China is Crashing


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
China's manufacturing sector activity shrank in March for a fifth successive month, with the overall rate of contraction accelerating and new orders sinking to a four-month low, the HSBC flash purchasing managers index showed on Thursday.

There is no way China gets out of this without a major economic and stock market decline.

The current government may not even survive. China is Crashing

I would say that given their highly managed economy a Chinese crash is certainly inevitable.
China's manufacturing sector activity shrank in March for a fifth successive month, with the overall rate of contraction accelerating and new orders sinking to a four-month low, the HSBC flash purchasing managers index showed on Thursday.

There is no way China gets out of this without a major economic and stock market decline.

The current government may not even survive. China is Crashing

I would say that given their highly managed economy a Chinese crash is certainly inevitable.
A few years back on CNN I heard an economic commontator say that if China didn't grow at 8% a year, they would crash. Since they are dependent on us to pretty much fund their economy, our crash is going to hurt them all the more and faster.

So yeah, I agree with you and your link on this one. It's inevitable, and it will make the world a much more dangerous place. Consider for just a moment a Chinese full on Civil War with nukes potentially being exchanged and not just in their borders.

The real sucky thing for us is... bubye cheap goods. The good news is, hello manufacturing job growth *IF* we can get the government out of the way.
This is trade/currency war of a heavy magnitude heating up. All CBs are currently making large gold purchases and running heavy currency debasing policies to offset import/export.

I don't know that I believe China will "crash", or that the govt. will not survive. But this is certainly worth keeping an eye on.
all of you are wrong, China will not crash. the developing step is just slowed down by the government.
High saving of money is a potential source to make this country go ahead.
China's manufacturing sector activity shrank in March for a fifth successive month, with the overall rate of contraction accelerating and new orders sinking to a four-month low, the HSBC flash purchasing managers index showed on Thursday.

There is no way China gets out of this without a major economic and stock market decline.

The current government may not even survive. China is Crashing

I would say that given their highly managed economy a Chinese crash is certainly inevitable.
A few years back on CNN I heard an economic commontator say that if China didn't grow at 8% a year, they would crash. Since they are dependent on us to pretty much fund their economy, our crash is going to hurt them all the more and faster.

So yeah, I agree with you and your link on this one. It's inevitable, and it will make the world a much more dangerous place. Consider for just a moment a Chinese full on Civil War with nukes potentially being exchanged and not just in their borders.

The real sucky thing for us is... bubye cheap goods. The good news is, hello manufacturing job growth *IF* we can get the government out of the way.

It already has become cheaper to produce a number of things here than in China. Granted, on a labor vs labor cost China is cheaper, but once shipping, etc is calculated, USA becomes cheaper.

you also have companies leaving china and moving factories to other Asian nations that are on-par to where China was before their recent works rights revolts.
all of you are wrong, China will not crash. the developing step is just slowed down by the government.
High saving of money is a potential source to make this country go ahead.

who is saving money? and in what currency?
China's manufacturing sector activity shrank in March for a fifth successive month, with the overall rate of contraction accelerating and new orders sinking to a four-month low, the HSBC flash purchasing managers index showed on Thursday.

There is no way China gets out of this without a major economic and stock market decline.

The current government may not even survive. China is Crashing

I would say that given their highly managed economy a Chinese crash is certainly inevitable.

What do you mean by "highly managed"?

By who?
China's manufacturing sector activity shrank in March for a fifth successive month, with the overall rate of contraction accelerating and new orders sinking to a four-month low, the HSBC flash purchasing managers index showed on Thursday.

There is no way China gets out of this without a major economic and stock market decline.

The current government may not even survive. China is Crashing

I would say that given their highly managed economy a Chinese crash is certainly inevitable.

What do you mean by "highly managed"?

By who?

by the Chinese businesses. China is Crashing

I would say that given their highly managed economy a Chinese crash is certainly inevitable.

What do you mean by "highly managed"?

By who?

by the Chinese businesses.


China has the sort of economy conservatives salivate over. Few labor one checking the quality of products..

In fact..China considers KFC to be health food. Why? Because it adheres to American standards in terms of making food. They know that KFC won't kill them..immediately.
the people of China are about to learn the lessons of a boom and bust economy.

How I wish the US had not UNlearned those lessons
Just wait. If romney wins all we will hear is how great our economy is doing.
are you kidding? The Obama media will go berzerk on how bad this country will be doing. The same way they did to W. Boy I wish we were back to that horrible economy.
Just wait. If romney wins all we will hear is how great our economy is doing.
are you kidding? The Obama media will go berzerk on how bad this country will be doing. The same way they did to W. Boy I wish we were back to that horrible economy.

I think you memory may be a bit selective.

The Debt crisis... now when did that become a big topic?
Just wait. If romney wins all we will hear is how great our economy is doing.
are you kidding? The Obama media will go berzerk on how bad this country will be doing. The same way they did to W. Boy I wish we were back to that horrible economy.


To many people still left in the middle class? There's still to much money left in middle class 401K accounts? The fleecing of the middle class was not thorough enough?

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