Christie has zinger for trump

Christie is no stranger to Zingers

and nobody cares what that fat fk has to say about anything.
I ay someone has a chance if they are left early on one on one with Trump, like before Super Tuesday... Any later and they are robbing eacch other but Trump will just own the media...
Biden was given a long lead into Trump... Trump spent more time shooting himself in the foot, Biden really didn't need to do much...
Old saying in politics "If the other guy is digging a hole , don't stop him.."

Actual Quote:

Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself - Napoleon​

Who knows? Maybe you're right.

But I don't think so.
Uh oh. He said mean things to Trump.

That right there makes him a RINO-Nazi-commie-beta-moonbat-swamp-fag-something-something.

Because cult.
What's happening: Christie got great press for remarks he made last weekend at the Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas, where he argued Republicans need to focus on future fights rather than rehashing the 2020 election.

  • That got under Trump's skin. He issued a harsh statement Monday saying Christie "was just absolutely massacred by his statements that Republicans have to move on from the past, meaning the 2020 Election Fraud."
  • "Everybody remembers," Trump added, "that Chris left New Jersey with a less than 9% approval rating — a record low, and they didn’t want to hear this from him!"
Christie had a zinger ready when I sat down with him Tuesday.

  • "I'm not gonna get into a back-and-forth with Donald Trump," the former governor told me. "But what I will say is this: When I ran for reelection in 2013, I got 60% of the vote. When he ran for reelection, he lost to Joe Biden."
  • "I'm happy to have that comparison stand up, because that's the one that really matters," Christie added.

Do you think offending trump will hurt Christie?
Not a very solid zinger. Head to head Trump roflstomped him.
I can't see Christie running, much less winning, in 2024.

Even if he were to primary and defeat the Trumpster, the libs would literally crucify him over his weight as well as his closing of the GW Bridge as gov. No chance, Christie would be thoroughly schlonged and he knows it.

There will be a lot of candidates show up to fight over who is going to lose to Joe Biden.
That strategy worked for the Democrats in 2020. Why wouldn’t they use it again? I don’t understand your thinking.
The Independents won't be that stupid again, even many Dims won't and already aren't falling for the leftyvirus scam. No real American wants Poopeyman as president.
The Independents won't be that stupid again, even many Dims won't and already aren't falling for the leftyvirus scam. No real American wants Poopeyman as president.

You underestimate the idiocy of the American people. As a whole, we love scary stuff. Pandemics are scary.

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