Chicago, no deterrent, no order

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
Reading the news this morning I came across a story about Chicago. Nothing new, just more shootings and murder, but according to the Mayor, the solution lies here:

“This may not be politically correct," he said, "but I know the power of what faith and family can do. … Our kids need that structure. … I am asking … that we also don’t shy away from a full discussion about the importance of family and faith helping to develop and nurture character, self-respect, a value system and a moral compass that allows kids to know good from bad and right from wrong.”

It took a couple of years, but the citizens are finally wising up asking him to find another job somewhere.

While Chicago doesn't have the highest murder rate per capita in the country, the amount of people being killed on a regular basis is transcending. Another part of the article really blew me away:

Kenwon Parker would have turned 16 on Saturday. But instead of celebrating an important milestone in a young person's life, his friends and family are mourning his death.

Parker has become another sad reminder of the horrific crimes that play out almost every day in Chicago.

Parker was shot dead Thursday by a 13-year-old boy following a youth basketball tournament at Garfield Park field house on Chicago’s West Side. A 14-year-old was wounded.

The boy, whom police have not publicly identified because he is a juvenile, has been charged with weapons violations, Chicago police said. He was charged Friday night and released into the custody of a parent or guardian, Officer Jose Jara said.

So what kind of message does the city send to other want-to-be murderer youths when all that happens to you for shooting two people and killing one of them is you are relased to your parents like you got caught smoking a cigarette? Weapons charges? WTF is that?????

As we all know, guns are not favored in the city and the only people armed are the police and the criminals. Also looking into the history, it seems that the state hasn't had an execution in almost 20 years and abolished Capital Punishment.

So is the solution faith and family or actually providing some kind of deterrent for murder, because it seems there is little deterrent in that city. It's not a wonder the city makes the news so frequently. The state should be having an execution at least once a week.

Amid new shootings, Chicago girds for yet another weekend of crime and violence
Reading the news this morning I came across a story about Chicago. Nothing new, just more shootings and murder, but according to the Mayor, the solution lies here:

“This may not be politically correct," he said, "but I know the power of what faith and family can do. … Our kids need that structure. … I am asking … that we also don’t shy away from a full discussion about the importance of family and faith helping to develop and nurture character, self-respect, a value system and a moral compass that allows kids to know good from bad and right from wrong.”

It took a couple of years, but the citizens are finally wising up asking him to find another job somewhere.

While Chicago doesn't have the highest murder rate per capita in the country, the amount of people being killed on a regular basis is transcending. Another part of the article really blew me away:

Kenwon Parker would have turned 16 on Saturday. But instead of celebrating an important milestone in a young person's life, his friends and family are mourning his death.

Parker has become another sad reminder of the horrific crimes that play out almost every day in Chicago.

Parker was shot dead Thursday by a 13-year-old boy following a youth basketball tournament at Garfield Park field house on Chicago’s West Side. A 14-year-old was wounded.

The boy, whom police have not publicly identified because he is a juvenile, has been charged with weapons violations, Chicago police said. He was charged Friday night and released into the custody of a parent or guardian, Officer Jose Jara said.

So what kind of message does the city send to other want-to-be murderer youths when all that happens to you for shooting two people and killing one of them is you are relased to your parents like you got caught smoking a cigarette? Weapons charges? WTF is that?????

As we all know, guns are not favored in the city and the only people armed are the police and the criminals. Also looking into the history, it seems that the state hasn't had an execution in almost 20 years and abolished Capital Punishment.

So is the solution faith and family or actually providing some kind of deterrent for murder, because it seems there is little deterrent in that city. It's not a wonder the city makes the news so frequently. The state should be having an execution at least once a week.

Amid new shootings, Chicago girds for yet another weekend of crime and violence

Same problem in Baltimore. The changes have been rolled out for quite a long time.
Reading the news this morning I came across a story about Chicago. Nothing new, just more shootings and murder, but according to the Mayor, the solution lies here:

“This may not be politically correct," he said, "but I know the power of what faith and family can do. … Our kids need that structure. … I am asking … that we also don’t shy away from a full discussion about the importance of family and faith helping to develop and nurture character, self-respect, a value system and a moral compass that allows kids to know good from bad and right from wrong.”

