CIA sought Blackwater's help to kill Jihadists

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009

Published: August 19, 2009
WASHINGTON — The Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 hired outside contractors from the private security contractor Blackwater USA as part of a secret program to locate and assassinate top operatives of Al Qaeda, according to current and former government officials.

Times Topics: Blackwater Worldwide

Executives from Blackwater, which has generated controversy because of its aggressive tactics in Iraq, helped the spy agency with planning, training and surveillance. The C.I.A. spent several million dollars on the program, which did not successfully capture or kill any terrorist suspects.

The fact that the C.I.A. used an outside company for the program was a major reason that Leon E. Panetta, the C.I.A.’s director, became alarmed and called an emergency meeting in June to tell Congress that the agency had withheld details of the program for seven years, the officials said. <more>

Published: August 19, 2009
WASHINGTON — The Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 hired outside contractors from the private security contractor Blackwater USA as part of a secret program to locate and assassinate top operatives of Al Qaeda, according to current and former government officials.

Times Topics: Blackwater Worldwide

Executives from Blackwater, which has generated controversy because of its aggressive tactics in Iraq, helped the spy agency with planning, training and surveillance. The C.I.A. spent several million dollars on the program, which did not successfully capture or kill any terrorist suspects.

The fact that the C.I.A. used an outside company for the program was a major reason that Leon E. Panetta, the C.I.A.’s director, became alarmed and called an emergency meeting in June to tell Congress that the agency had withheld details of the program for seven years, the officials said. <more>

Ok, I read it, and the point is?

by mark mazzetti
published: August 19, 2009
washington — the central intelligence agency in 2004 hired outside contractors from the private security contractor blackwater usa as part of a secret program to locate and assassinate top operatives of al qaeda, according to current and former government officials.

times topics: Blackwater worldwide

executives from blackwater, which has generated controversy because of its aggressive tactics in iraq, helped the spy agency with planning, training and surveillance. The c.i.a. Spent several million dollars on the program, which did not successfully capture or kill any terrorist suspects.

The fact that the c.i.a. Used an outside company for the program was a major reason that leon e. Panetta, the c.i.a.’s director, became alarmed and called an emergency meeting in june to tell congress that the agency had withheld details of the program for seven years, the officials said. <more>

bring blackwater and the troops home, we need more protestors at the rallies. and let em bring their weapons!

Published: August 19, 2009
WASHINGTON — The Central Intelligence Agency in 2004 hired outside contractors from the private security contractor Blackwater USA as part of a secret program to locate and assassinate top operatives of Al Qaeda, according to current and former government officials.

Times Topics: Blackwater Worldwide

Executives from Blackwater, which has generated controversy because of its aggressive tactics in Iraq, helped the spy agency with planning, training and surveillance. The C.I.A. spent several million dollars on the program, which did not successfully capture or kill any terrorist suspects.

The fact that the C.I.A. used an outside company for the program was a major reason that Leon E. Panetta, the C.I.A.’s director, became alarmed and called an emergency meeting in June to tell Congress that the agency had withheld details of the program for seven years, the officials said. <more>

Ok, I read it, and the point is?

That the privatization of WAR, and the licensing to private corporations to assassinate people is not a good idea, of course.

It isn't a good idea, either.
Thats what lintel does keep secrets so the wrong people don't get killed ,
once you get the pols involved no secrets are sacred, they are political weapons to be exposed for power.
Thats what lintel does keep secrets so the wrong people don't get killed ,
once you get the pols involved no secrets are sacred, they are political weapons to be exposed for power.

So, you approve of our Federal Government putting contracts out on people?
Thats what lintel does keep secrets so the wrong people don't get killed ,
once you get the pols involved no secrets are sacred, they are political weapons to be exposed for power.

So, you approve of our Federal Government putting contracts out on people?

Known terrorists, and top ranking ones at that? You're fuckin' right I approve.
OBL would not be on this earth had the politicians stayed the fuck out of it and let the boys do what we've trained and pay them for.
Known terrorists, and top ranking ones at that? You're fuckin' right I approve.
OBL would not be on this earth had the politicians stayed the fuck out of it and let the boys do what we've trained and pay them for.

And since there was NO transparency in this "operation", and the whole purpose of contracting with Blackwater was so that our Federal Government would have "plausible deniability" in case they killed the wrong people.....who knows where this could have led?
Thats what lintel does keep secrets so the wrong people don't get killed ,
once you get the pols involved no secrets are sacred, they are political weapons to be exposed for power.

So, you approve of our Federal Government putting contracts out on people?
I insist.
And I wouldn't have nearly as narrow focus they do. I would consider enemies foreign and domestic.
The Drug Cartels and Warlords think so.

Nice Strawman, Make it yourself?

Actually, your posts after I made mine fit ever so nicely. Keep it up. :clap2:
Those smilies really do help make your post seem more meaningful don't they. Heres another one
I insist.

OK. Please respond to my #13.

Who gives a shit?
There is always a fall guy, oversight that doest see far enough , and covert ops. Rinse and repeat.

You cons are scary individuals. You piss and moan if your tax dollars go to help people get health insurance, but are more than find with your tax dollars hiring contract killers? I don't get it?

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