Church of Christ is the only one True Church

you are an idiot!
The CHurch of Christ was started by Alexander Campbell and Thomas Campbell both owned slaves. Alexander also felt blacks should have their own colony away from the white people feeling they were beneath white people.
Maybe you should do alittle more research on your religion ass hat.

The Church of Christ was founded by Christ Jesus Himself, thus we call ourselves after the one who founded the Church of Christ, we are in the Bible, look us up and find us.
you are fucking idiot!

We are in the Bible, check Romans 16:16, why do you resist the power of the scriptures?
A Call for New Testament Christianity

What is the one true Church called in the Bible? Simple:

You should know that in Bible times, the church is called:
The temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16)
The bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:22-32)
The body of Christ (Colossians 1:18,24; Ephesians 1:22-23)
The kingdom of God's son (Colossians 1:13)
The house of God (1 Timothy 3:15)
The church of God (1 Corinthians 1:2)
The church of the first-born (Hebrews 12:23)
The church of the Lord (Acts 20:28)
The churches of Christ (Romans 16:16)

The rest of the link tells exactly what we, those who are of the Lord's One and Only True Church believe, which is the Bible and the Bible only, no other so called "church" can make this claim.
The Church of Christ was founded by Christ Jesus Himself, thus we call ourselves after the one who founded the Church of Christ, we are in the Bible, look us up and find us.
you are fucking idiot!

We are in the Bible, check Romans 16:16, why do you resist the power of the scriptures?
I don't give a shit if you are in the bible, the Church of Christ was not started until the
1800's when the some white slave owning men broke off from the Presbyterian church.
These men also didn't feel black people were equal to white people, therefore you are Uncle Tom asshole.
Really if you are going to follow something, you should know alittle bit more about it.
Instead you just blindly follow what they tell you.
you are fucking idiot!

We are in the Bible, check Romans 16:16, why do you resist the power of the scriptures?
I don't give a shit if you are in the bible, the Church of Christ was not started until the
1800's when the some white slave owning men broke off from the Presbyterian church.
These men also didn't feel black people were equal to white people, therefore you are Uncle Tom asshole.
Really if you are going to follow something, you should know alittle bit more about it.
Instead you just blindly follow what they tell you.

Wrong, we have always existed as proven by our presence in the Bible and the fact that we follow only the Bible, we were not started in the 1800s, we were started by Christ and members are added by baptism.
I am not even going to argue with you anymore, google Church of Christ moron and Thomas Campbell.
good bye Uncle Tom.
I am not even going to argue with you anymore, google Church of Christ moron and Thomas Campbell.
good bye Uncle Tom.

babbling idiot still doesn't know what an Uncle Tom is nor does she know anything about the Church of Christ except whats on google, we were around before anything called google existed.
Baptismal Regeneration is enough for me to stay clear of the Church of Christ. They are legalists in many areas. No musical instruments in the church, yet most members surely drive cars to their services, and cars aren't mentioned in the N.T.. My wifes cousin couldn't have any musical instruments at their C of C wedding so they used a record player, playing the Wedding March Song. So how can one get away with using a record player?

Of course there is a C of C wing that does allow musical instruments in worship. The split from the non-musical wing happened during or just before the Civil war. There was a split within the early C of C on the issue of slavery, and the C of C didn't want to publicize that this very moral/ethical issue was the reason for the split, so they used the "musical instrument" avenue for their reason of splitting. Splitting over slavery just wasn't P.C.. So we have two branches and one basically became the Northern sect or branch of the C of C, and the other pro-slavery branch the Southern sect.

I'm always suspicious of churches that claim to be the "true" and only early church of acts...............Funny, but the Mormons claim to be the "true" restored Christian church too.

I've always wondered how the music leader in a non instrumental C of C service can get away with a pitch pipe to start out the congregational singing? A pitch pipe was not mentioned in the N.T.?

Also, when people belong to churches that claim to be the only true Christian church, they seem to exude a condescending attitude towards folks who attend other churches. This totally goes against the fruits of the Spirit that should really, really, be visible with "true" biblical Christians.

If the C of C were to abide by their doctrinal statement of being the Acts church, they wouldn't be meeting in actual church buildings but would meet in their member's homes. They also wouldn't be singing hymns from hymnals as there were none back in the early days of the Acts church.

