Chinese media decries US' 'psychological games' as Navy ships sail Taiwan Strait passage


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
About time someone confronted China with some meaning. Enough of this Chamberlain approach to geopolitical issues when China is as brazen as they come. Economically, militarily and covertly.

Strengthen alliances with Japan, Taiwan and S Korea, deal with China and all nations who have exploited America for decades with not even a peep from American leadership.

This also sends a message to China, "we care little of your military and if you intervene in N Korea we have the firepower to deal with it"

God Bless the U.S military. This would would be a much darker place to live without them!

Chinese media decries US' 'psychological games' as Navy ships sail Taiwan Strait passage

The Chinese Communist Party-affiliated newspaper on Monday condemned the passage of a pair of U.S. Navy ships through the Taiwan Strait as a “psychological game” amid the showdown over trade and relations with Taiwan.

The Global Times editorial warned that the U.S. is increasing tensions by sailing the Japan-based guided missile destroyers USS Mustin and USS Benfold through the strait that divides Taiwan and China.

The U.S. is “sending political signals by sending warships through the Taiwan Strait,” read the editorial, headlined as “U.S. psychological game in Taiwan Strait.”

Both Taiwan and the U.S. confirmed the ships’ passage over the weekend. The Chinese government, which cut off all diplomatic relations to the small island in 2016, claimed for decades that Taiwan is part of China’s territory and will use force to conquer it if needed.

Beijing also criticized the U.S. efforts to foster the relationship with the Taiwanese government and its president Tsai Ing-wen, including the opening of a new office complex for the American Institute in Taiwan that works essentially as Washington’s informal embassy due to the absence of formal diplomatic ties since 1949.
About time someone confronted China with some meaning. Enough of this Chamberlain approach to geopolitical issues when China is as brazen as they come. Economically, militarily and covertly.

Strengthen alliances with Japan, Taiwan and S Korea, deal with China and all nations who have exploited America for decades with not even a peep from American leadership.

This also sends a message to China, "we care little of your military and if you intervene in N Korea we have the firepower to deal with it"

God Bless the U.S military. This would would be a much darker place to live without them!

Chinese media decries US' 'psychological games' as Navy ships sail Taiwan Strait passage

The Chinese Communist Party-affiliated newspaper on Monday condemned the passage of a pair of U.S. Navy ships through the Taiwan Strait as a “psychological game” amid the showdown over trade and relations with Taiwan.

The Global Times editorial warned that the U.S. is increasing tensions by sailing the Japan-based guided missile destroyers USS Mustin and USS Benfold through the strait that divides Taiwan and China.

The U.S. is “sending political signals by sending warships through the Taiwan Strait,” read the editorial, headlined as “U.S. psychological game in Taiwan Strait.”

Both Taiwan and the U.S. confirmed the ships’ passage over the weekend. The Chinese government, which cut off all diplomatic relations to the small island in 2016, claimed for decades that Taiwan is part of China’s territory and will use force to conquer it if needed.

Beijing also criticized the U.S. efforts to foster the relationship with the Taiwanese government and its president Tsai Ing-wen, including the opening of a new office complex for the American Institute in Taiwan that works essentially as Washington’s informal embassy due to the absence of formal diplomatic ties since 1949.

Listening to the Chinese government is a waste of time. You know what they're going to say every single time. They aren't allowed to deviate from the message that comes from the top.

Literally the Chinese think of themselves as the only important people. Taiwan is theirs. They couldn't give a stuff for the people. They'd prefer to have Taiwan with all Taiwanese people dead than Taiwan to be separate.

They don't use the term "winning", but really that is all they think about, and within 10 years they'll be stronger than the US and the rest of the world is FUCKED.
I agree: Stand up to China, and China will back down.

The Chinese Communist Party knows that war with the United States would lead to chaos, thus possibly leading to the overthrow of the dictatorship.
I agree: Stand up to China, and China will back down.

The Chinese Communist Party knows that war with the United States would lead to chaos, thus possibly leading to the overthrow of the dictatorship.

But also the US knows that war with China would be devastating.

The Chinese have developed a military plan based on the reality that the US is far away from China. So the first things they'd do is shoot down the AWACs and blow the Navy's ships out of the water.

