Christian Dominionism-The Real Threat to Our Secular Government

Conservative xenophobes and conspiracy neurotics are wringing their hands, and lamenting the rise of Islam in our country, which they claim will bring about the implementation of Sharia law.

However, whether out of ignorance or the belief that religious freedom and the first amendment does not apply equally to all religions, they fail to focus on the real threat to secularism.

We are talking about Christian Dominionism.

While there is no reason to believe that the few Muslims in our government harbor a desire to usurp secularism, there are appointed and elected Christians in our government right now – or are aspiring to high office-who have openly expressed the belief that the bible is superior to the constitution and cavorting with those who are like minded.

David Barton is a chief proponent of what he calls Seven Mountains Dominionism : Seven Mountains theology teaches that conservative Christians are to take control of the seven primary institutions, or “mountains,” that shape and control our culture — (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion — and use them to implement biblical standards and spread the Gospel.

It is worth remembering that Barton is not only an influential Republican activist but also runs one of the main super PACs supporting Ted Cruz.

Barton is also the long time chairman of the Texas Republican Party

But most of all, Barton is vehemently anti-gay, claiming that schools are forcing students to be gay and that the government should regulate gay sex. Recently, he has been telling audiences that the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage will force all student athletes to share the same locker rooms and churches to hire pedophiles to run their nurseries while requiring the military to protect those who engage in bestiality.

Here is more:

When David Barton Talks, Conservative Candidates Listen ...

Among the possible Republican presidential candidates who seek his advice are Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and Representative Michele Bachmann.

And guess who else is in bed with the Dominionists?

Donald Trump’s Amen Corner: Prosperity Preachers and Dominionists

It’s not really surprising that preachers who tout wealth as a sign of God’s favor would line up with a blustery billionaire like Trump, who says his riches are proof that he’s qualified to fix what’s wrong with the country. What is a bit more surprising is the support Trump is getting from a leading advocate of Seven Mountains dominionism, which teaches that government and other spheres of influence — “mountains” like media, entertainment, business — are meant to be run by the right kind of Christians.

So, you say that Trump and the others did not seek out this type of support and do not actually believe this drivel ? Well he seeks them out!

Donald Trump’s Extremist Allies: Who’s Who At The Values Voter Summit 2016

Donald Trump is slated to join conservative activists and a number of GOP elected officials at next weekend’s Values Voter Summit, the annual Washington, D.C., event sponsored by the Family Research Council.

Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!!

The Founding Fathers believed in God which gave rise to their concept of natural rights.

Otherwise, men are nothing more than glorified animals that are subject to the same treatment of animals, such as being beasts of burden, locked away in zoos, or killed and eaten.

Secular Humanists believe we are glorified animals to be herded and destroyed if necessary. Just listen how they talk about over population as the greatest threat to the globe.

Be afraid, be very afraid.
Actually I don't believe that we are glorified animals at all. We are just animals equal to all others. In addition, I don't believe that any animals should be abused or exploited. Now, do you have anything to contribute to the topic?

So you equate eating a hamburger with eating human beings?

Nope, nothing else to add dingleberry

Thanks for proving my point.
1. Yes, the founders believed in “laws of nature” and “god” and many were Christian- but god is universal-not Christian- she is only Christian to Christians. The founders were clearly uneasy about the establishment of a nation based on a particular religion as you yourself admit. The freedoms that we enjoy are not because the founders were Christian- but because they believed in freedom.
The founders believed that freedom came from God:
"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

2. You are correct in saying that in majority Muslim countries, they do not embrace the freedoms that we enjoy nor do they have a tradition of democracy and secular government. As for individual Muslims-especially those we are westernized – I don’t know but suspect that many do, in fact accept secular government which protects their ability to practice their faith in equality with others
Muslims in the U.S. have, for the most part, assimilated, but freedom to choose a religion other than Islam is NOT a part of their faith.

3. However, it is equally clear, that there are Christians in this country, in positions of power and influence, or who aspire to those heights- who DO NOT respect the freedoms for all that we won, and that you tout - but rather for Christians only and only their particular brand of Christianity. THAT is the point of my post and the point that you ignore. You speak about freedom of religion and freedom to choose to not to practice a religion in glowing terms but at the same time seem to be defending those who would deny freedom to those who they disapprove of. Can you see the hypocrisy in that?
There's no evidence that your postings are anything more than conspiracy theory and don't deserve to be addressed.