There are so many inconsistences here, it's either laughable or worth being very depressed and sad-over.
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Wait... so C.Bass wants everyone to accept CoC and the glories and wonders of the one true coc and partake of the cock and be filled with the wonders of the coc and know jesus through his coc?

'Chuck, what is it with you and coc?
The bible makes it clear, very clear that the only way to God and heaven is Christ and by following the Word of God. There is nothing in the Bible that says anything about people having the right to attend a church of their choice and or that it doesn't matter what church you attend all churches are God's. The Bible makes it clear that there is only one Church, the one that Christ purchased with his blood. This church has many names, but is still the one true church, be it called Church of Christ, Church of God, Church of the Firstborn, etc, they all refer to the one true church whose only authority for matters of worship and spiritual guidance is the Bible. In no place in the Word do you find anything about a Catholic Church[which is a cult], Methodist, national baptist, Southern Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Holiness, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Calvinist, Mormon, Latter-Day Saints, etc and Superstar Charlie Bass challenges anyone to find any of these churches in the Bible and their doctrines.

The Bible was written by primitive desert people who didn't know to wash after wiping. They believed the world wasn't round that that Noah's Ark and Samson were "true" stories.

How some believe that this is the "word" of a "God" seems crazy to me.

All religions have "EXACTLY" the same probability of being "real". The possibility of there being a "supernatural" is "EXACTLY" the same as the reality of "Astrology".

Too bad that no one can prove me wrong. I kind of like the idea of a magical God going around and "shimmering" things into existance.
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The bible makes it clear, very clear that the only way to God and heaven is Christ and by following the Word of God. There is nothing in the Bible that says anything about people having the right to attend a church of their choice and or that it doesn't matter what church you attend all churches are God's. The Bible makes it clear that there is only one Church, the one that Christ purchased with his blood. This church has many names, but is still the one true church, be it called Church of Christ, Church of God, Church of the Firstborn, etc, they all refer to the one true church whose only authority for matters of worship and spiritual guidance is the Bible. In no place in the Word do you find anything about a Catholic Church[which is a cult], Methodist, national baptist, Southern Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Holiness, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Calvinist, Mormon, Latter-Day Saints, etc and Superstar Charlie Bass challenges anyone to find any of these churches in the Bible and their doctrines.

The Bible was written by primitive desert people who didn't know to wash after wiping. They believed the world wasn't round that that Noah's Ark and Samson were "true" stories.

How some believe that this is the "word" of a "God" seems crazy to me.

All religions have "EXACTLY" the same probability of being "real". The possibility of there being a "supernatural" is "EXACTLY" the same as the reality of "Astrology".

Too bad that no one can prove me wrong. I kind of like the idea of a magical God going around and "shimmering" things into existance.

Wrong. The OT was written by the Hebrews, who incidentally practiced ritual bathing (daily as a matter of fact). It was also exceedingly important to them to wash their hands each morning prior to prayers, so your "primitive desert people who didn't know how to wash" is patently false.

All religions have the exact same probability of being real? Wrong answer. Fred Phelps' church is RIGHT????? You've gotta be kidding me. How's about that fucker over in Lake Tahoe who started his own church? He states that he talks to God in a box. Is that one also exactly the same probability of being real? You realize that he kidnapped a little girl 18 years ago, had sex with her repeatedly and she's got 2 kids. Is that a "true religion"? What about all the prostitutes this idiot killed? Remember.........Yeshua (Jesus) hung out with prostitutes, and He DIDN'T KILL THEM!

As far as you Ass Chucker? I think JB nailed your ass to the wall when he noticed your fascination with coc(k).

And no, the New Testament isn't quite as true as you'd like to make it out to be........ever hear of a thing called the Niciaene Council?

First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Second Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also Ass Chucker, wanna tell me again how the CoC is "the one true church"? Research begs to differ with you dirtbag.

Church of Christ
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For individual church buildings/congregations please see Church of Christ (disambiguation)

Church of Christ is the name of several church denominations, some of which are closely related to one another and some of which are not.