The US wouldn't be able to do much.
Trump is pragmatic and he probably walked into office and thought "we have the strongest economy and military in the world and we use it as if we are some insignificant light weight, pushed around by the world. Enough of this b.s"

As a business person he sees great investment in the military for many decades and other nations don't respect it, it's not used to send a message to other threats. If you don't flex your muscles a little, it's as if they don't exist. From day one Trump rattled Chinas cage when he spoke with Taiwan directly, it's one of many components of bringing China back in line.

Long overdue. It's this kind of leadership, along with confronting Canada, Mexico and the EU on unfair trade that really appeals to people I hear from on forums and twitter. You can imagine some Vietnam Vet or Desert Storm soldier seeing the country he fought for become so weak and passive in the face of abuses, and finally a president who fights for U.S interests, and fair global interests I might add. These guys are going to the ballot box without question and they are telling others to go vote.

People are no longer afraid to see America as a Super Power, they realize that if China and the U.S traded places, you can be sure China would be doing great harm to the world and bullying. America has been restrained, but China is making it impossible to be quiet. Americans shouldn't be ashamed of having an empire, you have used your power for honourable purposes, much of the world in debt for the positions you've taken.
Trump is pragmatic and he probably walked into office and thought "we have the strongest economy and military in the world and we use it as if we are some insignificant light weight, pushed around by the world. Enough of this b.s"

As a business person he sees great investment in the military for many decades and other nations don't respect it, it's not used to send a message to other threats. If you don't flex your muscles a little, it's as if they don't exist. From day one Trump rattled Chinas cage when he spoke with Taiwan directly, it's one of many components of bringing China back in line.

Long overdue. It's this kind of leadership, along with confronting Canada, Mexico and the EU on unfair trade that really appeals to people I hear from on forums and twitter. You can imagine some Vietnam Vet or Desert Storm soldier seeing the country he fought for become so weak and passive in the face of abuses, and finally a president who fights for U.S interests, and fair global interests I might add. These guys are going to the ballot box without question and they are telling others to go vote.

People are no longer afraid to see America as a Super Power, they realize that if China and the U.S traded places, you can be sure China would be doing great harm to the world and bullying. America has been restrained, but China is making it impossible to be quiet. Americans shouldn't be ashamed of having an empire, you have used your power for honourable purposes, much of the world in debt for the positions you've taken.

Bringing China in line huh? China looks at the US, and will follow what the US does. Soon the Chinese will be bringing the US in line.
Trump is pragmatic and he probably walked into office and thought "we have the strongest economy and military in the world and we use it as if we are some insignificant light weight, pushed around by the world. Enough of this b.s"

As a business person he sees great investment in the military for many decades and other nations don't respect it, it's not used to send a message to other threats. If you don't flex your muscles a little, it's as if they don't exist. From day one Trump rattled Chinas cage when he spoke with Taiwan directly, it's one of many components of bringing China back in line.

Long overdue. It's this kind of leadership, along with confronting Canada, Mexico and the EU on unfair trade that really appeals to people I hear from on forums and twitter. You can imagine some Vietnam Vet or Desert Storm soldier seeing the country he fought for become so weak and passive in the face of abuses, and finally a president who fights for U.S interests, and fair global interests I might add. These guys are going to the ballot box without question and they are telling others to go vote.

People are no longer afraid to see America as a Super Power, they realize that if China and the U.S traded places, you can be sure China would be doing great harm to the world and bullying. America has been restrained, but China is making it impossible to be quiet. Americans shouldn't be ashamed of having an empire, you have used your power for honourable purposes, much of the world in debt for the positions you've taken.

Bringing China in line huh? China looks at the US, and will follow what the US does. Soon the Chinese will be bringing the US in line.

Not as long as Trump is president.
Trump is pragmatic and he probably walked into office and thought "we have the strongest economy and military in the world and we use it as if we are some insignificant light weight, pushed around by the world. Enough of this b.s"

As a business person he sees great investment in the military for many decades and other nations don't respect it, it's not used to send a message to other threats. If you don't flex your muscles a little, it's as if they don't exist. From day one Trump rattled Chinas cage when he spoke with Taiwan directly, it's one of many components of bringing China back in line.

Long overdue. It's this kind of leadership, along with confronting Canada, Mexico and the EU on unfair trade that really appeals to people I hear from on forums and twitter. You can imagine some Vietnam Vet or Desert Storm soldier seeing the country he fought for become so weak and passive in the face of abuses, and finally a president who fights for U.S interests, and fair global interests I might add. These guys are going to the ballot box without question and they are telling others to go vote.

