Churches leader calls Norway rampage 'blasphemous'


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
The head of the world's largest ecumenical group accused Norwegian gunman Anders Behring Breivik of blasphemy Monday for citing Christianity as a justification in his murderous attack on government buildings and a youth camp that left dozens dead.

In an online manifesto published shortly before Friday's attack, Breivik styled himself a Christian conservative fighting against Marxist conspiracies and the perceived Muslim colonization of Europe.

"It's important to say to all Muslims wherever they are, in Europe or elsewhere in the world, that these actions in no way can express what is our Christian faith and our Christian values," Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit told The Associated Press. "It is blasphemous to make that kind of connection."

The Associated Press: Churches leader calls Norway rampage 'blasphemous'
The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.

In a perfect world we'd stop paying attention to the religion of these nutjobs and just call them, well, nutjobs, but for some reason it gives certain people comfort when others are killed by someone of a different religion than them.
The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.

In a perfect world we'd stop paying attention to the religion of these nutjobs and just call them, well, nutjobs, but for some reason it gives certain people comfort when others are killed by someone of a different religion than them.

You would have to mention religon if it was the overriding reason for the event/attack done. In the case of muslim extremists thier religion is the prime force behind thier actions.

In this guy's case extreme nationalism seems to be the overriding factor, a link between his actions and the sect of his christianty hasn't really been shown yet.

To correlate between this and islamic terrorism, there is often some Imam with some statement that those doing the attacks use as justification for thier actions. For th Norway thing to be primarily religous, we need to see it in his manifesto, or trace his religous views to some specific church or pastor.
The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.

In a perfect world we'd stop paying attention to the religion of these nutjobs and just call them, well, nutjobs, but for some reason it gives certain people comfort when others are killed by someone of a different religion than them.

The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.

In a perfect world we'd stop paying attention to the religion of these nutjobs and just call them, well, nutjobs, but for some reason it gives certain people comfort when others are killed by someone of a different religion than them.

You would have to mention religon if it was the overriding reason for the event/attack done. In the case of muslim extremists thier religion is the prime force behind thier actions.

In this guy's case extreme nationalism seems to be the overriding factor, a link between his actions and the sect of his christianty hasn't really been shown yet.

To correlate between this and islamic terrorism, there is often some Imam with some statement that those doing the attacks use as justification for thier actions. For th Norway thing to be primarily religous, we need to see it in his manifesto, or trace his religous views to some specific church or pastor.

But thanks for playing.

Al Qaeda wants the west out of the middle eastern countries..

It's just as nationalist as it is religious.
The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.

In a perfect world we'd stop paying attention to the religion of these nutjobs and just call them, well, nutjobs, but for some reason it gives certain people comfort when others are killed by someone of a different religion than them.

If it turns out he did this in the name of jesus, then he's a sick person needing our sympathy and it would be just mean to put labels on this misguided person.

I kept a straight face right up to the last 2 words
The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.

In a perfect world we'd stop paying attention to the religion of these nutjobs and just call them, well, nutjobs, but for some reason it gives certain people comfort when others are killed by someone of a different religion than them.

You would have to mention religon if it was the overriding reason for the event/attack done. In the case of muslim extremists thier religion is the prime force behind thier actions.

In this guy's case extreme nationalism seems to be the overriding factor, a link between his actions and the sect of his christianty hasn't really been shown yet.

To correlate between this and islamic terrorism, there is often some Imam with some statement that those doing the attacks use as justification for thier actions. For th Norway thing to be primarily religous, we need to see it in his manifesto, or trace his religous views to some specific church or pastor.

But thanks for playing.

Al Qaeda wants the west out of the middle eastern countries..

It's just as nationalist as it is religious.

Then they need to get those countries to stop begging for our money.
The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.

In a perfect world we'd stop paying attention to the religion of these nutjobs and just call them, well, nutjobs, but for some reason it gives certain people comfort when others are killed by someone of a different religion than them.

You would have to mention religon if it was the overriding reason for the event/attack done. In the case of muslim extremists thier religion is the prime force behind thier actions.

In this guy's case extreme nationalism seems to be the overriding factor, a link between his actions and the sect of his christianty hasn't really been shown yet.

To correlate between this and islamic terrorism, there is often some Imam with some statement that those doing the attacks use as justification for thier actions. For th Norway thing to be primarily religous, we need to see it in his manifesto, or trace his religous views to some specific church or pastor.

But thanks for playing.

Al Qaeda wants the west out of the middle eastern countries..

It's just as nationalist as it is religious.

