Chinese and Russian Dictators to American Liberals: "You're Right About Guns! We Support You!"


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Liberals would love to see China's or Russia's gun laws implemented here in America. Yesterday, the brutal regime in China suggested that we should follow their example on gun laws. In China, private gun ownership is illegal, with only a few very narrow exceptions; the vast majority of Chinese citizens have no access to guns. In Russia, handguns are illegal, and no gun can be carried in public (concealed or otherwise); certain types of rifles are allowed for hunting, target practice, and self-defense, but only after a background check, and the license is only good for five years at a time and no rapid-fire rifles are allowed.

Needless to say, in China and Russia, there is no freedom of the press. Journalists who dare to write articles critical of the government risk jail or death. Freedom of religion is severely restricted. The government can search you and your property at will. Etc., etc., etc.
Needless to say, in China and Russia, there is no freedom of the press. Journalists who dare to write articles critical of the government risk jail or death. Freedom of religion is severely restricted. The government can search you and your property at will. Etc., etc., etc.
So far what we see is how Soros has made almost all the "free" press his.


BTW, alleging something else about Russia, you are only helping Deep State to keep ruling your country. Because only Trump and Putin together are able to free your country from your worst enemies: from Deep State and your real enemies (not alleged!) know it pretty darn good. And that's why their "free" press keeps spreading lies about Russia/Putin and Trump.
Needless to say, in China and Russia, there is no freedom of the press. Journalists who dare to write articles critical of the government risk jail or death. Freedom of religion is severely restricted. The government can search you and your property at will. Etc., etc., etc.
So far what we see is how Soros has made almost all the "free" press his.

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BTW, alleging something else about Russia, you are only helping Deep State to keep ruling your country. Because only Trump and Putin together are able to free your country from your worst enemies: from Deep State and your real enemies (not alleged!) know it pretty darn good. And that's why their "free" press keeps spreading lies about Russia/Putin and Trump.

The entirely western 'free' press is being own by a bunch of Israel citizens.
Suck it, you Russian and Chinese bastards. I personally own several weapons that were manufactured in your country, and you can't.

They are no longer oppressing working-class peasants like you used them for, they are now being used to protect my life, my liberty, my property, and to smoke your commie asses should you decide to get froggy.

:bye1: :cul2: :dev3: :fu: :finger3: :mm: :rock: :salute:
Liberals squirm when you point out that they want the same gun laws that brutal regimes like China and Russia have. I'd bet very good money that at the CNN townhall, if you had described China's gun laws without saying whose laws they were, the crowd would have cheered wildly. Yet, they actually booed when Dana Loesch advocated tougher background checks to keep mentally ill people from getting guns.
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You can hear a pin drop when you note the fact that liberals want the same gun laws that Russia and China have. Many liberals would be "satisfied" with Russia's gun laws, while many other liberals would prefer China's gun laws. Those brainwashed kids and parents at the CNN townhall the other night cheered when speakers advocated the same gun laws that China has.
Liberals squirm when you point out that they want the same gun laws that brutal regimes like China and Russia have. I'd bet very good money that at the CNN townhall, if you had described China's gun laws without saying whose laws they were, the crowd would have cheered wildly. Yet, they actually booed when Dana Loesch advocated tougher background checks to keep mentally ill people from getting guns.

Or ask liberals how would they like a place where there are no guns except the government, nobody has money except the government, free healthcare, and everybody is equal? Then tell them that's how we run our US prisons.
Liberals, why don't any of you have the guts to stand up and admit that you are pushing for the same gun laws that Russia and China have? For that matter, many of you are pushing for the same gun laws that Hitler imposed on the Jews--a total ban on private gun ownership. What's the matter: Do you feel uneasy about the ideological company you're keeping?
Hey, liberals, I'm just wondering why none of you has the nerve to admit that you support the same gun laws that Russia and China have. Many of you support the same gun laws that Hitler imposed on the Jews: a total ban on private gun ownership. These are what you call inconvenient truths.
Liberals squirm when you point out that they want the same gun laws that brutal regimes like China and Russia have. I'd bet very good money that at the CNN townhall, if you had described China's gun laws without saying whose laws they were, the crowd would have cheered wildly. Yet, they actually booed when Dana Loesch advocated tougher background checks to keep mentally ill people from getting guns.

