Christians break the Golden Rule when accepting Jesus as savior.


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Christians break the Golden Rule when accepting Jesus as savior.

Jesus indicated that doing unto others as we would want done to us was a commandment.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, goes against the Golden Rule and Jesus’ commandment.

None of us would want to be punished for someone else’s sin, yet Christians ignore Jesus’ commandment and eagerly consent to let Jesus suffer for the sins they have done so that they might escape their just punishment.

From what Jesus said, Christians are showing that they are not fit for heaven as they do not follow Jesus’ commandment and thus do evil.

Should Christians step up and make themselves fit for heaven by rejecting substitutionary atonement?

Christians break the Golden Rule when accepting Jesus as savior.

Jesus indicated that doing unto others as we would want done to us was a commandment.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, goes against the Golden Rule and Jesus’ commandment.

None of us would want to be punished for someone else’s sin, yet Christians ignore Jesus’ commandment and eagerly consent to let Jesus suffer for the sins they have done so that they might escape their just punishment.

From what Jesus said, Christians are showing that they are not fit for heaven as they do not follow Jesus’ commandment and thus do evil.

Should Christians step up and make themselves fit for heaven by rejecting substitutionary atonement?

How do YOU know that it is not the spirit in them that takes care of the law and atonement in them once they accept Jesus as their personal savior?
Oh, G_d deliver me from self-serving hypocrites who declaring themselves as wise become as fools. No man of his own accord is fit for heaven as all have sinned and no sin can enter the presence of G_d. Do you have NO understanding or do you have an agenda here you wish to be honest enough to state up front. Try actually reading and quoting biblical scripture accurately because you betray yourself.
Christians break the Golden Rule when accepting Jesus as savior.

Jesus indicated that doing unto others as we would want done to us was a commandment.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, goes against the Golden Rule and Jesus’ commandment.

None of us would want to be punished for someone else’s sin, yet Christians ignore Jesus’ commandment and eagerly consent to let Jesus suffer for the sins they have done so that they might escape their just punishment.

From what Jesus said, Christians are showing that they are not fit for heaven as they do not follow Jesus’ commandment and thus do evil.

Should Christians step up and make themselves fit for heaven by rejecting substitutionary atonement?


I'm no Christian but even I can see this as the twisted, misinformed garbage it is.
Christians break the Golden Rule when accepting Jesus as savior.

Jesus indicated that doing unto others as we would want done to us was a commandment.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, goes against the Golden Rule and Jesus’ commandment.

None of us would want to be punished for someone else’s sin, yet Christians ignore Jesus’ commandment and eagerly consent to let Jesus suffer for the sins they have done so that they might escape their just punishment.

From what Jesus said, Christians are showing that they are not fit for heaven as they do not follow Jesus’ commandment and thus do evil.

Should Christians step up and make themselves fit for heaven by rejecting substitutionary atonement?

How do YOU know that it is not the spirit in them that takes care of the law and atonement in them once they accept Jesus as their personal savior?

Why would you think that when that is not how Christianity sells it?

At least not usually as they do not believe in the more Eastern esoteric Jesus who said what follows.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

What you put would make too much sense and would be moral, but to tie it to Jesus would be quite wrong as this is all about you. Unless you have taken on the Christ mind.

Oh, G_d deliver me from self-serving hypocrites who declaring themselves as wise become as fools. No man of his own accord is fit for heaven as all have sinned and no sin can enter the presence of G_d. Do you have NO understanding or do you have an agenda here you wish to be honest enough to state up front. Try actually reading and quoting biblical scripture accurately because you betray yourself.

As Ingersoll said; 'no man would be fit for heaven who would consent that an innocent person should suffer for his sin.'

You should not call your betters, like Bishop Spong, fools, as it makes you the fool.

Christians break the Golden Rule when accepting Jesus as savior.

Jesus indicated that doing unto others as we would want done to us was a commandment.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, goes against the Golden Rule and Jesus’ commandment.

None of us would want to be punished for someone else’s sin, yet Christians ignore Jesus’ commandment and eagerly consent to let Jesus suffer for the sins they have done so that they might escape their just punishment.

From what Jesus said, Christians are showing that they are not fit for heaven as they do not follow Jesus’ commandment and thus do evil.

Should Christians step up and make themselves fit for heaven by rejecting substitutionary atonement?


I'm no Christian but even I can see this as the twisted, misinformed garbage it is.

Yet you do not provide an argument against.

Seems you do not love us.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

If you are a believer, you are a poor one.

Christians break the Golden Rule when accepting Jesus as savior.

Jesus indicated that doing unto others as we would want done to us was a commandment.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, goes against the Golden Rule and Jesus’ commandment.

None of us would want to be punished for someone else’s sin, yet Christians ignore Jesus’ commandment and eagerly consent to let Jesus suffer for the sins they have done so that they might escape their just punishment.

From what Jesus said, Christians are showing that they are not fit for heaven as they do not follow Jesus’ commandment and thus do evil.

Should Christians step up and make themselves fit for heaven by rejecting substitutionary atonement?

Christians are avodah zarah

Avodah Zarah - Wikipedia
Christians break the Golden Rule when accepting Jesus as savior.

Jesus indicated that doing unto others as we would want done to us was a commandment.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, goes against the Golden Rule and Jesus’ commandment.

None of us would want to be punished for someone else’s sin, yet Christians ignore Jesus’ commandment and eagerly consent to let Jesus suffer for the sins they have done so that they might escape their just punishment.

From what Jesus said, Christians are showing that they are not fit for heaven as they do not follow Jesus’ commandment and thus do evil.

Should Christians step up and make themselves fit for heaven by rejecting substitutionary atonement?

I have been reading this site and it is most excellent, but no where on it can I find what you are doing. Perhaps you could point that out for me. What do you say?

Being Jewish Web Site
Christians break the Golden Rule when accepting Jesus as savior.

Jesus indicated that doing unto others as we would want done to us was a commandment.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, goes against the Golden Rule and Jesus’ commandment.

None of us would want to be punished for someone else’s sin, yet Christians ignore Jesus’ commandment and eagerly consent to let Jesus suffer for the sins they have done so that they might escape their just punishment.

From what Jesus said, Christians are showing that they are not fit for heaven as they do not follow Jesus’ commandment and thus do evil.

Should Christians step up and make themselves fit for heaven by rejecting substitutionary atonement?

Christians are avodah zarah

Avodah Zarah - Wikipedia


The trouble started when they became idol worshipers instead of God seekers.

Christians break the Golden Rule when accepting Jesus as savior.

Jesus indicated that doing unto others as we would want done to us was a commandment.

Having another innocent person suffer for the wrongs you have done, --- so that you might escape responsibility for having done them, goes against the Golden Rule and Jesus’ commandment.

None of us would want to be punished for someone else’s sin, yet Christians ignore Jesus’ commandment and eagerly consent to let Jesus suffer for the sins they have done so that they might escape their just punishment.

From what Jesus said, Christians are showing that they are not fit for heaven as they do not follow Jesus’ commandment and thus do evil.

Should Christians step up and make themselves fit for heaven by rejecting substitutionary atonement?

I have been reading this site and it is most excellent, but no where on it can I find what you are doing. Perhaps you could point that out for me. What do you say?

Being Jewish Web Site

Not surprising as most Jews do not accept Jesus as savior.

Their ideology is too intelligent and moral for such a belief.


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