It may refer to:

* one of several New Testament designations for a local band of people following the teachings of Jesus, whom they believed to be the Christ; only the plural form is found in the NT (e.g., Romans 16:16)
* the entire body of Christians throughout the world, regardless of denomination or tradition
* a body of Christians who continue to use only the New Testament as the source for Christian doctrine and practice and who consider themselves to be part of the original church (in contrast to Orthodox Christianity, Catholic Christianity, or Protestant Christianity.)
* the Eastern Orthodox or Roman Catholic churches (primarily used by members of these churches)
* a number of Restorationist church denominations:
o Church bodies influenced by the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement:
+ Churches of Christ
+ Churches of Christ in Australia
+ Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ
+ International Churches of Christ, an offshoot of the Churches of Christ
+ Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
+ The churches of Christ (non-institutional)
+ Historically related groups—see Christian Connexion and Christadelphians.
o Denominations with a shared heritage in the Latter Day Saint movement, which include:
+ Church of Christ (Latter Day Saints), the original name of the first Latter Day Saint church, founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith, Jr.
+ Church of Christ (Temple Lot), a Latter Day Saint denomination based in Independence, Missouri
+ Church of Christ with the Elijah Message, which broke away from the Temple Lot church in 1929
+ Church of Christ at Halley's Bluff, which broke away from the Temple Lot church in 1932
+ Church of Christ (Whitmerite), an extinct Latter Day Saint denomination
+ Church of Christ (Brewsterite), an extinct Latter Day Saint denomination
+ Church of Christ (Parrishite), an extinct Latter Day Saint denomination
+ Latter Day Church of Christ, a Mormon fundamentalist denomination based in Utah
+ And other denominations called the Church of Jesus Christ

* United Church of Christ, a mainline Protestant denomination in the United States amalgamated from four congregationalist groups in 1957 (See also Christian Connexion.)
* United Church of Christ – Congregational in the Marshall Islands, the largest religious group in the Marshall Islands
* Church of Christ, Scientist, also known as Christian Science
* Church of Christ in Congo, the administrative and spiritual union of denominations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Iglesia ni Cristo (Filipino translation for "Church of Christ"), a denomination originating in the Philippines
* Church of Christ, Instrumental, also known as the Kelleyites, a Baptist denomination in Arkansas
* United Church of Christ in the Philippines, the largest Protestant group in the Philippines

Church of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Baptismal Regeneration is enough for me to say clear of the Church of Christ. They are legalists in many areas. No musical instruments in the church, yet most members surely drive cars to their services, and cars aren't mentioned in the N.T.. My wifes cousin couldn't have any musical instruments at their C of C wedding so they used a record player, playing the Wedding March Song. So how can one get away with using a record player?

Of course there is a C of C wing that does allow musical instruments in worship. The split from the non-musical wing happened during or just before the Civil war. There was a split within the early C of C on the issue of slavery, and the C of C didn't want to publicize that this very moral/ethical issue was the reason for the split, so they used the "musical instrument" avenue for their reason of splitting. Splitting over slavery just wasn't P.C.. So we have two branches and one basically became the Northern sect or branch of the C of C, and the other pro-slavery branch the Southern sect.

I'm always suspicious of churches that claim to be the "true" and only early church of acts...............Funny, but the Mormons claim to be the "true" restored Christian church too.

I've always wondered how the music leader in a non instrumental C of C service can get away with a pitch pipe to start out the congregational singing? A pitch pipe was not mentioned in the N.T.?

Also, when people belong to churches that claim to be the only true Christian church, they seem to exude a condescending attitude towards folks who attend other churches. This totally goes against the fruits of the Spirit that should really, really, be visible with "true" biblical Christians.

If the C of C were to abide by their doctrinal statement of being the Acts church, they wouldn't be meeting in actual church buildings but would meet in their member's homes. They also wouldn't be singing hymns from hymnals as there were none back in the early days of the Acts church.

There are so many inconsistences here, it's either laughable or worth being very depressed and sad-over.

