CIA Monitors Facebook and Twitter.......


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
CIA tracks global mood via social media | The Tennessean |

McLEAN, Va. — In an anonymous industrial park, CIA analysts who jokingly call themselves the “ninja librarians” are mining the mass of information people publish about themselves overseas, tracking everything from common public opinion to revolutions.

The group’s effort gives the White House a daily snapshot of the world built from tweets, newspaper articles and Facebook updates.

The agency’s Open Source Center sometimes looks at 5 million tweets a day. The analysts are also checking out TV news channels, local radio stations, Internet chat rooms — anything overseas that people can access and contribute to openly.

Big Brother lives.
CIA tracks global mood via social media | The Tennessean |

McLEAN, Va. — In an anonymous industrial park, CIA analysts who jokingly call themselves the “ninja librarians” are mining the mass of information people publish about themselves overseas, tracking everything from common public opinion to revolutions.

The group’s effort gives the White House a daily snapshot of the world built from tweets, newspaper articles and Facebook updates.

The agency’s Open Source Center sometimes looks at 5 million tweets a day. The analysts are also checking out TV news channels, local radio stations, Internet chat rooms — anything overseas that people can access and contribute to openly.

Big Brother lives.

Idiots live..... If they put it out there its fair game. :lol:

If they don't want big brother watching... don't put your life out there on face book and twitter.
This must be a punishment detail for major screw ups. Can you imagine have to monitor millions of Valley Girls from every corner of the globe twittering about their favorite pop stars and the price of lipstick? In Korean?
You are damned right the US intelligence network as well as the Justice Dept monitors facebook and twitter. Anybody who posts personal stuff they don't want the world to know about is a fool.
CIA tracks global mood via social media | The Tennessean |

McLEAN, Va. — In an anonymous industrial park, CIA analysts who jokingly call themselves the “ninja librarians” are mining the mass of information people publish about themselves overseas, tracking everything from common public opinion to revolutions.

The group’s effort gives the White House a daily snapshot of the world built from tweets, newspaper articles and Facebook updates.

The agency’s Open Source Center sometimes looks at 5 million tweets a day. The analysts are also checking out TV news channels, local radio stations, Internet chat rooms — anything overseas that people can access and contribute to openly.

Big Brother lives.

good for them.

there is no expectation of privacy if you put it on twitter and facebook.

nice fauxrage.
CIA tracks global mood via social media | The Tennessean |

McLEAN, Va. — In an anonymous industrial park, CIA analysts who jokingly call themselves the “ninja librarians” are mining the mass of information people publish about themselves overseas, tracking everything from common public opinion to revolutions.

The group’s effort gives the White House a daily snapshot of the world built from tweets, newspaper articles and Facebook updates.

The agency’s Open Source Center sometimes looks at 5 million tweets a day. The analysts are also checking out TV news channels, local radio stations, Internet chat rooms — anything overseas that people can access and contribute to openly.
Big Brother lives.
You should probably include Google in that list:
Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring | Danger Room |
The investment arms of the CIA and Google are both backing a company that monitors the web in real time — and says it uses that information to predict the future.
The company is called Recorded Future, and it scours tens of thousands of websites, blogs and Twitter accounts to find the relationships between people, organizations, actions and incidents — both present and still-to-come. In a white paper, the company says its temporal analytics engine “goes beyond search” by “looking at the ‘invisible links’ between documents that talk about the same, or related, entities and events.”
The idea is to figure out for each incident who was involved, where it happened and when it might go down. Recorded Future then plots that chatter, showing online “momentum” for any given event.
Didn't all this used be called "conspiracy theories" and "crazy talk"? :confused:
They visit my facebook account they will see I like Попины Дочки, Uri Jueno, Eugene, Castle, Bones and Terry Prachett. It must bore them to suicide.
became a member. I simply quit using the site just after I 1st used it. WORSE, the dating/personal sites are monitored also...

Online dating service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...starting in 07'. One can only imagine what is being conducted in the name of security now a days. I just call them government perverts!

CIA tracks global mood via social media | The Tennessean |

McLEAN, Va. — In an anonymous industrial park, CIA analysts who jokingly call themselves the “ninja librarians” are mining the mass of information people publish about themselves overseas, tracking everything from common public opinion to revolutions.

The group’s effort gives the White House a daily snapshot of the world built from tweets, newspaper articles and Facebook updates.

The agency’s Open Source Center sometimes looks at 5 million tweets a day. The analysts are also checking out TV news channels, local radio stations, Internet chat rooms — anything overseas that people can access and contribute to openly.

Big Brother lives.
I am increasingly convinced that my every keystroke is monitored on FB.

There's an unidentified "program" running in the background that freaks out my anitvius software and bogs down proformance whenever I check in to FB.

Seriously if I am on FB for 10 minutes I get warnings about it, choose to shut it down, but a few minutes later that warning pops up again.

I like to think of FB as my private email account direct to HSA.

I like to think that they CARE what I think.

Seriously anybody else have this happen to them when they;re on FB?

After you log out of Facebook you have to clear all cookies, otherwise it follows you around
Any page thats linked to facebook for comments, will show your FB Avatar
Expectation of privacy. Anyone who has it for being on fb, on the net (government started it), or even on a cell phone (airwaves) is foolish. That's why I never say anything on the net that I am not willing to take full responsibility for.

