Christmas Shopping.. oh fun

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
What is it with women and shopping, they have to pick up just about everything up, evaluate it, ask what you think, "looks good Honey" then put it down and move on.

I just love pushing the cart around following the expedition for hours upon hours...:lol:

Well see ya going shopping...:eusa_doh:
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This is why I would NEVER take a man shopping, why torture them like that?

I hate the malls, I'm liking this online shopping, it's the best way to shop now imo.
This is why I would NEVER take a man shopping, why torture them like that?

I hate the malls, I'm liking this online shopping, it's the best way to shop now imo.

Torture THEM? Why torture YOURSELF like that? I enjoy Christmas shopping, and have no desire to ruin the experience by dragging a man along. Just give me the debit card and get the hell out of the way. Oh, and when people open the presents from "us", try not to look completely surprised.
I don't like shopping (especially this time of year). If I'm going, I usually already know what I'm looking for and where I'm going to find it in advance ( I like lists). The faster I can find what I'm looking for the better,unfortunately I have one teenager who likes to drag me to the mall at least once a month (if I'm willing)..or I would probably rarely go there.

The only time I usually look around and actually "shop" is if we go on vacation and find cool gift shops around. Ruidoso NM and Manitou Springs CO are kinda fun for this...other then that, shopping just tends to make me cranky.
This is why I would NEVER take a man shopping, why torture them like that?

I hate the malls, I'm liking this online shopping, it's the best way to shop now imo.

Online is great for finding things no store in town seems to have. I spent several days checking stores around town for a DVD my daughter wants for one had it in stock ( A movie called "Hoot" that she saw on the Disney channel). I finally ended up ordering in online (I should have just done that in the first place and saved myself the aggravation.)
Wife says, "Let's go Christmas shopping." I say, "I thought you said you were finished up with the Christmas shopping." She says, "I just remembered somebody I just can't ignore." I say, "Like who?" She says, "You!!" I say, "We better get going...":lol:
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I was amazed at the lack of shoppers, this shopping online has really taken off.

Sounds good, I'll take the advice and join the 21st century.
Be sure and carry your firearm while shopping. It can get pretty rough out there. Might have to shoot a line jumper at the wrapping station or something similar.
Wife says, "Let's go Christmas shopping." I say, "I thought you said you were finished up with the Christmas shopping." She says, "I just remembered somebody I just can't ignore." I say, "Like who?" She says, "You!!" I say, "We better get going...":lol:

Be sure and carry your firearm while shopping. It can get pretty rough out there. Might have to shoot a line jumper at the wrapping station or something similar.

I have often been tempted to get one of those little handheld joy buzzers so that I can buzz people on the ass when they insist on standing, mouth agape, in the middle of the aisle that I'm trying to navigate. Does anyone understand why Mexicans feel the need to shop in packs, and then hold long, rambling conferences so that no one can move past them? And they look right at you, and then just go back to gabbling in Spanish as though they have no idea why you're standing there impatiently, contemplating ramming one of them with your shopping basket. What the hell?
Is the ONLY place I've been Christmas shopping.

I was a sucker for that advertisement with the girls dancing around, singing "How Cute Are These BOOTS!" How CUTE ARE THESE BOOTS!!!"

I dropped $200.00 on boots, sweaters, skirts, stockings, socks...etc., for my 7 year old daughter.

Well, the Boot ARE Cute!
Be sure and carry your firearm while shopping. It can get pretty rough out there. Might have to shoot a line jumper at the wrapping station or something similar.

I have often been tempted to get one of those little handheld joy buzzers so that I can buzz people on the ass when they insist on standing, mouth agape, in the middle of the aisle that I'm trying to navigate. Does anyone understand why Mexicans feel the need to shop in packs, and then hold long, rambling conferences so that no one can move past them? And they look right at you, and then just go back to gabbling in Spanish as though they have no idea why you're standing there impatiently, contemplating ramming one of them with your shopping basket. What the hell?

It has forced to consider just how many people have big butts nowadays. Whole families of big butted people.

Or..when you finally get moving and someone stops for no apparent reason and justs stands there.
Be sure and carry your firearm while shopping. It can get pretty rough out there. Might have to shoot a line jumper at the wrapping station or something similar.

I have often been tempted to get one of those little handheld joy buzzers so that I can buzz people on the ass when they insist on standing, mouth agape, in the middle of the aisle that I'm trying to navigate. Does anyone understand why Mexicans feel the need to shop in packs, and then hold long, rambling conferences so that no one can move past them? And they look right at you, and then just go back to gabbling in Spanish as though they have no idea why you're standing there impatiently, contemplating ramming one of them with your shopping basket. What the hell?

It has forced to consider just how many people have big butts nowadays. Whole families of big butted people.

Or..when you finally get moving and someone stops for no apparent reason and justs stands there.

Where I live, we not only have Mexicans shopping in herds, we also have scads of out-of-town geezers here for the winter. Not only do they think the entire world revolves around them, but they're deaf as a board, so you can shout, "Excuse me!" at them until you're blue in the face, but they aren't moving.

I still enjoy shopping, but I have to admit, there are times when humanity really tries my patience.
Be sure and carry your firearm while shopping. It can get pretty rough out there. Might have to shoot a line jumper at the wrapping station or something similar.

I have often been tempted to get one of those little handheld joy buzzers so that I can buzz people on the ass when they insist on standing, mouth agape, in the middle of the aisle that I'm trying to navigate. Does anyone understand why Mexicans feel the need to shop in packs, and then hold long, rambling conferences so that no one can move past them? And they look right at you, and then just go back to gabbling in Spanish as though they have no idea why you're standing there impatiently, contemplating ramming one of them with your shopping basket. What the hell?

I recommend more time at the mall and less time at Wal-Mart. :lol:

( Unless you like joy-buzzing people on the ass... if that's the case, Wal-Mart is a grand place to hunting. )​
Please note that it is the official policy of Wal-Mart to NOT discuss the number of items a customer takes into the 20 items or less line.

It is also the unofficial policy of Wal-Mart employees to ignore customers who take it upon themselves to educate their fellow customers on basic math skills.

( I know someone who works at Wal-Mart... :eusa_shhh: Don't tell Charlie )

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