Christmas list: Spoilt girl, 13, demands presents or says 'Santa Claus will die'


Too sick for a cure
Dec 6, 2011
Give me my presents or Santa gets it! Spoilt girl, 13, demands presents or says 'Santa will die... and I'll cook his reindeer'

By Lucy Buckland

Last updated at 10:44 AM on 14th December 2011

It is part of the sweet Christmas tradition for children across the country, penning a festive wish list to Santa, hoping they are not on the naughty list.

While most youngsters do everything to keep on Santa's good side, one schoolgirl has torn up tradition and used her festive wish list to issue Father Christmas with an ultimatum: gifts or he gets it.

Demanding Mekeeda Austin, 13, warned Father Christmas that he will be 'killed' if he fails to deliver at least two of her long list of lavish gifts.


I think it's about time someone bent her over their knee and taught her a little respect.

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