Chris Matthews :Open book test


Jul 14, 2009
Media matters likes to pull things out of context to prove that Glenn Beck is insane
I dont think that is fair so here is Chris Matthews "special "in its entirety .
It is virtually fact free, launching attacks without context or facts.

[ame=]YouTube - Chris Matthews open book test 1[/ame]
4:10 Chris states the Fox news arranged Tea parties across the country.
This is false Fox reported on the events but did not arrange them.
Any more than they arranged ***

6:18 Chris Claims that a "scene turned ugly" creating a "refrain" to his base who still believe the "****** and spitting " incident that never actually took place.
American Thinker: A Closer Look at the Capitol Steps Conspiracy

7:17 Chris repeats the unsubstantiated SPLC militia "facts" that have been previous uttered by NPR who uses the violence perpetrated by John Patrick Bedell and Joe Stack to illustrate the threat of the right.
Neither of whom have any connection to right wing tea parties or Glenn Beck.
Hostility Against Federal Workers Troubles Officials : NPR

For the rest of video one Chris shows militia members talking about training with guns the danger of tyranny then segues into the militia member claiming to be the tea party anf the tea party being the militia , Chris then says the police do not find the militia to be a threat to peace But says there are more ominous far right groups meaning the Michigan militia is a ominous group as is the tea party .
[ame=]YouTube - Chris Matthews open book test 2[/ame]

0:00 to 0:54 Chris has the same source from video 1 making the same unsubstantiated claim.
1:23 Chris reports on the DHS report which seeks to draw the connection between objecting to a recession and racism .

The latest assessment by DHS' Office of Intelligence and Analysis found no specific information that domestic right-wing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence, but right-wing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on fears about the recession and the election of the first African American president. The office called them "unique drivers for right-wing radicalization and recruitment."

And then immediately makes the tea parties are gathering of Obama haters wit no other purpose.

2:00 Chris does a voice over of allen keyes showing video of a tea party then goes on to take about the Birther movement trying to paint the tea party with the birther brush this continues for 4 minutes then segues into the Obama the muslims movement which is not a growth movement nor a tea party or right wing mainstay .

5:00 6:06 Chris questions Dick Armey about people in the government not respecting the constitution ,Then defends Obama love for the constitution****

[ame=]YouTube - Chris Matthews open book test 3[/ame]

0:25 Chris notes that the right was unconcerned when the previous administration double the debt, then puts on a woman who refutes he as well as the facts on this matter. Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) Talking Points -
Roll up the TARP - The Editors on National Review Online

8:13 Chris draws a connection between Reagan, Pat Buchanan, Bachman , Beck ,Strom Thurman, Barry Goldwater and 8:28 Joe McCarthy was a lout and obnoxious we was also undeniably right, there were hundreds of communist United States during the Roosevelt and Truman administrations. Now there are 10s of thousands

9:00 The Chris goes back to the 50s to show how the John Birch society is the spawning site of the “New Right”

[ame=]YouTube - Chris Matthews open book test 4[/ame]

Part five time line the first 21 seconds tries to draw a comparison between Glen Beck Rush Limbaugh and Nazi sympathizer progressive "Father Coughlin" calling him a conservative.

Does this sound like conservative tripe they spew?

Charles Coughlin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Among the articles of the NUSJ, were work and income guarantees, nationalizing "necessary" industry, wealth redistribution through taxation of the wealthy, federal protection of worker's unions, and decreasing property rights in favor of the government controlling the country's assets for "public good."[10] Illustrative of his disdain for capitalism is his statement that, "We maintain the principle that there can be no lasting prosperity if free competition exists in industry. Therefore, it is the business of government not only to legislate for a minimum annual wage and maximum working schedule to be observed by industry, but also to curtail individualism that, if necessary, factories shall be licensed and their output shall be limited."[11]

1:50At that point Chris Uses creative editing and half truths to make the claim Glenn beck is inciting the “right wingers “ over fema camps A Myth Beck fully debunked

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - FEMA camps debunked, Part II
Here is the Fox tapes that Chris uses to create the hysteria if you watch the kyron you can see the editing to put words in Becks mouth.
[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck's FEMA Backflip[/ame]

Then Chris goes to super kook Alex Jones as his proof, They should have a child together.
The Final proof 5:15
If you don’t like Big Government you are a crazy violent racists .
@ 7:05 Chris says you cannot do the things Chris himself had done in the past

Chris ends his failure with the question what happens when words become explosive actions?

YouTube - anarchist protest

One of Becks biggest critics echoing Father Coughlin Co [ame][/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Dozens of muslim hold prayer @ capitol[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Barack Obama Constitution quote IN CONTEXT![/ame]
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And by amazing, you mean useless, since his so-called "facts" are demonstrably false.
The very first claim Fitnah makes is false. Fox was very active in promoting and organizing the tea parties.