They riot when Ann Coulter comes to town. It's actually a good thing leftists have indoctrinated young bed wetters to be afraid of guns. That's why America won't fall from within because self reliant people oppose regressive collectivism and the piss poor if not deadly itself "public safety" leftist regimes notoriously provide the peasants. I'll accept the threat of some crimes among the population. An out of control government with a sociopath like hitlery ruling a "disarmed" population can lead to death tolls in the 10's of millions as far as I can envision.

Liberals squirm when you point out that they want the same gun laws that brutal regimes like China and Russia have. I'd bet very good money that at the CNN townhall, if you had described China's gun laws without saying whose laws they were, the crowd would have cheered wildly. Yet, they actually booed when Dana Loesch advocated tougher background checks to keep mentally ill people from getting guns.

They riot when Ann Coulter comes to town. It's actually a good thing leftists have indoctrinated young bed wetters to be afraid of guns. That's why America won't fall from within because self reliant people oppose regressive collectivism and the piss poor if not deadly itself "public safety" leftist regimes notoriously provide the peasants. I'll accept the threat of some crimes among the population. An out of control government with a sociopath like hitlery ruling a "disarmed" population can lead to death tolls in the 10's of millions as far as I can envision.

In my county, the students at some schools have announced they're gonna stage a walkout to protest the idea of arming teachers! I asked one of our teen neighbors (whom I'll call Jane), "Do they [the students] just wanna stay defenseless?" The conversation proceeded something like this:

Jane: Well, no. They want the police to protect them, not teachers.

Me: But the police often cannot get to the school until after the shooting is over. What do you do in the meantime--just hide and hope the shooter doesn't find you?

Jane: Well, we wouldn't mind having a security guard or two at the school full time.

Me: Stoneman Douglas High School had a deputy sheriff assigned to the school, but he chickened out and refused to confront the shooter. What's more, four other deputy sheriffs arrived while the shooting was still going on, and they all stayed outside until the shooting was over. Do you think that that coach who shielded students from bullets would have run away if he had had a gun? What do you think that coach would have done if he had had a gun to fire back at the shooter?

Jane: [Her face became a blank stare and you could see her brain turning over and over as she pondered that question.] Well. . . . Uh. . . . Umm. . . . If we had already banned assault rifles, the shooting wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Me: France banned assault rifles long ago, yet bad guys were able to get several of them and used them to carry out the Paris terrorist attacks. If we can't keep people from getting illegal drugs, how are we gonna stop bad people from getting illegal weapons? If someone is willing to shoot students, do you think he's gonna care about gun laws?

Jane: [Another blank stare] Well. . . . Uh. . . .

I think I opened her mind just a little bit.
Liberals, step up and take pride in the gun control laws that you're pushing! What's wrong? Why the silence about the fact that you want the same gun laws that Russia and China have?
Russia wants gun rights for Americans so they can kill each other. There's a different standard for Russian citizens. Only the mafia and state forces can have guns.
Russia wants gun rights for Americans so they can kill each other. There's a different standard for Russian citizens. Only the mafia and state forces can have guns.

You're ducking the point, and you're wrong about Russia. Russian citizens can own a few types of guns.

China's brutal dictatorship, where all private guns are banned, has urged America to adopt its gun laws, and many of you liberals agree.
Russia wants gun rights for Americans so they can kill each other. There's a different standard for Russian citizens. Only the mafia and state forces can have guns.

You're ducking the point, and you're wrong about Russia. Russian citizens can own a few types of guns.

China's brutal dictatorship, where all private guns are banned, has urged America to adopt its gun laws, and many of you liberals agree.
Yes, you can own a gun in Russia, but it's pretty complicated and you have to prove what you need it for and so on, and there are big chances you might not get it.

First of all, you have to either have to have lots of money that needs protection, or be a real hunter, in which case you would probably have to get a rifle and not a handgun.

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