paper’s liberal bias in his final column in August 2012, he wrote that issues like “gay marriage seem almost to erupt in The Times, overloved and undermanaged, more like causes than news subjects.” Brisbane’s example, gay marriage, wasn’t chosen at random. Print, electronic and broadcast media have taken up the gay agenda.

That normalization is the goal of groups like the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). “What people see in the media has a huge impact and GLAAD ensures images of LGBT people and allies grow acceptance, understanding and build support for equality,” they state. Journalists have been happy to help, pushing issues like same-sex marriage, and gay adoption and parenting, hate crimes legislation, and gay-focused anti-bullying initiatives. Those issues also figure in their coverage of politics, religion and education.


Read more: Civil Union: Networks Promoting Gay Agenda |


All part of the media conspiracy into brainwashing the general public into accepting
Sodomy/ homosexuality as being normal. It isn't.!
We must move to criminalize homosexulaity as it is criminalized in many countries.

Elmo Puppeteer Kevin Clash Quits Sesame Street After More Sex Allegations

By A.D. Pruitt

Elmo puppeteer Kevin Clash has resigned from Sesame Street amid controversy about sex allegations against him.

A 23-year-old man had accused Clash of having a sexual relationship with him when he was 16 years old, but last week the man released a statement via his lawyer recanting the allegations and stating via his attorney that the affair was “an adult consensual relationship.”

The Associated Press reports that as Sesame Street was announcing Clash’s resignation today, a civil lawsuit was being filed in New York in federal court accusing Clash of the sexual abuse of a second youth. The lawsuit alleges that another man, now an adult, was persuaded when he was 15 years old by Clash to meet for sexual encounters.

Elmo Puppeteer Kevin Clash Quits Sesame Street After More Sex Allegations - Speakeasy - WSJ
Gay issues are sympathetically presented everywhere in the media. From gay characters and themes in movies and TV to journalists crusading for same-sex marriage, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) topics command an ever-increasing share of attention.

Which is completely appropriate when a class of persons is subject to discriminatory practices, regardless their percentage of the population.
Gay issues are sympathetically presented everywhere in the media. From gay characters and themes in movies and TV to journalists crusading for same-sex marriage, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) topics command an ever-increasing share of attention.

Which is completely appropriate when a class of persons is subject to discriminatory practices, regardless their percentage of the population.

That only makes sense to a progressive/liberal deviant...:D
Gay issues are sympathetically presented everywhere in the media. From gay characters and themes in movies and TV to journalists crusading for same-sex marriage, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) topics command an ever-increasing share of attention.

Which is completely appropriate when a class of persons is subject to discriminatory practices, regardless their percentage of the population.

That only makes sense to a progressive/liberal deviant...:D

In my most humble opinion and with the greateste sincerity I believe you are one sick puppy. Run don't walk to the nearest mental health professional and share with them your posts, e-mails and your dreams - both day and night dreams.
Which is completely appropriate when a class of persons is subject to discriminatory practices, regardless their percentage of the population.

That only makes sense to a progressive/liberal deviant...:D

In my most humble opinion and with the greateste sincerity I believe you are one sick puppy. Run don't walk to the nearest mental health professional and share with them your posts, e-mails and your dreams - both day and night dreams.

San Francisco Bay Area----ROLMAO...
"According to a May 2011 Gallup poll, most U.S. adults “estimate that 25 percent of Americans are” gay or lesbian. In reality, the number of people who identify themselves that way is just 3.4 percent"

The so called "public opinion" :D

If you just arrived from Mars and turned on the TV you would guess that the country is 30% Black, 30% Hispanic, 40% White and 25%-30% is gay, with another 50% being straight but single with multiple sexual partners and only 10%-15% living in traditional marriages (usually portrayed as dysfunctional).

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