4. You say that “Liberal's supreme being is government and they're only too happy to elect leaders who would deny freedom of speech and freedom of religion to those they disagree with. It's how liberal values are forced on the rest of us.” Let’s pick that load of inane equine excrement apart:

a) Many liberals are also religious. Ever hear of the Christian left or Liberation Theology?
Liberalism is a religion and the groups you mentioned are the antithesis of Christianity, briefly:
The Christian left consists of liberal evangelical writers and preachers spewing the idea that if Christians accept abortion and same-sex marriage, then the media, academia and Hollywood will finally accept Christians. Anyone who's ever read the New Testament knows that Christians shouldn't crave worldly acceptance.
Liberation theology: a religious movement especially among Roman Catholic clergy in Latin America that combines political philosophy usually of a Marxist orientation with a theology of salvation as liberation from injustice.

b) Claiming that liberals want to deny freedom of religion or any sort of freedoms is more horseshit- unless what you mean is that liberals/progressive want to deny the freedom to discriminate against those who they disapprove of based on a bogus claim of religious freedom- then yes , your right- tough shit.
Christians are being sued to force them to participate in same-sex marriages....which goes against the definition of marriage spoken of by Christ. A Christian's choosing not to participate does not deny anyone their rights.....they have the right to just get another caterer, photographer, etc.

c) How the hell is anyone forcing “liberal values” on anyone. We want everyone to live according to their own values TO THE EXTENT that
doing so does not imping on anyone else’s right to live by their own values. Those on the right- and I assume that you are one them- are the ones that want to impose their values on others- through such things as restrictions on reproductive health, and marriage THINK ABOUT THAT.
What individuals do with their lives is their own business, but Christians have the right and obligation to speak out about society's acceptance of the slaughter of the unborn and to oppose the invention of same-sex "marriage" because it goes against the Biblical definition of marriage and it promotes homosexuality which is also against Biblical teaching.

5. We know that separation of church is “ not a law’ and I know that it is often misused and misapplied. However, the first amendment means much more than prohibiting the establishment of a state religion. Here.... try to learn something:

"The correct understanding of the First Amendment is not that it forbids contact—and even voluntary cooperation—between church and state. Rather, it protects private religious liberty, but does so in two complementary ways. In a nutshell, government may neither compel nor prohibit religious exercise. The Establishment Clause side of the coin says that government may not prescribe religious exercise; the Free Exercise side says that government may not proscribe, disfavor or otherwise punish or prevent religious exercise voluntarily chosen by the people. But the two phrases are two sides of the same coin. It is little wonder, then, that the Supreme Court has abandoned entirely the misleading metaphor “separation of church and state.” It simply does not help explain the true meaning of the First Amendment. Where in the Constitution is “Separation of Church and State”?
I agree that "Separation...." has been misused in favor of secularists to prevent horrible acts such as Christmas carols in school programs, punishing children for saying grace in the lunchroom, erecting memorial crosses in the dessert, and other "crimes" against secularism.

Now , perhaps you would like to explain how the people who I have showcased, those who are Dominionists - who want government based on their brand of Christianity, who want mandatory Christian prayer in public schools, who want their ideas about sex and sexuality encoded into law are not in violation of the first amendment. How are they not-through government- infringing on my religious beliefs -if my beliefs allow abortion and same sex marriage and they want to prohibit them by law for everyone because of their religious beliefs. Take your time.

A final word: Keep in mind that case law- the way in which courts apply and interpret the law-including the constitution is in fact law. It need not be codified to have the force of law. Good luck. I had fun writing this. I hope that you will have a good time responding to it.

Fear-mongering about a Christian takeover while at the same time, bragging about how Liberal "Dominionists" have been using the courts to force their "religion" on the nation.....? Really? 'The adherents of the "religion of liberalism" are united in a binding faith. No one gets to question The Liberal Truth without lawsuits, social isolation, public mockery, and ridicule, the threat of a job denied or lost, a child expelled, and on and on.' For examples read: The Religion of Liberalism | The American Spectator

What is this garbled horseshit? All that you can do is call the evidence that I presented a conspiracy theory? Liberalism is a religion?? Shit.....get out of my face, and try to learn how to use the quote reply so that readers can actually tell who is saying what here. This is a fucking mess as you are. Try to deal with the actual points that I made .
Your points were addressed and I edited and re-posted them above with my responses and examples of Liberal Dominionism in bold to make it easier for you to read. I realize that trying to beat me up isn't as much fun today; since, with the election of Trump, the Supreme Court, the main tool of Liberal Dominionists probably won't be seating the raging liberals you had hoped for. I hope you don't feel you have to respond because you're pretty much an asshat.
Conservative xenophobes and conspiracy neurotics are wringing their hands, and lamenting the rise of Islam in our country, which they claim will bring about the implementation of Sharia law.

