China STEALS $600 Billion in American Intellectual Property Every Year

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Consumers are paying the price” for President Trump’s tariffs, CNN claims. Millions will feel the pinch; many thousands will lose their jobs.

What CNN fails to mention is that millions of Americans already feel the pinch, and millions more have already lost their jobs. Why? Chinese consumers won’t pay the price for American exports: China steals up to $600 billion in American intellectual property (IP) every year.

Trump understands that tariffs are a powerful political tool that can — and should — be used to force China to pay for their crimes.

Most Americans have only a fuzzy understanding of what constitutes IP. Basically, IP are ideas; the products of human creativity such as art, branding or inventions that can be owned and legally protected by registering copyrights, trademarks or patents. Examples of IP include Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony, the National Economics Editorial’s logo, and Tesla’s battery designs. Needless to say, IP is incredibly valuable — and incredibly easy to steal......

So, what can the US do legally to combat the 'theft' by China, other than impose tariffs? Thanks
we've been getting screwed by China for a long time
our company used to make a lot of its own parts they get them from China---somehow they ship them to their ports, all the way across the Pacific/etc, to our ports, then ship them to us --all for LESS...!!??

not only that--but we outsource jobs to China and let their workers come here!!! double fked
More than 2.4 million immigrants in the U.S. hailed from China, a

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