It took a couple of years, but the citizens are finally wising up asking him to find another job somewhere.

While Chicago doesn't have the highest murder rate per capita in the country, the amount of people being killed on a regular basis is transcending. Another part of the article really blew me away:

Kenwon Parker would have turned 16 on Saturday. But instead of celebrating an important milestone in a young person's life, his friends and family are mourning his death.

Parker has become another sad reminder of the horrific crimes that play out almost every day in Chicago.

Parker was shot dead Thursday by a 13-year-old boy following a youth basketball tournament at Garfield Park field house on Chicago’s West Side. A 14-year-old was wounded.

The boy, whom police have not publicly identified because he is a juvenile, has been charged with weapons violations, Chicago police said. He was charged Friday night and released into the custody of a parent or guardian, Officer Jose Jara said.

So what kind of message does the city send to other want-to-be murderer youths when all that happens to you for shooting two people and killing one of them is you are relased to your parents like you got caught smoking a cigarette? Weapons charges? WTF is that?????

As we all know, guns are not favored in the city and the only people armed are the police and the criminals. Also looking into the history, it seems that the state hasn't had an execution in almost 20 years and abolished Capital Punishment.

So is the solution faith and family or actually providing some kind of deterrent for murder, because it seems there is little deterrent in that city. It's not a wonder the city makes the news so frequently. The state should be having an execution at least once a week.

Amid new shootings, Chicago girds for yet another weekend of crime and violence

Same problem in Baltimore. The changes have been rolled out for quite a long time.
And St. Louis which is ACTUALLY the worse for violence in the U.S.
"Faith & Family"

The leftards mortal enemy!

What he said has some truth to it, but the problem is you can't legislate faith and family. That's something people have to do on their own. Of course you can promote it, but that doesn't help the next several piles of bodies that will be created in the meantime.

I think what they need now is some kind of immediate deterrent. Sending a little murdering animal home to play with his friends in the street the next day is almost condoning his actions. It's not a wonder why killers there break the law.
Canada ought to be made to take Chicago and Detroit off our hands as part of any Trade Deal.
"Faith & Family"

The leftards mortal enemy!

What he said has some truth to it, but the problem is you can't legislate faith and family. That's something people have to do on their own. Of course you can promote it, but that doesn't help the next several piles of bodies that will be created in the meantime.

I think what they need now is some kind of immediate deterrent. Sending a little murdering animal home to play with his friends in the street the next day is almost condoning his actions. It's not a wonder why killers there break the law.
The solution to inner city crime is simple but most would be against it.

Demolish the ghettos and STOP housing blacks and Mexicans like sardines. Build MUCH SMALLER housing for the poor and spread them out throughout the city.

MAJOR prison reform is desperately needed. Simply throwing a man behind bars is not a solution or deterrent. I know, I am one of those men thrown there. I NEVER CONSIDERED THE CONSEQUENCES of my actions. Ever. That is simply not the mindset of your average thug/criminal.
Prison needs to be a place where a thug is forced to learn a skill/trade and education should be the focus of reforming bad men. What do you expect them to do when they get out otherwise?

Then you have the Scarlet Letter (felony record) that places new hurdles on convicts. What happens to the man who does get out with a new mindset but he can't catch a break and is unable to even land a job outside of fast food? It is a prescription for recividisom.

Stop and frisk in NY also helped.

The solutions to our problems are very simple and most people don't have the stomach for it.
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Think about the ghettos in this light.

We put all these poor people in densely populated areas. Most of them have no means of transportation and the jobs available in their community are both few and far between for multiple reasons. Crime, lack of consumers with money, etc.
Only so many people can work the liquor stores & gas stations. Where is everyone else supposed to work? Without work how are they supposed to break the cycle of poverty & crime?
"Faith & Family"

The leftards mortal enemy!

What he said has some truth to it, but the problem is you can't legislate faith and family. That's something people have to do on their own. Of course you can promote it, but that doesn't help the next several piles of bodies that will be created in the meantime.

I think what they need now is some kind of immediate deterrent. Sending a little murdering animal home to play with his friends in the street the next day is almost condoning his actions. It's not a wonder why killers there break the law.
The solution to inner city crime is simple but most would be against it.