However, whether out of ignorance or the belief that religious freedom and the first amendment does not apply equally to all religions, they fail to focus on the real threat to secularism.

We are talking about Christian Dominionism.

While there is no reason to believe that the few Muslims in our government harbor a desire to usurp secularism, there are appointed and elected Christians in our government right now – or are aspiring to high office-who have openly expressed the belief that the bible is superior to the constitution and cavorting with those who are like minded.

David Barton is a chief proponent of what he calls Seven Mountains Dominionism : Seven Mountains theology teaches that conservative Christians are to take control of the seven primary institutions, or “mountains,” that shape and control our culture — (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion — and use them to implement biblical standards and spread the Gospel.

It is worth remembering that Barton is not only an influential Republican activist but also runs one of the main super PACs supporting Ted Cruz.

Barton is also the long time chairman of the Texas Republican Party

But most of all, Barton is vehemently anti-gay, claiming that schools are forcing students to be gay and that the government should regulate gay sex. Recently, he has been telling audiences that the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage will force all student athletes to share the same locker rooms and churches to hire pedophiles to run their nurseries while requiring the military to protect those who engage in bestiality.

Here is more:

When David Barton Talks, Conservative Candidates Listen ...

Among the possible Republican presidential candidates who seek his advice are Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and Representative Michele Bachmann.

And guess who else is in bed with the Dominionists?

Donald Trump’s Amen Corner: Prosperity Preachers and Dominionists

It’s not really surprising that preachers who tout wealth as a sign of God’s favor would line up with a blustery billionaire like Trump, who says his riches are proof that he’s qualified to fix what’s wrong with the country. What is a bit more surprising is the support Trump is getting from a leading advocate of Seven Mountains dominionism, which teaches that government and other spheres of influence — “mountains” like media, entertainment, business — are meant to be run by the right kind of Christians.

So, you say that Trump and the others did not seek out this type of support and do not actually believe this drivel ? Well he seeks them out!

Donald Trump’s Extremist Allies: Who’s Who At The Values Voter Summit 2016

Donald Trump is slated to join conservative activists and a number of GOP elected officials at next weekend’s Values Voter Summit, the annual Washington, D.C., event sponsored by the Family Research Council.

Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!!

Well of course the bible is more meaningful than a constitution. A constitution built on murdering 100 million Indians, enslaving black men, etc isn't worth the paper its written on. Its an illusion-- like any govt of men that is divided--Mark 3:24-26-- a house divided will not stand.

The real constitution they live by is---We the people( unless the corporations can make $$$$ off of something). The world is seeing that truth, concerning the pipeline they are trying to put in. They can come and kick you out of your house( eminent domain) if they want to.
You must of missed this- 2Peter 2:19--depravity = corruption.
since, with the election of Trump, the Supreme Court, the main tool of Liberal Dominionists probably won't be seating the raging liberals you had hoped for.

lol... If you think Trump is a religious conservative or gives a shit about the sensibilities or concerns of the uneducated working class, you are in for even a bigger surprise than the liberals had with trump being elected.

If it wasn't such a travesty I would love to see your collective faces when you realize that you have all been bamboozled by a well healed city slicker.
Atheistic governments only killed 200 million people in the 20th century. Maybe we should give atheism another chance.
Fascists and Marxists are Atheists because they cannot tolerate a competing ideology. That does not make Atheists Fascists or Marxists. Is it possible that you can't comprehend that? I'm willing to bet that a lot more people are killed in the name of god than by non believers.
Communism is naturalized humanism. Karl Marx
And so we should become a theocracy to combat communism??
Conservative xenophobes and conspiracy neurotics are wringing their hands, and lamenting the rise of Islam in our country, which they claim will bring about the implementation of Sharia law.

However, whether out of ignorance or the belief that religious freedom and the first amendment does not apply equally to all religions, they fail to focus on the real threat to secularism.

We are talking about Christian Dominionism.

While there is no reason to believe that the few Muslims in our government harbor a desire to usurp secularism, there are appointed and elected Christians in our government right now – or are aspiring to high office-who have openly expressed the belief that the bible is superior to the constitution and cavorting with those who are like minded.

