Christian Martyrdom


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
It's time to NOT turn the cheek...Thanks obongo inc...

U.S. Leadership Ushers New Age of Christian Martyrdom
Twelve Christians are publicly raped, beheaded, and crucified for refusing to renounce Christ in Syria.
October 13, 2015
Raymond Ibrahim


Originally published by the Gatestone Institute.

Wherever U.S. leadership has helped Islamic jihadis topple secular autocrats in the name of “democracy and freedom,” indigenous Christian minorities are being forced to convert to Islam or die.

Many are accepting death.

Most recently, on August 28 near Aleppo, the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) tortured, mutilated, publicly raped, beheaded and crucified 12 Christians for saying “they would never renounce Christ” for Muhammad.

The jihadis took one group in front of a large crowd. They cut off the fingertips of a 12-year-old boy, who steadfastly refused to submit to Islam. They “severely beat him, telling his father they would stop the torture only if he, the father, returned to Islam.” He refused, so they “also tortured and beat him and the two other ministry workers. The three men and the boy then met their deaths in crucifixion.”

According to a Christian leader associated with the martyrs, “They were left on their crosses for two days. No one was allowed to remove them.” A sign saying “infidels” was placed next to their crosses.

The other eight Christians, including two women aged 29 and 33, were also ordered to renounce Christ and embrace Islam before a large crowd. They refused:

The Islamic extremists then publicly raped the women, who continued to pray during the ordeal, leading the ISIS militants to beat them all the more furiously.

As the two women and the six men knelt before they were beheaded, they were all praying.

“Villagers said some were praying in the name of Jesus, others said some were praying the Lord’s prayer, and others said some of them lifted their heads to commend their spirits to Jesus,” the ministry director said. “One of the women looked up and seemed to be almost smiling as she said, ‘Jesus!’”

After they were beheaded, their bodies were hung on crosses, the ministry director said, his voice breaking.


U.S. Leadership Ushers New Age of Christian Martyrdom

And the fucking liberals be worried about some fucking lion in Africa...
Not a word about the Fishes and Loaves church burnt down in Israel by jewish zealots.

Funny how David Horowitz turned conservative after the cold war, and before that was communist.
Not a word about the Fishes and Loaves church burnt down in Israel by jewish zealots.

Funny how David Horowitz turned conservative after the cold war, and before that was communist.

for those not familiar with the islamo Nazi dog lies of Penelope-----let me reassure
you----the church of fishes and loaves was not "burnt down" as the islamo Nazi
slut claims-----there was very little damage at all to it when some vandals scorched
some stone walls (mosaics were not touched) and wrote some easily removed
graffiti The church remains intact-----islamo Nazi sluts lie lots
Not a word about the Fishes and Loaves church burnt down in Israel by jewish zealots.

Funny how David Horowitz turned conservative after the cold war, and before that was communist.

for those not familiar with the islamo Nazi dog lies of Penelope-----let me reassure
you----the church of fishes and loaves was not "burnt down" as the islamo Nazi
slut claims-----there was very little damage at all to it when some vandals scorched
some stone walls (mosaics were not touched) and wrote some easily removed
graffiti The church remains intact-----islamo Nazi sluts lie lots
Read , has pic of burnt church by jew zealots.
Arson attack guts part of Israel's Church of Loaves and Fishes
Not a word about the Fishes and Loaves church burnt down in Israel by jewish zealots.

Funny how David Horowitz turned conservative after the cold war, and before that was communist.

for those not familiar with the islamo Nazi dog lies of Penelope-----let me reassure
you----the church of fishes and loaves was not "burnt down" as the islamo Nazi
slut claims-----there was very little damage at all to it when some vandals scorched
some stone walls (mosaics were not touched) and wrote some easily removed
graffiti The church remains intact-----islamo Nazi sluts lie lots
Read , has pic of burnt church by jew zealots.
Arson attack guts part of Israel's Church of Loaves and Fishes

