Chrysler Workers Fired For Getting Wasted. Sums Up "Stimulus"...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
It was just announced today that the Chrysler workers caught smoking pot and drinking brews on the job have been fired. In my opinion this debacle really does sum up the "Stimulus" debacle perfectly. This White House and Democrats in Congress must have been wasted when they decided to waste all of our Taxpayer Dollars...

[ame=]YouTube - Detroit Auto Workers Busted on the Job Drinking Beer & Smoking Pot on Break.flv[/ame]
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It was just announced today that the Chrysler workers caught smoking pot and drinking brews on the job have been fired. In my opinion this debacle really does sum up the "Stimulus" debacle perfectly. This White House and Democrats in Congress must have been wasted when they decided to waste all of our Taxpayer Dollars...

YouTube - Detroit Auto Workers Busted on the Job Drinking Beer & Smoking Pot on Break.flv

Good for chrysler...maybe they can hire some people at reasonable compensation rates who would actually be grateful for and respect their job.
I suppose the UAW has no intention of protecting them? They have been doing so on a regular basis for years. You want 28 days off from the line? Just be on the job drunk or high - show up that way or do it at lunch or on break. The union makes sure the automaker pays for your - ahem - vacation and they make sure your job is there after the 28 days are up.
They got exactly what was coming to them. If Si modo is right and this has been going on for years, it's a complete disgrace. And LibocalypseNow, can you explain to me what the fuck disciplining these workers has to do with the stimulus bill?

Chyrsler did get a bail out and it's especially aggravating that these workers did not value their jobs after the US taxpayer helped to save them, but whatever you may think of the wisdom of that spending, it has zippedy-doo-dah to do with any stimulus bill.

It was just announced today that the Chrysler workers caught smoking pot and drinking brews on the job have been fired. In my opinion this debacle really does sum up the "Stimulus" debacle perfectly. This White House and Democrats in Congress must have been wasted when they decided to waste all of our Taxpayer Dollars...

I oppose the stimulus spending, but I'm not sure how you figure it's to blame for these guys' bad behaviors.
It was just announced today that the Chrysler workers caught smoking pot and drinking brews on the job have been fired. In my opinion this debacle really does sum up the "Stimulus" debacle perfectly. This White House and Democrats in Congress must have been wasted when they decided to waste all of our Taxpayer Dollars...

I oppose the stimulus spending, but I'm not sure how you figure it's to blame for these guys' bad behaviors.

Their "Stimulus" was a criminal waste of Taxpayer money. That's my point. This is just one example of their awful malfeasance. There are genital washing programs and so many more examples though. I was just referring to these workers getting wasted which made me think about how this White House and Democrats in Congress must have been wasted too when they decided to rape the American Taxpayer and waste their hard-earned money. Hey,just my take anyway.
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LibocalypseNow, can you explain to me what the fuck disciplining these workers has to do with the stimulus bill?

Their "Stimulus" was a criminal waste of Taxpayer money. That's my point.
That "point" appears to have nothing to do with this. Now if this type of behavior was exposed and people were NOT fired, THEN you'd have a point. But in this case it appears the company did the CORRECT thing, and you're looking for a negative press regarding this company to abstractly link it to a topic you dislike. I'm in no way defending the stimulus, but this "point" of yours is crap.
Politics are like sewers. Shitty but necessary. Stimulus just has to pump money into the economy until those folks sitting on their fat piles of cash stop being terrified and start pumping it in themselves. Really, does it matter if it's handjobs, head or pussy/cock as long as it's a nut?
It was just announced today that the Chrysler workers caught smoking pot and drinking brews on the job have been fired. In my opinion this debacle really does sum up the "Stimulus" debacle perfectly. This White House and Democrats in Congress must have been wasted when they decided to waste all of our Taxpayer Dollars...

YouTube - Detroit Auto Workers Busted on the Job Drinking Beer & Smoking Pot on Break.flv

mark me surprised,I didn't think it would end up as more than than a week off with no pay or something. :redface:
They got exactly what was coming to them. If Si modo is right and this has been going on for years, it's a complete disgrace. And LibocalypseNow, can you explain to me what the fuck disciplining these workers has to do with the stimulus bill?

Chyrsler did get a bail out and it's especially aggravating that these workers did not value their jobs after the US taxpayer helped to save them, but whatever you may think of the wisdom of that spending, it has zippedy-doo-dah to do with any stimulus bill.

What part of fucked up unions haven't you gotten yet Maddline? She is not wrong.
It was just announced today that the Chrysler workers caught smoking pot and drinking brews on the job have been fired. In my opinion this debacle really does sum up the "Stimulus" debacle perfectly. This White House and Democrats in Congress must have been wasted when they decided to waste all of our Taxpayer Dollars...

I don't see a connection dude, unless you are saying all the republicans had the same problem? You using that fuzzy math to sum up again?
Good for chrysler...maybe they can hire some people at reasonable compensation rates who would actually be grateful for and respect their job.

Oh, oh, another capitalist goes astray with wishes of "reasonable Compensation rates!!!"

Just shows what an immature nation we have going here, but then rules are meant for everybody making under 500,000. a year.............. and darn, they qualified. LOL!:lol:
It was just announced today that the Chrysler workers caught smoking pot and drinking brews on the job have been fired. In my opinion this debacle really does sum up the "Stimulus" debacle perfectly. This White House and Democrats in Congress must have been wasted when they decided to waste all of our Taxpayer Dollars...

YouTube - Detroit Auto Workers Busted on the Job Drinking Beer & Smoking Pot on Break.flv
More like it sums up the fact that these businesses were failing, and that the factories were inefficient/filled with problems, thus by bailing them out Obama has made the problem even worse. The cars they sell are unpopular in the rest of the world, not to mention expensive to make, and not very fuel efficient, that's why the car companies were in bad economic times, they were uncompetitive in the new green economy idea. They were failing even in the good times, and are failing still now. ;)
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It was just announced today that the Chrysler workers caught smoking pot and drinking brews on the job have been fired. In my opinion this debacle really does sum up the "Stimulus" debacle perfectly. This White House and Democrats in Congress must have been wasted when they decided to waste all of our Taxpayer Dollars...

YouTube - Detroit Auto Workers Busted on the Job Drinking Beer & Smoking Pot on Break.flv
More like it sums up the fact that these businesses were failing, and that the factories were inefficient/filled with problems, thus by bailing them out Obama has made the problem even worse. The cars they sell are unpopular in the rest of the world, not to mention expensive to make, and not very fuel efficient, that's why the car companies were in bad economic times, they were uncompetitive in the new green economy idea. They were failing even in the good times, and are failing still now. ;)

Hmm, My ride is a 300 Touring and is the best car I have ever had for comfort & luxury, but I feel I received my moneys worth. I was down by the local dealer and had a complete sell out, with only used cars left on the lot.

I think the GM deal was rigged & it was a pay off for campaign contributions, nothing more. I notice Ford didn't have the balls to step up to the plate. GM has auto plants located all over the world and building more, and that was all made off the backs of the UAW profits. The GM bankruptcy is the same thing. They should have been forced to sell off auto plants on this Globe before getting any mercy.

Seriously there something wrong with you? Idiots smoking pot and drinking on the job get fired and you try to turn it into a political issue?

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