Honestly, there are few places where I have an expectation of privacy. My home is one of them. My car is not.
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CIA tracks global mood via social media | The Tennessean |

McLEAN, Va. — In an anonymous industrial park, CIA analysts who jokingly call themselves the “ninja librarians” are mining the mass of information people publish about themselves overseas, tracking everything from common public opinion to revolutions.

The group’s effort gives the White House a daily snapshot of the world built from tweets, newspaper articles and Facebook updates.

The agency’s Open Source Center sometimes looks at 5 million tweets a day. The analysts are also checking out TV news channels, local radio stations, Internet chat rooms — anything overseas that people can access and contribute to openly.

Big Brother lives.
Nothing new but if someone is stupid enough to post something stupid on the internet oh well.
CIA tracks global mood via social media | The Tennessean |

McLEAN, Va. — In an anonymous industrial park, CIA analysts who jokingly call themselves the “ninja librarians” are mining the mass of information people publish about themselves overseas, tracking everything from common public opinion to revolutions.

The group’s effort gives the White House a daily snapshot of the world built from tweets, newspaper articles and Facebook updates.

The agency’s Open Source Center sometimes looks at 5 million tweets a day. The analysts are also checking out TV news channels, local radio stations, Internet chat rooms — anything overseas that people can access and contribute to openly.

Big Brother lives.

good for them.

there is no expectation of privacy if you put it on twitter and facebook.

nice fauxrage.

Funny how the left supports evesdropping during democrat administrations. "Loose lips sink ships" during WW2 and J. Edgar Hoover's G-Men were everywhere and listening to everything.The left supported it because we were at War. JFK's quirky A.G. authorized the illegal surveillance of MLK and the segregationist democrat party said it was OK. The leader of the anarchist weatherscum, Bill Ayers, had every single charge including felony murder dismissed during a republican administration because a friendly left wing judge said the FBI illegally had him under surveillance. The left had appoplexy when agents in the CIA released documents that Bush was monitoring selected overseas calls without a warrant.Today we are back to supporting surveillance by the federal government because a democrat is in the W.H. Imagine what's going to happen when the full effects of the "health care plan" click in and thousands of IRS agents come knocking.

good for them.

there is no expectation of privacy if you put it on twitter and facebook.

nice fauxrage.

Funny how the left supports evesdropping during democrat administrations. "Loose lips sink ships" during WW2 and J. Edgar Hoover's G-Men were everywhere and listening to everything.The left supported it because we were at War. JFK's quirky A.G. authorized the illegal surveillance of MLK and the segregationist democrat party said it was OK. The leader of the anarchist weatherscum, Bill Ayers, had every single charge including felony murder dismissed during a republican administration because a friendly left wing judge said the FBI illegally had him under surveillance. The left had appoplexy when agents in the CIA released documents that Bush was monitoring selected overseas calls without a warrant.Today we are back to supporting surveillance by the federal government because a democrat is in the W.H. Imagine what's going to happen when the full effects of the "health care plan" click in and thousands of IRS agents come knocking.
White hall if something is posted openly and anyone can view it it's not eavesdropping. However if you have posted as private and only view able by selected friends then there may be an issue of invasion of privacy.
good for them.

there is no expectation of privacy if you put it on twitter and facebook.

nice fauxrage.

Funny how the left supports evesdropping during democrat administrations. "Loose lips sink ships" during WW2 and J. Edgar Hoover's G-Men were everywhere and listening to everything.The left supported it because we were at War. JFK's quirky A.G. authorized the illegal surveillance of MLK and the segregationist democrat party said it was OK. The leader of the anarchist weatherscum, Bill Ayers, had every single charge including felony murder dismissed during a republican administration because a friendly left wing judge said the FBI illegally had him under surveillance. The left had appoplexy when agents in the CIA released documents that Bush was monitoring selected overseas calls without a warrant.Today we are back to supporting surveillance by the federal government because a democrat is in the W.H. Imagine what's going to happen when the full effects of the "health care plan" click in and thousands of IRS agents come knocking.
White hall if something is posted openly and anyone can view it it's not eavesdropping. However if you have posted as private and only view able by selected friends then there may be an issue of invasion of privacy.

I have found several old friends on FB, not by using the find friends feature, but by using Google. I just Google the person's name, hometown, and high school. Try yourself. There is nothing private about social media. True, you may not get that person's wall, but you can find out if they are on FB and send them a friend invite.
CIA tracks global mood via social media | The Tennessean |

McLEAN, Va. — In an anonymous industrial park, CIA analysts who jokingly call themselves the “ninja librarians” are mining the mass of information people publish about themselves overseas, tracking everything from common public opinion to revolutions.

The group’s effort gives the White House a daily snapshot of the world built from tweets, newspaper articles and Facebook updates.

The agency’s Open Source Center sometimes looks at 5 million tweets a day. The analysts are also checking out TV news channels, local radio stations, Internet chat rooms — anything overseas that people can access and contribute to openly.

Big Brother lives.

Power-crazed and paranoid government. We will have to turn on them, else there goes our freedom to be. They are spending money doing nothing but making sure no one has freedom to be -

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