re-read your idiot post------you falsely claimed that the church was BURNED DOWN------all I see is fragments of charred paper-----typical islamo Nazi slut liar.
Your fellows did not leave synagogues in such good shape------did you?-----those
of your ilk not only destroyed them completely but burned people inside of them
for the pleasure of the filthy perversions of those of your ilk Even in very recent
time your fellow filth are destroying jewish shrines -----completely for your perverse
It is ALWAYS time to turn the other cheek.
As long as we are focused on God's plan and NOT ours.............
If our lives here are sacrificed for God, it's worth it! It's what God wants.
People that think DEATH and "animals" are more important than God's ultimate plan are blind.
We must be loving .... and persistent....
it's not about "us" - that is what turning the other cheek is about....
focus on GOD and OTHERS.... the 1st and 2nd commandments....
Not a word about the Fishes and Loaves church burnt down in Israel by jewish zealots.

Funny how David Horowitz turned conservative after the cold war, and before that was communist.
That is the grace of God, Penelope. David Horowitz used to be an atheist but when he realized that God was real and that He loved him? His life began to change.
The good news is none of those Christians denied Jesus Christ and today they are in heaven. They overcame the enemy by the Blood of Lamb (Jesus Christ) and the Word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death. That is true Christianity!
Right hand, left hand, who knows the difference? Is there not a right cheek and a left one?
Not a word about the Fishes and Loaves church burnt down in Israel by jewish zealots.

Funny how David Horowitz turned conservative after the cold war, and before that was communist.
That is the grace of God, Penelope. David Horowitz used to be an atheist but when he realized that God was real and that He loved him? His life began to change.

I think its his love of money.
Not a word about the Fishes and Loaves church burnt down in Israel by jewish zealots.

Funny how David Horowitz turned conservative after the cold war, and before that was communist.
That is the grace of God, Penelope. David Horowitz used to be an atheist but when he realized that God was real and that He loved him? His life began to change.

I think its his love of money.

The important thing to remember is that God loves you too. He doesn't love David Horowitz any more than He loves you, Penelope. There is no other person on this earth that is identical to you. You are unique.
Turning the other cheek can be fatal.

It is advise, and like all advise it should be weighed against reality.
I am sure many here have no idea-------it's ok-----I am here to INFORM. I came into friendly contact with lots of
muslims -----more than 45 years ago and since-------once they found out I am a jew-----I got to know what they
think of Christians (when they think I am a Christian---I get to know what they think of jews) ----here it is----
the 'TURN THE CHEEK' thing in Islamic ethos------is ABSOLUTE PROOF that Christians are idiots and their
theology worthless. The "BEAUTY" of islam is that if anyone "insults" allah. or muhummad, or islam or a
muslim-------muslims have not only a right----but an OBLIGATION-----to kill him.-----THE BEAUTY OF ISLAM
note----"the beauty of islam" is actually a very much used phrase. When I encounter it, I try not to giggle
Turning the other cheek can be fatal.

It is advise, and like all advise it should be weighed against reality.

Loving your fellow man enough to suffer harm rather than hurt them back may be fatal to the body for a time, but the resurrection makes you the ultimate Victor.
Turning the other cheek can be fatal.

It is advise, and like all advise it should be weighed against reality.

Loving your fellow man enough to suffer harm rather than hurt them back may be fatal to the body for a time, but the resurrection makes you the ultimate Victor.
But what if god is mad at mormons for heresy and you all go to hell, as the bible states you should?
The good news is none of those Christians denied Jesus Christ and today they are in heaven. They overcame the enemy by the Blood of Lamb (Jesus Christ) and the Word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death. That is true Christianity!
Being a wimp and letting yourself be murdered is true Christianity? You have the wimp part down, question is: why are you still alive? You not a true Christian?
Turning the other cheek can be fatal.

It is advise, and like all advise it should be weighed against reality.

Loving your fellow man enough to suffer harm rather than hurt them back may be fatal to the body for a time, but the resurrection makes you the ultimate Victor.

No it does not. If you are going to resurrect you would regardless that you suffered or not. Getting physically destroyed is not a safe guard to resurrecting either.

You believers need some existentialism added to your religion. Choosing to survive in the natural world is an instinctual response.

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