Christian Socialism

Time article about Christian Socialism from 1931:

When the New York Times headlined last week SOCIALISM FAVORED BY RELIGIOUS GROUPS, many a conservative reader might have viewed indignantly the recurring initials Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. and fumed to himself: "Socialism, indeed!"
Christian Socialism - TIME

Hugo Chavez is considered the Christian Socialist of our time:

Throughout Latin America a rich tapestry has long existed when it comes to Catholics who have fought with the poor and challenged the establishment. The Brazilian Franciscan Friar Frei Betto, Monseñor Óscar Romero of El Salvador, and Father Camilo Torres who left the order in the mid-1960s and joined the Army of National Liberation (ELN) in Colombia are all examples of this coming together of politics and theology. Marxists, Christians and left-wing politics mix in this region like in few other places.

With this in mind, it is interesting to follow relations between the Catholic Church and the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, who is himself a believer. Although time will show to what extent Chávez's proclaimed "Socialism for the 21st Century" will differ in practice from socialist or reformist regimes of the last century, some things can be said about the man and his government with some assurance.

For a start, much evidence indicates that the Chávez administration is genuinely engaged in a series of ambitious policies aimed at reducing poverty and forging Latin American integration. Secondly, if President Chávez is sincere about his religious beliefs, his stance is certainly not out of kilter with the actions of countless Catholics throughout Latin American history who have also run into conflict with Church authorities
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Time article about Christian Socialism from 1931:

When the New York Times headlined last week SOCIALISM FAVORED BY RELIGIOUS GROUPS, many a conservative reader might have viewed indignantly the recurring initials Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. and fumed to himself: "Socialism, indeed!"
Christian Socialism - TIME

Hugo Chavez is considered the Christian Socialist of our time:
Chávez Embraces Christian Socialism - New York Latino Journal

And finally the Council of Christian Associations flatly states that the ideal new party must have a definite platform with these tenets: i) social ownership of public utilities, natural resources and basic industries; 2) increased inheritance, income and excess profits taxes; 3) reduction and eventual abolition of the tariff; 4) drastic reduction of armaments; 5) internationalism; 6) extension of public educational and recreational facilities; 7) unemployment insurance; 8) old age pensions.

If I was a Christian, I'd sign up to that.
This is a great topic, Agnapostate.

The Bible does not prescribe a particular governmental or economic system for modern nations. In that sense, neither capitalism nor socialism can claim the label “Christian.”
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I'm a bit rusty on the Bible, it wasn't a big authority when I was a kid but I do remember some of it.

What about values? I don't meant to knock the Old Testament but it was a pretty shocking read for a kid. I don't think that its values reflected the values of the New Testament, in fact I remember thinking they were polar opposites. The Old Testament was all about authority and obeying (good source for Emperors and Kings) but the New Testament was all about love and faith and redemption and was a lot more positive than the OT. So, if the NT is about Christian values, given that Christ wasn't mentioned in the OT (or at least as far as I know), and His values as espoused by his Apostles in the Gospels more closely align with socialist economics than they do laissez-faire capitalist economics and the associated values of both systems, doesn't that mean that socialists who are Christians have a valid claim to the concept of Christian Socialism, a claim far stronger than that of Christian Capitalism?

"Christian socialism generally refers to those on the Christian left whose politics are both Christian and socialist and who see these two things as being interconnected. Broadly speaking, this category can include Liberation theology and the doctrine of the social gospel. The term 'Christian Socialism' is used in this sense by organizations such as the Christian Socialist Movement (CSM), a specifically Christian grouping affiliated with the British Labour Party. The term also pertains to such earlier figures as the nineteenth century writer Frederick Denison Maurice (The Kingdom of Christ, 1838) and Francis Bellamy..."
 Third Way: "Christian" Socialism
If it has anything to do with Blair then I'm out. I suspect though that the latter day (relax Rock) adherents have purloined the concept from its original meaning in the 19th Century.
I'm a bit rusty on the Bible, it wasn't a big authority when I was a kid but I do remember some of it.

What about values? I don't meant to knock the Old Testament but it was a pretty shocking read for a kid. I don't think that its values reflected the values of the New Testament, in fact I remember thinking they were polar opposites. The Old Testament was all about authority and obeying (good source for Emperors and Kings) but the New Testament was all about love and faith and redemption and was a lot more positive than the OT. So, if the NT is about Christian values, given that Christ wasn't mentioned in the OT (or at least as far as I know), and His values as espoused by his Apostles in the Gospels more closely align with socialist economics than they do laissez-faire capitalist economics and the associated values of both systems, doesn't that mean that socialists who are Christians have a valid claim to the concept of Christian Socialism, a claim far stronger than that of Christian Capitalism?

I would think so, Diuretic and I would guess Hugo Chavez would agree. Yet in America, the reality is, that socialism is connected with the left side of politics, not the right wing fundie side. This is an opportunity for the left side of the political aisle to claim religious legitimacy.

I've always been interested in looking at the way religion backs up politics and economics.
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It isn't lost on everyone that many Christians will allign themselves politically with conservatives although much of the conservative platform runs opposite of mainstream Christian values. The single largest issue that has captured so many Christians for the right is abortion, plain and simple. It is a single plank but one that Christians have been more than willing to crowd themselves upon. Despite the teaching of Christ about loving the enemy, turning the other cheek, forgiveness and compassion, the church has played a large role in steering it's followers towards conservative politics solely on the isssue of abortion, even though there is no direct mention of abortion in the Bible. In doing so, they have inadvertently supported the party that sponsers things such as the death penalty. It makes little sense when you add it all up but people will swallow what the church feeds them. Beleive me, I spent several weeks attending a few different churches and revivals here right around election time and every service in every church spent some time speaking on abortion. I can't overstate what a HUGE DEAL it is to them.

There were a coalition of black congregations in Mississippi and Louisiana who openly supported W. in both of his campaigns. The overwhelming majority of these people were poor, under educated, working low paying, if not minimum wage jobs and many recieving public assistance. Considering their positons in life and the politics that would benefit them most, it seemed absurd that they would support a republican. But they did. And they had no problem saying they supported him because they thought he could get Roe v. Wade overturned. That was it. A single issue.

Credit has to be given to the right for exploiting this issue for every vote they could get. It seems amazing that people will turn their vote on a single issue but the fact is, they will. The right knew how important this issue was to them and seized the opportunity to get votes they would have never gotten if Roe v Wade wasn't stirred into the debate.

Politics does make strange bedfellows. The right exploited good hearted Christians with one or two wedge issues.

Too bad for them.
An odd claim. The apostles did likely practice a form of libertarian communism after the Day of Pentecost, but this was a limited practice in a limited time frame, as was their ability to speak with the languages of "Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the Parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs." There is little basis for claiming that this practice has a great degree of modern applicability.
Christianity should have nothing to do with politics.

"Render onto Ceasar what is Ceasar's.." remember?

IN other words, governments will always be with us, but they are merely something that Christians have to put up with.

Christianity is about preparing one's soul for the afterlife, not changing the world.
The only 'cuddly Christians' that come to mind for me at this moment are Care4all and Rodishi.

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