Chris Christie tells Romney to release income tax returns immediately


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
WASHINGTON -- Gov. Chris Christie is urging political ally Mitt Romney to immediately release his tax returns rather than waiting until April.

The New Jersey governor told NBC's "Today" show Romney should "put them out sooner than later because it's always better to have full disclosure."

On MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Christie expanded on the tax returns issue. "I've released all of my tax returns, and I did it during the campaign," he said. "I think that's the right way to go and that's what I'd tell Gov. Romney to do.

Chris Christie: Mitt Romney Should Release Tax Returns Immediately

Now Chris Christie is probably the biggest name endorsement that Mitt Romney has received. And it looks like Christie's stomach got a little weak the other night during the S. Carolina debate when Romney stated that "maybe" he'll release his income tax returns in April--which of course will be after--we have a GOP nominee--and when it's too late to do anything about it. All other GOP candidates have released their income tax returns-except Romney.

Chris Christie doesn't know what Mitt is hiding.

By the way, who the fuck names their kid, Chris Christie?
Mitt has promised that he will release his tax returns on the same day that Obama releases his college transcripts....:thup:
Mitt has promised that he will release his tax returns on the same day that Obama releases his college transcripts....:thup:

This isn't going away.

Every journalist worth his salt is going to be on this.
Mitt has promised that he will release his tax returns on the same day that Obama releases his college transcripts....:thup:

Ha.Ha.--meaning he won't release his income tax returns--because Obama has had 4 years to do so and hasn't.
Mitt has promised that he will release his tax returns on the same day that Obama releases his college transcripts....:thup:

Ha.Ha.--meaning he won't release his income tax returns--because Obama has had 4 years to do so and hasn't.

I don't need to see Mitt's tax returns, I know he's very rich.

I don't need to see Obama's transcripts, I know he's very stupid.

I would think that it would be obvious to every thinking person that in order to release a tax return, it has to be filed. Legally no tax return has to be filed till April 15th. I predict no tax return will be released until after then.
Ask Christie. When everyone does something normal except one guy. Everyone is going to wonder why that one guy didn't and make assumptions. Christie knows this and so does everyone else with a brain in their head.
I would think that it would be obvious to every thinking person that in order to release a tax return, it has to be filed. Legally no tax return has to be filed till April 15th. I predict no tax return will be released until after then.

Well that's a problem because all other GOP candidates have released theirs. And for Romney not too--just suggests that there is something he doesn't want anyone to know about until "after" the primary season.
Mitt has promised that he will release his tax returns on the same day that Obama releases his college transcripts....:thup:

Ha.Ha.--meaning he won't release his income tax returns--because Obama has had 4 years to do so and hasn't.

I don't need to see Mitt's tax returns, I know he's very rich.

I don't need to see Obama's transcripts, I know he's very stupid.


Hell's bells you've got a roll going tonight!

Ask Christie. When everyone does something normal except one guy. Everyone is going to wonder why that one guy didn't and make assumptions. Christie knows this and so does everyone else with a brain in their head.

Yet you guys never ask why Obama hides his college transcripts, his college records, his wives college records and papers? You didn't care that for 20 years Obama sat front row in a Church lead by a racist America hating pastor that he called a father figure and inspired him to name a book after him.

I wonder why that is?
Ask Christie. When everyone does something normal except one guy. Everyone is going to wonder why that one guy didn't and make assumptions. Christie knows this and so does everyone else with a brain in their head.

Yet you guys never ask why Obama hides his college transcripts, his college records, his wives college records and papers? You didn't care that for 20 years Obama sat front row in a Church lead by a racist America hating pastor that he called a father figure and inspired him to name a book after him.

I wonder why that is?

Yeah we agree with that--BUT--it doesn't mean Romney should react in the same manner does it--especially when all other GOP candidates have. If Romney is so freaking squeaky clean he should be able to release his income tax return immediately--as Chris Christie has stated.
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Every candidate for high FED office ought to have his or her personal assets put under a microscope.

Not just romeny, every member of Congress, the POTUS, all members of the SCOTUS, every advisor, every congressional aid, anybody who is involed in draughting legislation or ruling on legal issues.

Failure to do that is inviting people who have HIDDEN AGENDAs into power.

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