Chinese naval fleet seen off northern Japan


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
TOKYO: A Chinese naval fleet was on Sunday spotted sailing for the first time through an international strait between northern Japan and Russia's far east, the Japanese defence ministry said.

The two missile destroyers, two frigates and a supply ship passed through the Soya Strait from the Sea of Japan to the Sea of Okhotsk early on Sunday, the ministry said.

The channel, also known as La Perouse, separates the Russian island of Sakhalin and the northernmost Japanese island of Hokkaido.

The five ships took part in joint naval exercises with Russia from July 5-12 off Vladivostok.

Two other Chinese naval ships which also took part in the drills were seen moving into the East China Sea on Saturday.

The purpose of the Chinese fleet's passage through the Soya Strait is not known, Kyodo news agency quoted a ministry official as saying.

On Saturday a fleet of 16 Russian naval ships was seen moving through the Soya Strait into the Sea of Okhotsk, the ministry said.

China and Russia held the joint naval exercises — their second such drill — amid regional concerns about China's growing maritime power.

Tensions have been growing over China's island disputes with Japan and other neighbours.

Chinese government surveillance ships have frequently approached the Tokyo-controlled Senkaku islands in the East China Sea, which are also claimed by China as the Diaoyus, since Japan nationalised some of them last September.

Chinese naval fleet seen off northern Japan - The Times of India
Ack! - now dem Chinamens got Bat-subs...

China's clandestine submarine caves extend Xi's naval reach
November 1, 2014 — Beneath the surface of the South China Sea off the tropical Chinese resort island of Hainan, an underwater tunnel guides submarines into a lair reminiscent of a James Bond spy movie.
From this pen the subs can venture in and out of the contested South China Sea hidden from the prying eyes of reconnaissance planes deployed by the U.S. Navy, which for the past half century has enjoyed almost unfettered access to the waters, say military watchers who cite satellite images of the area. The fleet of diesel and nuclear-powered submarines reflects President Xi Jinping's efforts to ensure the security of sea lanes vital for feeding the economic growth on which the nation's stability rests. It's also provoked discomfort among neighbors bruised by China's approach to territorial disputes.

As countries from India to Australia and Vietnam spend tens of billions upgrading their underwater fleets, cluttering the sea as well as the sky with the reconnaissance craft that follow, the risk is that a clash that previously might have been limited to coast guard and fishing boats spills into military conflict. "Countries are saying: we need to put into place some kind of credible force that puts doubt into the mind of a Chinese admiral," said Bill Hayton, author of "The South China Sea: The Struggle for Power in Asia." "They are clearly thinking about that because otherwise why are they buying submarines and anti-ship missiles?"

Defense spending in Asia and Oceania rose 3.6 percent to $407 billion in 2013, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, making it the only region where spending increased every year since SIPRI began collecting the data in 1988. That was led by a 7.4 percent rise in China's spending, with a 5 percent increase for Southeast Asia. The People's Liberation Army Navy has 56 attack submarines, of which 51 are conventional diesel-electric and five are nuclear powered, according to a Defense Department report to Congress published in April.


Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert boards a People's Liberation Army Navy Type-39B submarine July 17, 2014, for a tour on Lushun Naval Base in Dalian, China.

China also has three nuclear-powered submarines that can launch ballistic missiles, and may add five more, according to the Pentagon report. The report said these subs will this year carry the JL-2 ballistic missile, which has an estimated range of 7,400 kilometers (4,600 miles) and will "give the PLA Navy its first credible sea-based nuclear deterrent." A range of that distance would allow the missiles to reach Hawaii if launched from the Western Pacific, and California if fired from the mid-Pacific, according to Dean Cheng, a research fellow on Chinese political and security affairs at The Heritage Foundation in Washington.

The subs, armed with anti-ship cruise missiles and torpedoes, will help Xi as he seeks to realize another goal: readying the military to fight and win "local wars" in the information age. Under that scenario China would let loose its submarines, air force and surface and sub-surface missile power, managed by a state-of-art command system that integrates everything from computers to intelligence.

TOKYO: A Chinese naval fleet was on Sunday spotted sailing for the first time through an international strait between northern Japan and Russia's far east, the Japanese defence ministry said.

Not really news.
Lots of navies sail in international waters, and conduct war games with foreign fleets in their own waters.
There we go,d.c2E
USS George Washington, East China Sea (CNN) -- The deafening roar of state-of-the-art warplanes being catapulted into the air from its huge flight deck signaled that the USS George Washington was back in combat mode after its recent detour to the Philippines to take part in the aid effort in the wake of Super Typhoon Haiyan.