David Barton is a chief proponent of what he calls Seven Mountains Dominionism : Seven Mountains theology teaches that conservative Christians are to take control of the seven primary institutions, or “mountains,” that shape and control our culture — (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion — and use them to implement biblical standards and spread the Gospel.

It is worth remembering that Barton is not only an influential Republican activist but also runs one of the main super PACs supporting Ted Cruz.

Barton is also the long time chairman of the Texas Republican Party

But most of all, Barton is vehemently anti-gay, claiming that schools are forcing students to be gay and that the government should regulate gay sex. Recently, he has been telling audiences that the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage will force all student athletes to share the same locker rooms and churches to hire pedophiles to run their nurseries while requiring the military to protect those who engage in bestiality.

Here is more:

When David Barton Talks, Conservative Candidates Listen ...

Among the possible Republican presidential candidates who seek his advice are Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and Representative Michele Bachmann.

And guess who else is in bed with the Dominionists?

Donald Trump’s Amen Corner: Prosperity Preachers and Dominionists

It’s not really surprising that preachers who tout wealth as a sign of God’s favor would line up with a blustery billionaire like Trump, who says his riches are proof that he’s qualified to fix what’s wrong with the country. What is a bit more surprising is the support Trump is getting from a leading advocate of Seven Mountains dominionism, which teaches that government and other spheres of influence — “mountains” like media, entertainment, business — are meant to be run by the right kind of Christians.

So, you say that Trump and the others did not seek out this type of support and do not actually believe this drivel ? Well he seeks them out!

Donald Trump’s Extremist Allies: Who’s Who At The Values Voter Summit 2016

Donald Trump is slated to join conservative activists and a number of GOP elected officials at next weekend’s Values Voter Summit, the annual Washington, D.C., event sponsored by the Family Research Council.

Be afraid! Be very afraid!!!!

Well of course the bible is more meaningful than a constitution. A constitution built on murdering 100 million Indians, enslaving black men, etc isn't worth the paper its written on. Its an illusion-- like any govt of men that is divided--Mark 3:24-26-- a house divided will not stand.

The real constitution they live by is---We the people( unless the corporations can make $$$$ off of something). The world is seeing that truth, concerning the pipeline they are trying to put in. They can come and kick you out of your house( eminent domain) if they want to.
You must of missed this- 2Peter 2:19--depravity = corruption.
So you are one of them. I see.
since, with the election of Trump, the Supreme Court, the main tool of Liberal Dominionists probably won't be seating the raging liberals you had hoped for.

lol... If you think Trump is a religious conservative or gives a shit about the sensibilities or concerns of the uneducated working class, you are in for even a bigger surprise than the liberals had with trump being elected.

If it wasn't such a travesty I would love to see your collective faces when you realize that you have all been bamboozled by a well healed city slicker.
I have not been bamboozled in the least bit. I have said all along that I don't know what the fuck he actually believes in but I' pretty sure that you're right in saying that he does not care about the base that he courted and that he is not really a Christian conservative. If anyone was
bamboozled, it may turn out to be those supporters.

However, after all of the fiery rhetoric, he may not so easily distance himself from those fanatics and will be expected to deliver on his promises. We'll see what he actually tries to do and can do. From here on out I will judge him by his actions.
Atheistic governments only killed 200 million people in the 20th century. Maybe we should give atheism another chance.
Fascists and Marxists are Atheists because they cannot tolerate a competing ideology. That does not make Atheists Fascists or Marxists. Is it possible that you can't comprehend that? I'm willing to bet that a lot more people are killed in the name of god than by non believers.
Communism is naturalized humanism. Karl Marx
And so we should become a theocracy to combat communism??
No. I'm pretty happy with being a Republic.
since, with the election of Trump, the Supreme Court, the main tool of Liberal Dominionists probably won't be seating the raging liberals you had hoped for.

lol... If you think Trump is a religious conservative or gives a shit about the sensibilities or concerns of the uneducated working class, you are in for even a bigger surprise than the liberals had with trump being elected.

If it wasn't such a travesty I would love to see your collective faces when you realize that you have all been bamboozled by a well healed city slicker.

Trump isn't as conservative as I'd like, but I'm sure his picks for SCOTUS will be preferable to anyone Hillary would nominate. I think Obama wanted that job...:ack-1:
since, with the election of Trump, the Supreme Court, the main tool of Liberal Dominionists probably won't be seating the raging liberals you had hoped for.

lol... If you think Trump is a religious conservative or gives a shit about the sensibilities or concerns of the uneducated working class, you are in for even a bigger surprise than the liberals had with trump being elected.

