China Is Showing the World What Renewable Energy Dominance Looks Like, Says New IEA Report


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
China isn't messing around anymore. I'm excited to see what they accomplish in the years to come.

China Is Showing the World What Renewable Energy Dominance Looks Like, Says New IEA Report

The growth of solar energy continues to outpace forecasts and this growth, according to a report published today by the International Energy Agency, “is a China story.”

While China today is far and away the global leader in solar generation, a decade ago, the country had just 100 megawatts of solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity installed. That’s nothing. For reference, it’s actually less than is currently installed in the city of San Antonio. By the end of 2016, China had increased its solar PV capacity by nearly 800 times, with more than 77 gigawatts currently installed.

China’s solar dominance is only going to keep growing, according to the IEA report. As Dr. Paolo Frankl, one of the lead authors on the report, said on a call to reporters, “In one year, China will install the equivalent of the total history of solar development in Germany.”
China isn't messing around anymore. I'm excited to see what they accomplish in the years to come.

China Is Showing the World What Renewable Energy Dominance Looks Like, Says New IEA Report

The growth of solar energy continues to outpace forecasts and this growth, according to a report published today by the International Energy Agency, “is a China story.”

While China today is far and away the global leader in solar generation, a decade ago, the country had just 100 megawatts of solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity installed. That’s nothing. For reference, it’s actually less than is currently installed in the city of San Antonio. By the end of 2016, China had increased its solar PV capacity by nearly 800 times, with more than 77 gigawatts currently installed.

China’s solar dominance is only going to keep growing, according to the IEA report. As Dr. Paolo Frankl, one of the lead authors on the report, said on a call to reporters, “In one year, China will install the equivalent of the total history of solar development in Germany.”
China is building one coal-fired power plant every 7 to 10 days, while Japan plans to build 43 coal-fired power projects to replace its shuttered nuclear units. The United States, on the other hand, cannot build new non-CCS coal-fired power plants and is shuttering existing coal fired power plants.
As U.S. Shutters Coal Plants, China and Japan are Building ...
Communists, say one thing then do another, and the liberal lovers actually believe the Commies , even when they destroy the lands like the East Germans and USSR did. Liberals will never learn.

Not sure where all this renewable energy is. I was just in China and I've never been to a more polluted place in my life.
China isn't messing around anymore. I'm excited to see what they accomplish in the years to come.

Yep, me too. Especially since they are the worlds greatest polluter - emitting almost as much carbon dioxide as the next four polluters combined.

I'm also excited to see how much money China contributes to the Green Climate Fund, along with India and Russia...considering the US contribution thus far tops 1 Billion - to a UN managed fund, no less.
Not sure where all this renewable energy is. I was just in China and I've never been to a more polluted place in my life.

They can just use the 1984 playbook and say whatever they want, claim whatever they want, because they don't have anyone there on the ground to counter them.
China isn't messing around anymore. I'm excited to see what they accomplish in the years to come.

China Is Showing the World What Renewable Energy Dominance Looks Like, Says New IEA Report

The growth of solar energy continues to outpace forecasts and this growth, according to a report published today by the International Energy Agency, “is a China story.”

While China today is far and away the global leader in solar generation, a decade ago, the country had just 100 megawatts of solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity installed. That’s nothing. For reference, it’s actually less than is currently installed in the city of San Antonio. By the end of 2016, China had increased its solar PV capacity by nearly 800 times, with more than 77 gigawatts currently installed.

China’s solar dominance is only going to keep growing, according to the IEA report. As Dr. Paolo Frankl, one of the lead authors on the report, said on a call to reporters, “In one year, China will install the equivalent of the total history of solar development in Germany.”

You can feel the shift in the world away from the US and over to China. They are leading in the areas we should be leading but we aren't because the neanderthals here voted in their head grunter. So we'll be four more years behind China at minimum and likely the ball and chain that conservatives here are on American progress will keep us at least ten years behind China and really the rest of the world.

But we'll have 2 miles of concrete wall to look at!
Confounding wrote: Seems like that's probably their reason for urgency. They still use an incredible amount of coal and other things. There are a shitload of people in China.

Enough to populate the whole world.
China isn't messing around anymore. I'm excited to see what they accomplish in the years to come.

China Is Showing the World What Renewable Energy Dominance Looks Like, Says New IEA Report

They are also building record numbers of coal and nuclear-powered power plants.

China learned from us that an integral part of a thriving economy is cheap, plentiful power.

Progressives and petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's goal is just the opposite. Their goal is to cause skyrocketing energy prices and make far more difficult to obtain. Unfortunately, for them, the US came into the fracking boom.
Renewable energy capacity around the world was boosted by a record amount in 2016 and delivered at a markedly lower cost, according to new global data – although the total financial investment in renewables actually fell.

The greater “bang-for-buck” resulted from plummeting prices for solar and wind power and led to new power deals in countries including Denmark, Egypt, India, Mexico and the United Arab Emirates all being priced well below fossil fuel or nuclear options.

Analysts warned that the US’s withdrawal from the Paris climate change agreement, announced last week by Donald Trump, risked the US being left behind in the fast-moving transition to a low-carbon economy. But they also warned that the green transition was still not happening fast enough to avoid the worst impacts of global warming, especially in the transport and heating sectors.

The new renewable energy capacity installed worldwide in 2016 was 161GW, a 10% rise on 2015 and a new record, according to REN21, a network of public and private sector groups covering 155 nations and 96% of the world’s population.

'Spectacular' drop in renewable energy costs leads to record global boost

Renewable Energy Continues to Beat Fossil Fuels
Justin Worland
Feb 08, 2017

The report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) and the Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE) cites the declining cost of wind and solar power, largely due to advances in technology, as prime reasons for the rapid adoption of renewables. The cost of building large utility-scale solar photovoltaic power plants for example has been fallen by 50% in just five years.

Renewable energy companies have also benefited from the quick decline in coal power that has resulted from a combination of factors including stiff competition from cheap natural gas and environmental regulation. Coal-fired power plants now provide only 30% of the country's electricity compared with nearly half of the supply in 2008.
Renewable Energy Continues to Beat Fossil Fuels

As grid scale storage comes online, the fossil fuels simply will not be able to compete. For wind, solar, and geo-thermal are all scalable to what is available and needed.

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