Barely a week on and the 90,000-ton Nimitz-class aircraft carrier is now patrolling waters off the island of Okinawa as part a huge naval exercise -- AnnualEx 2013 -- involving dozens of warships, submarines and aircraft from the U.S. Navy's 7th fleet and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF).

About the same thing, except the US navy is half way around the world from its home ports, instead of in its home area.
We sneak around also

But therr is still plenty to be worried about. Buy that next mattress in a box from China so they get $50 more to add to their submarine program....

Or is it a "we better trade with them so they are our allies in the war against the Iran Iraq and Isis next time"?
Maybe Chinese govt could fight with IS allying you, but you know no Iran ... And in other words, if Chinese govt really would fight with IS, will the US govt stab in the back? Who knows?
A question.
Is the OP trying to tell us all about the evil Chinese and Russians, who are operating in their own waters and international waters close to home, because of a build up of power by a foreign navy, half a world away from its home ports?

I wonder who the aggressor is.
A question.
Is the OP trying to tell us all about the evil Chinese and Russians, who are operating in their own waters and international waters close to home, because of a build up of power by a foreign navy, half a world away from its home ports?

I wonder who the aggressor is.

This forum is dedicated to discussing politics. The significant portion of this forum also discusses geopolitics. Keeping that in mind, your objection stems from nothing but paranoia.
China definitely has sinister plan.


(Reuters) - Sri Lanka has allowed a Chinese submarine and a warship to dock at its port in the capital Colombo, officials said on Sunday, despite concerns raised by India about China's warming relations with the Indian Ocean island nation.

Submarine Changzheng-2 and warship Chang Xing Dao arrived at the port on Friday, seven weeks after another Chinese submarine, a long-range deployment patrol, had called at the same port ahead of a visit to South Asia by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

"A submarine and a warship have docked at Colombo harbour. They called on Oct. 31 and will be here for five days for refuelling and crew refreshment," Sri Lankan navy spokesman Kosala Warnakulasuriya said.

"This is nothing unusual. Since 2010, 230 warships have called at Colombo port from various countries on goodwill visits and for refuelling and crew refreshment."

However, the frequency of Chinese visits has become a concern for New Delhi, Indian officials have told Reuters.

"India has raised concerns over this but not aggressively," an Indian official familiar with diplomatic discussions between the neighbours told Reuters.

China has invested heavily in Sri Lanka in recent years, funding airports, roads, railways and ports, a development that has unsettled India, traditionally the closest economic partner of the island nation of 21 million people.

India has already raised concerns over an aircraft maintenance facility following speculation it could be built in the eastern port city of Trincomalee, which India considers a strategic location in national security terms.

R. Hariharan, a retired colonel from the Indian army and an associate at the Chennai Centre for China Studies, said India was concerned about the latest docking of a Chinese submarine at a Sri Lankan port for many reasons.

"For the first time, Chinese submarines are being made part of the PLA (the People's Liberation Army) in the Indian Ocean Region fleet operation in the Gulf of Aden on anti-piracy, which is not a common practice," he told Reuters.

A 1987 accord between India and Sri Lanka provides that respective territories - including Trincomalee - will not be used for activities prejudicial to each other's unity, integrity and security.

Chinese submarine docks in Sri Lanka despite Indian concerns Reuters
A question.
Is the OP trying to tell us all about the evil Chinese and Russians, who are operating in their own waters and international waters close to home, because of a build up of power by a foreign navy, half a world away from its home ports?

I wonder who the aggressor is.

This forum is dedicated to discussing politics. The significant portion of this forum also discusses geopolitics. Keeping that in mind, your objection stems from nothing but paranoia.

Why - America has placed a large fleet in an area no where nears American waters, but moans when the local countries react.

Don't shake your fist, and no one will get angry.
Nobody needs to wonder who the dickless little anti-American insect is. That is the sum total of your pathetic 'persona' here.
You can't be a normal person. You hate China so much that your brain can't focus anymore. He said something wrong? You bastard ...

When did I ever say I "hate" China, fool? I've never said anything of the sort.
Do you have time to go fuck yourself? Do NOT accuse me of saying things I have never said.
Who I would fuck is not your business; you attention should be confined to your own affairs, which are in your North America. Every place where your boots have stepped is enjoying peace? So quit fretting about everyone else's business and put your eyesights in your homeland. Do NOT incommode the people of the world. Those adjectives you used to describe Chinese I remember, and I don't want to repeat them either. Hatred is hatred which can't be covered or decorate.
This thread is about China's aggressive moves against Japan and other Asian countries. Let us stay on topic.

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