If it wasn't such a travesty I would love to see your collective faces when you realize that you have all been bamboozled by a well healed city slicker.

Trump isn't as conservative as I'd like, but I'm sure his picks for SCOTUS will be preferable to anyone Hillary would nominate. I think Obama wanted that job...:ack-1:

Of all people, because you know your Bible, you religious folk should know that when the people make a deliberate choice for a despicable person to lead them their situation will only get worse....

Sheesh. I actually feel sorry for you guys.
since, with the election of Trump, the Supreme Court, the main tool of Liberal Dominionists probably won't be seating the raging liberals you had hoped for.

lol... If you think Trump is a religious conservative or gives a shit about the sensibilities or concerns of the uneducated working class, you are in for even a bigger surprise than the liberals had with trump being elected.

If it wasn't such a travesty I would love to see your collective faces when you realize that you have all been bamboozled by a well healed city slicker.

Trump isn't as conservative as I'd like, but I'm sure his picks for SCOTUS will be preferable to anyone Hillary would nominate. I think Obama wanted that job...:ack-1:

Of all people, because you know your Bible, you religious folk should know that when the people make a deliberate choice for a despicable person to lead them their situation will only get worse....

Sheesh. I actually feel sorry for you guys.
The election of Trump has already assured that abortion will not be expanded as Hillary had planned and the Supreme Court won't have Obama or other liberal activists screwing with the Constitution for many years to come. Trump hasn't even taken office yet and already I'm very happy with my choice. Liberals have four tough years ahead as Obama's legacy is dismantled and, I'm compelled to be truthful.....I don't feel sorry for them at all.
since, with the election of Trump, the Supreme Court, the main tool of Liberal Dominionists probably won't be seating the raging liberals you had hoped for.

lol... If you think Trump is a religious conservative or gives a shit about the sensibilities or concerns of the uneducated working class, you are in for even a bigger surprise than the liberals had with trump being elected.

If it wasn't such a travesty I would love to see your collective faces when you realize that you have all been bamboozled by a well healed city slicker.

Trump isn't as conservative as I'd like, but I'm sure his picks for SCOTUS will be preferable to anyone Hillary would nominate. I think Obama wanted that job...:ack-1:

Of all people, because you know your Bible, you religious folk should know that when the people make a deliberate choice for a despicable person to lead them their situation will only get worse....

Sheesh. I actually feel sorry for you guys.

Only 1 vote is ever needed--Jesus is king.
God warned all about the govts of men--2Peter 2:19- depravity = corruption. One that loves Jesus does not cast another vote. The world he taught to be no part of does though.
since, with the election of Trump, the Supreme Court, the main tool of Liberal Dominionists probably won't be seating the raging liberals you had hoped for.

lol... If you think Trump is a religious conservative or gives a shit about the sensibilities or concerns of the uneducated working class, you are in for even a bigger surprise than the liberals had with trump being elected.

If it wasn't such a travesty I would love to see your collective faces when you realize that you have all been bamboozled by a well healed city slicker.

Trump isn't as conservative as I'd like, but I'm sure his picks for SCOTUS will be preferable to anyone Hillary would nominate. I think Obama wanted that job...:ack-1:

Of all people, because you know your Bible, you religious folk should know that when the people make a deliberate choice for a despicable person to lead them their situation will only get worse....

Sheesh. I actually feel sorry for you guys.

Only 1 vote is ever needed--Jesus is king.
God warned all about the govts of men--2Peter 2:19- depravity = corruption. One that loves Jesus does not cast another vote. The world he taught to be no part of does though.
Spare me the theocratic, oppressive, inane equine excrement Bubba
since, with the election of Trump, the Supreme Court, the main tool of Liberal Dominionists probably won't be seating the raging liberals you had hoped for.

lol... If you think Trump is a religious conservative or gives a shit about the sensibilities or concerns of the uneducated working class, you are in for even a bigger surprise than the liberals had with trump being elected.

If it wasn't such a travesty I would love to see your collective faces when you realize that you have all been bamboozled by a well healed city slicker.

Trump isn't as conservative as I'd like, but I'm sure his picks for SCOTUS will be preferable to anyone Hillary would nominate. I think Obama wanted that job...:ack-1:

Of all people, because you know your Bible, you religious folk should know that when the people make a deliberate choice for a despicable person to lead them their situation will only get worse....