Baptism for the remission of sins is in the Bible and is necessary for eternal salvation, no man can enter the kingdom of God without it and thats written in the scriptures. Unlike all these other denominations and organizations that claim to be the one true church the Church of Christ is in the Bible and everything we preach and teach is written.
This sums up exactly who we are:

A Call for New Testament Christianity

If it isn't written in the Word it is not of God, we were founded by Christ and it is after Him that we are thus called, not after the manner and names of men. We follow the doctrine of He after whom we are called, not after men, only we can make this claim. There is only one way to God as spelled out in His Word, not many ways and many doctrines, for that would make God the author of confusion, which He is not. Man has come up with many ways he thinks people can come to God, God through His word has not.
Just out of curiosity Ass Chucker, since nobody could get into Heaven prior to Yeshua (at least according to you), then, does this mean that all the people prior to your coc(k) ended up in Hell? Also, what about the Jews who are Gods Chosen People? Did they end up in Hell?

You know Ass Chucker, you are one of those fanatical fucks much along the same lines as David Koresh, Fred Phelps, and that other idiot in Florida who has formed his own church, claiming to be Yeshua and the SaTan combined in 1 person.

Tell ya what you fanatical zealot, next time you have a thought? Just let it go.
Just out of curiosity Ass Chucker, since nobody could get into Heaven prior to Yeshua (at least according to you), then, does this mean that all the people prior to your coc(k) ended up in Hell? Also, what about the Jews who are Gods Chosen People? Did they end up in Hell?

Wrong, people did go to heaven before the first Coming of Christ, Enoch, Elijah, Abraham, Issac and Jacob. With the establishment of the New Testament Church, baptism by immersion is the only way to be saved, but one must believe first and confess that Jesus is the Christ, ie, the Son of God. Don't put words in the mouth of Superstar Charlie Bass.

You know Ass Chucker, you are one of those fanatical fucks much along the same lines as David Koresh, Fred Phelps, and that other idiot in Florida who has formed his own church, claiming to be Yeshua and the SaTan combined in 1 person.

Koresh and Phelps belong to churches they founded, not to the church that Christ founded and purchased with His blood. We follow no one but Christ and the Word of God and that is who take our authority from, not from men, bad comparison you sodomite lover.
This sums up exactly who we are:

A Call for New Testament Christianity

If it isn't written in the Word it is not of God, we were founded by Christ and it is after Him that we are thus called, not after the manner and names of men. We follow the doctrine of He after whom we are called, not after men, only we can make this claim. There is only one way to God as spelled out in His Word, not many ways and many doctrines, for that would make God the author of confusion, which He is not. Man has come up with many ways he thinks people can come to God, God through His word has not.

It may sum up who you are, but not me:

1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT
Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.

Ephesians 6:5 NLT
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.

Luke 12:47-48 NLT
The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. "But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given."

The new Testament is just as "pro slavery" as the old.

John 14:13-14 Jesus stated: "And whatsoever ye ask in my name I do, that the Father may be glorified in the son. If ye ask any thing in my name, I will do it."

Millions ask every day for something. The only time a prayer actually comes true is called "coincidence".

It's all just made up.
This sums up exactly who we are:

A Call for New Testament Christianity

If it isn't written in the Word it is not of God, we were founded by Christ and it is after Him that we are thus called, not after the manner and names of men. We follow the doctrine of He after whom we are called, not after men, only we can make this claim. There is only one way to God as spelled out in His Word, not many ways and many doctrines, for that would make God the author of confusion, which He is not. Man has come up with many ways he thinks people can come to God, God through His word has not.

It may sum up who you are, but not me:

1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT
Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.

Ephesians 6:5 NLT
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.

Luke 12:47-48 NLT
The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. "But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given."

The new Testament is just as "pro slavery" as the old.

John 14:13-14 Jesus stated: "And whatsoever ye ask in my name I do, that the Father may be glorified in the son. If ye ask any thing in my name, I will do it."

Millions ask every day for something. The only time a prayer actually comes true is called "coincidence".

It's all just made up.

Straw arguments, and lame attempts, we follow only the Bible and why do idiots like you love posting quotes from the Bible that tell slaves to be loyal to their masters yet leave out the quotes that tell masters not to mistreat their slaves? The Bible is not pro-slavery and slaves in the sense the Bible is talking about are people who are indebted to people, not people in chattel slavery who were captured and rounded up like animals being oppressed , the Bible and New testament is pro any of that nonsense. , we all know what God did to people like that in the book of Exodus.

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