It is not nationalist, as it is not targeting one specific nation. The overriding goal has always been the re-introduction of the Caliph, and unifying ISLAM, not a "greater Saudi Arabia" or "greater Iran"

Islam is an Islamic fundamentalists unifying force, not being Saudi, or Iraqi, or Bosnian, or even an American. The Koran for all its faults is very specifc in not going by nationality/race.

"O Mankind!
Most certainly, it is
We( God almighty) who have
Created you all
>From a single (pair)
Of a male and a female,
And it is we who
Have made you into
Nations and tribes,
That ye may recognise each other
(Not that ye may despise each other).
Verily, the noblest of you
In the sight of Allah
Is (he who is) the most
Righteous of you."
Holy Quran 49:13
He needs to learn what it means to be a Christian if he is professing to be one.

So do alot of other Christians.
The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.


The the fact that the Ft. Hood shooter was Muslim was kept out of most stories until it's omission became somewhat of an embarrassment.
The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.


The the fact that the Ft. Hood shooter was Muslim was kept out of most stories until it's omission became somewhat of an embarrassment.

That's not what I remember, I was constantly reminded of how Ft Hood was a valid excuse to be an islamophobe.
The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.


The the fact that the Ft. Hood shooter was Muslim was kept out of most stories until it's omission became somewhat of an embarrassment.

That's not what I remember, I was constantly reminded of how Ft Hood was a valid excuse to be an islamophobe.

That's probably because you remember what people posted on message boards and/or watched a lot of Fox News.

Within the first 48 hours, you were seriously hard pressed to find any major network program to mention he was a Muslim.

The the fact that the Ft. Hood shooter was Muslim was kept out of most stories until it's omission became somewhat of an embarrassment.

That's not what I remember, I was constantly reminded of how Ft Hood was a valid excuse to be an islamophobe.

That's probably because you remember what people posted on message boards and/or watched a lot of Fox News.

Within the first 48 hours, you were seriously hard pressed to find any major network program to mention he was a Muslim.

Also, one of the morning shows (I think GMA, not sure), was called out for not reporting that he was Muslim and they defended it by saying they didn't think it was germane to the story.

The the fact that the Ft. Hood shooter was Muslim was kept out of most stories until it's omission became somewhat of an embarrassment.

That's not what I remember, I was constantly reminded of how Ft Hood was a valid excuse to be an islamophobe.

That's probably because you remember what people posted on message boards and/or watched a lot of Fox News.

Within the first 48 hours, you were seriously hard pressed to find any major network program to mention he was a Muslim.

Fair enough
The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.


The the fact that the Ft. Hood shooter was Muslim was kept out of most stories until it's omission became somewhat of an embarrassment.

That's not what I remember, I was constantly reminded of how Ft Hood was a valid excuse to be an islamophobe.

Yep, we knew the shooter's religion with some of the very first reports coming out of Ft Hood.
The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.

In a perfect world we'd stop paying attention to the religion of these nutjobs and just call them, well, nutjobs, but for some reason it gives certain people comfort when others are killed by someone of a different religion than them.

If it turns out he did this in the name of jesus, then he's a sick person needing our sympathy and it would be just mean to put labels on this misguided person.

I kept a straight face right up to the last 2 words

One could say the same thing about Osama bin Laden.
The easiest way to find out how biased the media is, is wait and see if they call this an act of "christian terrorism" as you know they would be sure to note the religion in the title if the person were muslim.

In a perfect world we'd stop paying attention to the religion of these nutjobs and just call them, well, nutjobs, but for some reason it gives certain people comfort when others are killed by someone of a different religion than them.

If it turns out he did this in the name of jesus, then he's a sick person needing our sympathy and it would be just mean to put labels on this misguided person.

I kept a straight face right up to the last 2 words

The only thing we have to worry about with regards to RELIGION inspired terrorism the leaders of the church condone the behavior? Do they justify it? Do they fund it?

If the answer is no, it's not an issue.

If the answer is yes, it's Islam.
Don't forget that christianity has a built in exoneration. Follow this line of thinking...

True christians don't kill...Therefore he is not a christian. There all settled.:cuckoo:

It really is quite amazing to hear.

Christians have never killed anyone in the history of the world.

The the fact that the Ft. Hood shooter was Muslim was kept out of most stories until it's omission became somewhat of an embarrassment.

That's not what I remember, I was constantly reminded of how Ft Hood was a valid excuse to be an islamophobe.

Yep, we knew the shooter's religion with some of the very first reports coming out of Ft Hood.

If you subscribe to Drudge then probably.

But if you were watching network news, absolutely not.

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