Sheesh. I actually feel sorry for you guys.
The election of Trump has already assured that abortion will not be expanded as Hillary had planned and the Supreme Court won't have Obama or other liberal activists screwing with the Constitution for many years to come. Trump hasn't even taken office yet and already I'm very happy with my choice. Liberals have four tough years ahead as Obama's legacy is dismantled and, I'm compelled to be truthful.....I don't feel sorry for them at all.
And in the next two to four years there will be an overwhelming progressive backlash that will make your head spin around and spew pea soup. If the republican congress supports his agenda they will live to regret it. You stupid bastards can't be content to support moderate and reasonable policies and programs that promote fiscal responsibility and individual rights to privacy and choice. Trump represents the exact opposite of that and the jack asses who go along with it will pay dearly.
since, with the election of Trump, the Supreme Court, the main tool of Liberal Dominionists probably won't be seating the raging liberals you had hoped for.

lol... If you think Trump is a religious conservative or gives a shit about the sensibilities or concerns of the uneducated working class, you are in for even a bigger surprise than the liberals had with trump being elected.

If it wasn't such a travesty I would love to see your collective faces when you realize that you have all been bamboozled by a well healed city slicker.

Trump isn't as conservative as I'd like, but I'm sure his picks for SCOTUS will be preferable to anyone Hillary would nominate. I think Obama wanted that job...:ack-1:

Of all people, because you know your Bible, you religious folk should know that when the people make a deliberate choice for a despicable person to lead them their situation will only get worse....

Sheesh. I actually feel sorry for you guys.

Only 1 vote is ever needed--Jesus is king.
God warned all about the govts of men--2Peter 2:19- depravity = corruption. One that loves Jesus does not cast another vote. The world he taught to be no part of does though.
Spare me the theocratic, oppressive, inane equine excrement Bubba

I would be happy to--Get out of a religious board or you will bath in what you call excrement.
since, with the election of Trump, the Supreme Court, the main tool of Liberal Dominionists probably won't be seating the raging liberals you had hoped for.

lol... If you think Trump is a religious conservative or gives a shit about the sensibilities or concerns of the uneducated working class, you are in for even a bigger surprise than the liberals had with trump being elected.

If it wasn't such a travesty I would love to see your collective faces when you realize that you have all been bamboozled by a well healed city slicker.

Trump isn't as conservative as I'd like, but I'm sure his picks for SCOTUS will be preferable to anyone Hillary would nominate. I think Obama wanted that job...:ack-1:

Of all people, because you know your Bible, you religious folk should know that when the people make a deliberate choice for a despicable person to lead them their situation will only get worse....

Sheesh. I actually feel sorry for you guys.
The election of Trump has already assured that abortion will not be expanded as Hillary had planned and the Supreme Court won't have Obama or other liberal activists screwing with the Constitution for many years to come. Trump hasn't even taken office yet and already I'm very happy with my choice. Liberals have four tough years ahead as Obama's legacy is dismantled and, I'm compelled to be truthful.....I don't feel sorry for them at all.

Thats OK.... I suppose all of these years of progress and the advance of civil liberties, not to mention a black president, must have been torture for all those people of low estate and questionable intelligence who have been befuddled since birth to gibber like jackasses in the name of the Lord..

Maybe you think you are happy now. Maybe the uneducated electorate that backed trump will be happy too when they are free again to clock in to a steady dead end job for a minimum wage. Whenever all those sweat shops and factories come back to the heartland that is........

You can't turn back the clock sparkie.. Bigotry, racism, and misogyny will never again be socially or legally acceptable in this country, even during or after a brief trump administration...and a KKK victory celebration parade...

You jerks want a better country?

Better yourselves...
Last edited:
Typical liberal angry child-like post. This is what you sound like "blah, blah, blah, waah, waah, waah." You are the one who sounds unintelligent, closed-minded, and intolerant. Why don't you call more Christians and Republicans racists and mean names some more to make yourself feel better? What a sore loser.

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Typical liberal angry child-like post. This is what you sound like "blah, blah, blah, waah, waah, waah." You are the one who sounds unintelligent, closed-minded, and intolerant. Why don't you call more Christians and Republicans racists and mean names some more to make yourself feel better? What a sore loser.

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Thank you for that brilliant and thoughtful contribution to an important topic.

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