Choose: Prosperity vs Redistribution

1. A marked difference between Republicans and Democrats is how they view economics.
Democrats regularly reinvent communist principles of coercion, taxation and the material equality, while Republicans favor prosperity and individualism.

"The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world."
Dennis Prager

2. With the above in mind, we should compare the Republican, Calvin Coolidge, whose birthday is this very day, July 4th, 1878, the man who led us into the 'Roaring Twenties'

a. 'After the depression [1920-1921] the United States proceeded to enjoy the “Roaring Twenties,” arguably the most prosperous decade in the country’s history. Some of this prosperity was illusory—itself the result of subsequent Fed inflation—but nonetheless the 1920–1921 depression “purged the rottenness out of the system” and provided a solid framework for sustainable growth."

The conclusion seems obvious to anyone whose mind is not firmly locked into the Keynesian or monetarist framework: The free market works."
The Depression You’ve Never Heard Of: 1920-1921 | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty

b. "The 1920s were an age of dramatic social and political change. For the first time, more Americans lived in cities than on farms. The nation’s total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and this economic growth swept many Americans into an affluent but unfamiliar “consumer society.” The Roaring Twenties - Facts & Summary -

c. "The 1920s earned their moniker—the "Roaring Twenties"—through the decade's real and sustained prosperity, dizzying technological advancements, and lively culture. The decade marked the flourishing of the modern mass-production, mass-consumption economy, which delivered fantastic profits to investors while also raising the living standard of the urban middle- and working-class." Economy in The 1920s

d. "A tide of economic and social change swept across the country in the 1920s. Nicknames for the decade, such as “the Jazz Age” or “the Roaring Twenties,” convey something of the excitement and the changes in social conventions that were taking place at the time. As the economy boomed, wages rose for most Americans and prices fell, resulting in a higher standard of living and a dramatic increase in consumer consumption.... The American economy's phenomenal growth rate during the '20s...." A New Society: Economic & Social Change

A big 'ol happy birthday to Calvin Coolidge, Republican!!!

Compare that to the gloom that Franklin Roosevelt inflicted on the nation when he extended the recession into a decade long Great Depression.
The right wing simply misunderstand the economic clues and economic Causes, and have nothing but repeal and propaganda, as a result.

Capitalism "died" in 1929. Socialism has been, "bailing us out", ever since. It is like, Palmolive, we are "soaking in it."
So Chic is that a great idea or what? I mean the life expectancy rising during a depression because people are eating less? Should we make it a government program to keep people from eating all they want? Think of the money that could be made by drug dealers selling bread on the side. I think you're on to something.

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