Don't take my word for it though. They were pretty open about it...

The very first claim Fitnah makes is false. Fox was very active in promoting and organizing the tea parties.

Don't take my word for it though. They were pretty open about it...

I did err on what I heard , the announcer segwayed from people angry about government spending adopting the historic tea party symbolism as their own "Promoted by fox news they arraigned tea parties "

So Mathews does not claim fox arraigned the tea parties .

As to promoting /reporting that is a matter of personal interpretation.
The promoting of the coverage was heavily reported .

There is doubt of the "factualness" of the image you have posted .
[ame=]YouTube - Murdoch: Fox "Shouldn't Be Supporting the Tea Party"[/ame]

Fox News Pulls Sean Hannity From Tea Party Rally
Fox News has pulled Sean Hannity from his starring role in a tea party rally just one week after Rupert Murdoch said the network should not be supporting the tea party movement.

Hannity was set to broadcast Thursday night from a tea party rally in Cincinnati, but was rushing back to New York Thursday evening after network executives learned of the plan and said it was unacceptable.

"Fox News never agreed to allow the Cincinnati Tea Party organizers to use Sean Hannity's television program to profit from broadcasting his show from the event," Bill Shine, the network's executive vice president of programming, told the Los Angeles Times. "When senior executives in New York were made aware of this, we changed our plans for tonight's show."

As the LAT notes, Hannity was listed as the headline of the Cincinnati rally.

"Sean Hannity rushing to NYC, cancelled broadcast from Cincinnati Tea Party. Crowd disappointed," fellow speaker Jonah Goldberg tweeted late Thursday afternoon.

Last week, News Corp boss Rupert Murdoch said before a Washington, DC crowd that Fox News should not be supporting the movement.

"I don't think we should be supporting the Tea Party or any other party," he said. Earlier this week, the network published an article to its website that was semi-critical of the tea party.
It's not a matter of interpretation. If you own a media outlet and are slapping your name on an event, you're promoting it.
It's not a matter of interpretation. If you own a media outlet and are slapping your name on an event, you're promoting it.
The only place that comes from is G Soros mediamatters and the leftwing echo chamber.
I call bullshit on the FNC Teaparty image.
Its bogus.
It's not a matter of interpretation. If you own a media outlet and are slapping your name on an event, you're promoting it.

The only place that comes from is G Soros mediamatters and the leftwing echo chamber.
I call bullshit on the FNC Teaparty image.
Its bogus.

You can claim it's fake all you want, but thousands of people saw it on their television screen.
It's not a matter of interpretation. If you own a media outlet and are slapping your name on an event, you're promoting it.

The only place that comes from is G Soros mediamatters and the leftwing echo chamber.
I call bullshit on the FNC Teaparty image.
Its bogus.

You can claim it's fake all you want, but thousands of people saw it on their television screen.

What thousands of people saw was FNC special coverage of the rallies. With 4 Dedicated reporters at 4 rallies. Which is all that screen says. You are taking a split second image out of some video out of context. Just because It says FNC at the top you are claiming they were sponsoring them, when all they were doing is covering them.

I watched this very coverage. The Banner at the top was clearly simply saying FNC coverage of the rallies. If you actually watched the coverage. At no time did they say they were sponsoring it, or suggest to people to go out to them in anyway during that coverage.

It is true that Some people like Beck and Hanity at fox were promoting it. But that pic you posted is from their regular news, not commentators, and you are misrepresenting it out of context. Whats new lol.

more dishonesty from a lefty. What a shocker. This is what happens when you get all your information about things from places like media matters.
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I guess the "McDonalds Double Cheeseburger" isn't being sold by McDonalds. After all, you can't assume they're trying to sell it just because they put their brand name in the title...

Or, you know, the more logical explanation: that Fox was actively promoting the tea parties.
I guess the "McDonalds Double Cheeseburger" isn't being sold by McDonalds. After all, you can't assume they're trying to sell it just because they put their brand name in the title...

Or, you know, the more logical explanation: that Fox was actively promoting the tea parties.

yeah you can prove all that from one second of still picture from a live broadcast with out ever actually watching it, or hearing what they were saying at all.

Why would you have to watch it Media matters told you what to think right. People like you are really scary. Ignorant as hell, but full of all knowing arrogance. You should have been Obama's VP you are just like him. A freaking dumb ass who thinks he knows it all.
And clearly not links between the tea parties and violent militia groups...

Which is why one of the largest tea party groups (Tea Party Patriots) ran a piece on their website about the raid on the Hutaree entitled "FBI Raids Tea Party Compound".

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