Chris Matthews: I forgot he was black tonight

Jan 17, 2010
Let's face it...Chris Matthews can say whatever he wants and not get blasted...MOSTLY because NOBODY is watching....but also because he his racial opinions always have and alwasy will get a pass.

P.S. He's an overbearing BORE
Chris Matthews is an old out-dated Liberal Democrat Butt-Sniffer. He lost any credibility he may have once had a long time ago. It's a shame because he was actually considered a credible journalist at one time. Boy,he sure has fallen. Yikes!
So I guess we're to presume that he was thinking about Obama's blackness when he got the tingle up his leg.
Chris Mathews said Obama sounded so good that he forgot he was black for an hour. WTF???????????????????? How racist is this guy, or, is he just NUTS???
Well, remember, it is the Dems who dream of a day when blacks are fetching them coffee.. racist buggers. All of them.
"I'm more conservative than people think I am. ... I voted for George W. in 2000." Chris Mathews
Why does anything need to be said about the presidents' race? Does it hinder or enhance his ability to make decisions? No. So why even bring it up in relation to his SOTU address? What a nincompoop.
Did anybody who watched the speech think about his race at all? Unbelievable...If someone on the right had said this...the outrage would be deafening. Maybe this could be evidence that Chris Mathews is a racist. Why would he focus just on the president's race. Maybe liberals are just more racist than others.

Watch Chris:
RealClearPolitics - Video - MSNBC's Matthews On Obama: "I Forgot He Was Black Tonight"

Good Grief, if that's not a racist statement I don't know what is. What can you expect from the " dumb down America Channel," MSNBC? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Chris Mathews said Obama sounded so good that he forgot he was black for an hour. WTF???????????????????? How racist is this guy, or, is he just NUTS???

That does sound kind of racist but I doubt there will be any real anger directed at him. That only happens when republicans say those things.

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