Chris Dodd Now In Charge Of MPAA. Great Idea


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Ever hear the old adage "Fuck Up And Move Up"?

One of the architects of the banking collapse in 2006, 07, 08 is now in charge of the rating system of the film industry. His primary goal is to end internet piracy. The irony of this is hilarious. My biggest beef is because this guy is so dishonest and such a screw-up why would he get a job running anything other then an elevator?

This buffoon helped nearly destroy our economy and he steps right in and takes over an important part of the our film industry. I guess it's one of the bennys for a job well done. The DOJ is currently suing several companies and individuals for copyright infringement in their attempt to put the clamps on anyone who is critical of Obama, and what better situation then to have somebody in the motion picture industry with some pull that deals with the issue.

Chris Dodd is a good soldier. Obama can trust him to do what is needed to censor films and assure that our children don't see movies that might harm them. It has been suggested that children shouldn't be exposed to films with religious content without an adult present. That is just one possible influence. The ramifications are enormous.

The problem I see is in file-sharing. This is a way that the White House can clamp down on exchanges of information. They can say that any sharing of information is a copyright infringement. This is the threat I see here. Imagine what would happen on sites like USMB. There is a possibility that we couldn't source anything because it would be copyright infringement. Obama said that it would be easier to run a country like China because he wouldn't have any detractors to stop him. Maybe this is how he plans to do it. Simply deem any internet info copyrighted without having to go through the normal process deeming it "Intellectual Property". In case you didn't notice, Obama had a guest last month in the White House (Mark Zuckerberg) that had been sued for this exact thing. The subject was clearly discussed in the movie "the Social Network".


Because MPAA members are the motion picture industry's most powerful studios, in turn owned by some of the world's largest media corporations, critics of the association often raise allegations of monopoly. They also cite the MPAA's support for closed standards that hinder competition. Other critics, like filmmaker Kirby Dick, have suggested that films released by major studios (members of the MPAA) are given more deference in terms of ratings than films released by independents.

In Other Media

This Film is Not Yet Rated is an independent documentary film about the Motion Picture Association of America's rating system and its effect on American culture, directed by Kirby Dick and produced by Eddie Schmidt. The film discusses disparities the filmmaker sees in ratings and feedback: between Hollywood and independent films, between homosexual and heterosexual sexual situations, between male and female sexual depictions, and between violence and sexual content. Motion Picture Association of America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This Film Is Not Yet Rated - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Copyright infringement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Motion Picture Association of America film rating system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American International Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
File sharing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peer-to-peer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peer-to-peer file sharing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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What is an old crooked political hack from New England doing in the glitzy world of the film industry? I guess they needed a dope to represent Obama.
What is an old crooked political hack from New England doing in the glitzy world of the film industry? I guess they needed a dope to represent Obama.

Seems Obama is putting his friends all over the place. And is seems that everywhere he puts them trouble soon follows.

When he loses the election a major league house cleaning is going to be needed all over the country.

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