"Chimpanzees may know when they are right and move to prove it"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Chimpanzees may know when they are right and move to prove it

"Chimpanzees are capable of metacognition, or thinking about one's own thinking, and can adjust their behavior accordingly, researchers at Georgia State University, Agnes Scott College, Wofford College and the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York have discovered.

Their findings, published June 6 in the journal Cognition, suggest chimpanzees share with humans the capacity for metacognitive monitoring, which reflects a form of cognitive control that underlies intelligent decision-making across species.

Metacognition occurs when individuals monitor what they know and don't know, when they seek information they need to know and when they respond to a question with high confidence or low confidence. Confidence measures are one clear means of looking at how humans monitor their own knowledge states. Humans can orally report confidence or lack of confidence or even use numerical ratings scales. They also can give confidence ratings through non-verbal behaviors such as shoulder shrugs, hesitations in responses and similar behaviors."

Recall an older paper titled, "Chimpanzees are vengeful but not spiteful." How we define sentient, self-aware, and even human shakes and trembles with stuff like this.
When chimps or bonobos strip a branch for use at reachng into a termite mound, so they can use it to extract termites, they are making and using a TOOL. The line between us and them is quite blurred/moving.
When chimps or bonobos strip a branch for use at reachng into a termite mound, so they can use it to extract termites, they are making and using a TOOL. The line between us and them is quite blurred/moving.

Gets blurrier when you consider the spread of just human-intelligence. From the smartest and wisest tot hose with brain dysfunctions or birth defects while remaining "human." Some of the most neurologically impaired humans are 'dumber' than some of the smartest non-human animals. (Insert political joke here.) ;)

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