Chinese Factory Workers Hold Managers Hostage In Strike Over 2-Minute Bathroom Break


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
American History repeating itself in China...that was how Unions and Employer restriction regulations came to be here in US.
I predict it wont be long before american corporations are run out of china..between the cost of labor there rising, the chinese worker is getting smarter and the higher cost of shipping...the extra profit to put americans out of work wont be there anymore...and they will have to hunt for another place to get lackeys to work for almost nothing.
Our corporations have already made china a superpower...

Hundreds of Chinese factory workers angry about strictly timed bathroom breaks and fines for starting work late held their Japanese and Chinese managers hostage for a day and a half before police broke up the strike.

About 1,000 workers at Shanghai Shinmei Electric Company held the 10 Japanese nationals and eight Chinese managers inside the factory in Shanghai starting Friday morning until 11.50 p.m. Saturday, said a statement from the parent company, Shinmei Electric Co., released Monday. It said the managers were released uninjured after 300 police officers were called to the factory.

Chinese Factory Workers Hold Managers Hostage In Strike Over 2-Minute Bathroom Breaks

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