People are no longer afraid to see America as a Super Power, they realize that if China and the U.S traded places, you can be sure China would be doing great harm to the world and bullying. America has been restrained, but China is making it impossible to be quiet. Americans shouldn't be ashamed of having an empire, you have used your power for honourable purposes, much of the world in debt for the positions you've taken.

Bringing China in line huh? China looks at the US, and will follow what the US does. Soon the Chinese will be bringing the US in line.

Not as long as Trump is president.

Well maybe not. But that has nothing to do with Trump.

Right now China is in the stages of building its military up. It won't be ready in the next 6 years. It's ready to not be invaded. No one would dare attack China at home. Not Trump, not any insane African dictator, not China's neighbors.

But going further afield, controlling the world. It'll happen. I'd give it about 20 years. Chinese military spending will be higher than the US can afford. Forget the Cold War where the US could outspend the failing Soviet economy. The Chinese will have a stronger economy.
Trump is pragmatic and he probably walked into office and thought "we have the strongest economy and military in the world and we use it as if we are some insignificant light weight, pushed around by the world. Enough of this b.s"

As a business person he sees great investment in the military for many decades and other nations don't respect it, it's not used to send a message to other threats. If you don't flex your muscles a little, it's as if they don't exist. From day one Trump rattled Chinas cage when he spoke with Taiwan directly, it's one of many components of bringing China back in line.

Long overdue. It's this kind of leadership, along with confronting Canada, Mexico and the EU on unfair trade that really appeals to people I hear from on forums and twitter. You can imagine some Vietnam Vet or Desert Storm soldier seeing the country he fought for become so weak and passive in the face of abuses, and finally a president who fights for U.S interests, and fair global interests I might add. These guys are going to the ballot box without question and they are telling others to go vote.

People are no longer afraid to see America as a Super Power, they realize that if China and the U.S traded places, you can be sure China would be doing great harm to the world and bullying. America has been restrained, but China is making it impossible to be quiet. Americans shouldn't be ashamed of having an empire, you have used your power for honourable purposes, much of the world in debt for the positions you've taken.

Bringing China in line huh? China looks at the US, and will follow what the US does. Soon the Chinese will be bringing the US in line.

Not as long as Trump is president.

Well maybe not. But that has nothing to do with Trump.

Right now China is in the stages of building its military up. It won't be ready in the next 6 years. It's ready to not be invaded. No one would dare attack China at home. Not Trump, not any insane African dictator, not China's neighbors.

But going further afield, controlling the world. It'll happen. I'd give it about 20 years. Chinese military spending will be higher than the US can afford. Forget the Cold War where the US could outspend the failing Soviet economy. The Chinese will have a stronger economy.

All the more reason to reject all who supported and helped the rise of China. Treason as far as I am concerned.
Trump is pragmatic and he probably walked into office and thought "we have the strongest economy and military in the world and we use it as if we are some insignificant light weight, pushed around by the world. Enough of this b.s"

As a business person he sees great investment in the military for many decades and other nations don't respect it, it's not used to send a message to other threats. If you don't flex your muscles a little, it's as if they don't exist. From day one Trump rattled Chinas cage when he spoke with Taiwan directly, it's one of many components of bringing China back in line.

Long overdue. It's this kind of leadership, along with confronting Canada, Mexico and the EU on unfair trade that really appeals to people I hear from on forums and twitter. You can imagine some Vietnam Vet or Desert Storm soldier seeing the country he fought for become so weak and passive in the face of abuses, and finally a president who fights for U.S interests, and fair global interests I might add. These guys are going to the ballot box without question and they are telling others to go vote.

People are no longer afraid to see America as a Super Power, they realize that if China and the U.S traded places, you can be sure China would be doing great harm to the world and bullying. America has been restrained, but China is making it impossible to be quiet. Americans shouldn't be ashamed of having an empire, you have used your power for honourable purposes, much of the world in debt for the positions you've taken.

Bringing China in line huh? China looks at the US, and will follow what the US does. Soon the Chinese will be bringing the US in line.

Not as long as Trump is president.

Well maybe not. But that has nothing to do with Trump.

Right now China is in the stages of building its military up. It won't be ready in the next 6 years. It's ready to not be invaded. No one would dare attack China at home. Not Trump, not any insane African dictator, not China's neighbors.

But going further afield, controlling the world. It'll happen. I'd give it about 20 years. Chinese military spending will be higher than the US can afford. Forget the Cold War where the US could outspend the failing Soviet economy. The Chinese will have a stronger economy.

All the more reason to reject all who supported and helped the rise of China. Treason as far as I am concerned.

Well, the problem is China is going to rise whether you want it to or not.

The US has two choices. Sort out its problems in order to be able to compete against China, get rid of partisan politics, improve education, improve a lot of things. Or the US can be China's little bitch.
Trump is pragmatic and he probably walked into office and thought "we have the strongest economy and military in the world and we use it as if we are some insignificant light weight, pushed around by the world. Enough of this b.s"

As a business person he sees great investment in the military for many decades and other nations don't respect it, it's not used to send a message to other threats. If you don't flex your muscles a little, it's as if they don't exist. From day one Trump rattled Chinas cage when he spoke with Taiwan directly, it's one of many components of bringing China back in line.

Long overdue. It's this kind of leadership, along with confronting Canada, Mexico and the EU on unfair trade that really appeals to people I hear from on forums and twitter. You can imagine some Vietnam Vet or Desert Storm soldier seeing the country he fought for become so weak and passive in the face of abuses, and finally a president who fights for U.S interests, and fair global interests I might add. These guys are going to the ballot box without question and they are telling others to go vote.

People are no longer afraid to see America as a Super Power, they realize that if China and the U.S traded places, you can be sure China would be doing great harm to the world and bullying. America has been restrained, but China is making it impossible to be quiet. Americans shouldn't be ashamed of having an empire, you have used your power for honourable purposes, much of the world in debt for the positions you've taken.

Bringing China in line huh? China looks at the US, and will follow what the US does. Soon the Chinese will be bringing the US in line.

Not as long as Trump is president.

Well maybe not. But that has nothing to do with Trump.

Right now China is in the stages of building its military up. It won't be ready in the next 6 years. It's ready to not be invaded. No one would dare attack China at home. Not Trump, not any insane African dictator, not China's neighbors.

But going further afield, controlling the world. It'll happen. I'd give it about 20 years. Chinese military spending will be higher than the US can afford. Forget the Cold War where the US could outspend the failing Soviet economy. The Chinese will have a stronger economy.

All the more reason to reject all who supported and helped the rise of China. Treason as far as I am concerned.

Well, the problem is China is going to rise whether you want it to or not.

The US has two choices. Sort out its problems in order to be able to compete against China, get rid of partisan politics, improve education, improve a lot of things. Or the US can be China's little bitch.

Or America can crush China before it's too late.

China is Communist. I refuse to believe a Communist nation will rule the world, unless capitalist nations allow it. Trump calling it out will resonate for generations to come.
Bringing China in line huh? China looks at the US, and will follow what the US does. Soon the Chinese will be bringing the US in line.

Not as long as Trump is president.

Well maybe not. But that has nothing to do with Trump.

Right now China is in the stages of building its military up. It won't be ready in the next 6 years. It's ready to not be invaded. No one would dare attack China at home. Not Trump, not any insane African dictator, not China's neighbors.

But going further afield, controlling the world. It'll happen. I'd give it about 20 years. Chinese military spending will be higher than the US can afford. Forget the Cold War where the US could outspend the failing Soviet economy. The Chinese will have a stronger economy.

All the more reason to reject all who supported and helped the rise of China. Treason as far as I am concerned.

Well, the problem is China is going to rise whether you want it to or not.

The US has two choices. Sort out its problems in order to be able to compete against China, get rid of partisan politics, improve education, improve a lot of things. Or the US can be China's little bitch.

Or America can crush China before it's too late.

China is Communist. I refuse to believe a Communist nation will rule the world, unless capitalist nations allow it. Trump calling it out will resonate for generations to come.

It's already too late.

China is hardly Communist. It's more of a right wing technocrat dictatorship.

Even Xi calls it "Communism with Chinese characteristics", which means, it's whatever he wants it to be, but they'll use Mao's image for legitimacy, and even Mao wasn't a Communist, he was just a sadistic lunatic with a thirst for power and idiocy.

Social ownership of production? No. China is capitalistic. They've got rid of a lot of state owned things. However private companies are kept in line with the threat of going to prison or being executed if they don't cooperate.

The working class in power? No fucking way. The technocrats in power are not working class, Xi was never working class, he even ran away from Mao's attempts at destroying the intelligentsia by throwing them into the countryside.

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