Demolish the ghettos and STOP housing blacks and Mexicans like sardines. Build MUCH SMALLER housing for the poor and spread them out throughout the city.

MAJOR prison reform is desperately needed. Simply throwing a man behind bars is not a solution or deterrent. I know, I am one of those men thrown there. I NEVER CONSIDERED THE CONSEQUENCES of my actions. Ever. That is simply not the mindset of your average thug/criminal.
Prison needs to be a place where a thug is forced to learn a skill/trade and education should be the focus of reforming bad men. What do you expect them to do when they get out otherwise?

Then you have the Scarlet Letter (felony record) that places new hurdles on convicts. What happens to the man who does get out with a new mindset but he can't catch a break and is unable to even land a job outside of fast food? It is a prescription for recividisom.

Stop and frisk in NY also helped.

The solutions to our problems are very complicated and most people don't have the stomach for it.

Think about the ghettos in this light.

We put all these poor people in densely populated areas. Most of them have no means of transportation and the jobs available in their community are both few and far between for multiple reasons. Crime, lack of consumers with money, etc.
Only so many people can work the liquor stores & gas stations. Where is everyone else supposed to work? Without work how are they supposed to break the cycle of poverty & crime?

So I list a few ideas and no responses?

So no one actually cares about this problem?
Votes for the left
Talking points for the right

Most good Americans are done buying the bullshit excuses...there’s nothing complex about it...the truth is, it’s quite simple. We have a shit-ton of low iQ, bottom feeding filth in this country, they gravitate toward one another and filthy ghettos and barrios are formed. These subhumans come from ShaQuita’s and Guadalupe’s baby factories, they’re virtually unparented, they’re content living in filth and despair so long as they have their weed and 40’ and responsibility is a burden that gets in their way.
The thug life is glamorous and glamorized for the next generation, the cycle continues.
Most of us sane folk have given up on trying to save those who don’t want to be saved. Let them keep purging each other, let’s keep caging the fuck out of them and treating them like the disgusting animals they are...fuck it, it’s all just a byproduct of our fucked up society. Move along, spend your time and energy where it’s appreciated.
Think about the ghettos in this light.

We put all these poor people in densely populated areas. Most of them have no means of transportation and the jobs available in their community are both few and far between for multiple reasons. Crime, lack of consumers with money, etc.
Only so many people can work the liquor stores & gas stations. Where is everyone else supposed to work? Without work how are they supposed to break the cycle of poverty & crime?

I disagree for several reasons. For one, my father could tell you stories about growing up that would make you cry. A house the size of a two car garage with no heat or plumbing where he and his six siblings lived. If you had to go to the toilet in the middle of winter, you must really have to go because the outhouse didn't even have a roof on it.

Many times the family went hungry and were on welfare, but welfare back then meant pulling your red wagon to the fire station where they filled it with fruits and vegetables, and then you'd pull it back five miles to feed the rest of the family.

My father and his male siblings all joined the military because that meant you could be fed on a regular schedule. What little pay they got was sent back home to my Aunts.

They all grew up to be productive citizens. They all learned trades after getting out of the military and some ran their own companies. Not one of them ever served any prison time nor got in trouble with the law.

Compare growing up like that to what we call the poor in America today. There simply is no comparison and certainly no excuse to be involved in crime.
Think about the ghettos in this light.

We put all these poor people in densely populated areas. Most of them have no means of transportation and the jobs available in their community are both few and far between for multiple reasons. Crime, lack of consumers with money, etc.
Only so many people can work the liquor stores & gas stations. Where is everyone else supposed to work? Without work how are they supposed to break the cycle of poverty & crime?

I disagree for several reasons. For one, my father could tell you stories about growing up that would make you cry. A house the size of a two car garage with no heat or plumbing where he and his six siblings lived. If you had to go to the toilet in the middle of winter, you must really have to go because the outhouse didn't even have a roof on it.

Many times the family went hungry and were on welfare, but welfare back then meant pulling your red wagon to the fire station where they filled it with fruits and vegetables, and then you'd pull it back five miles to feed the rest of the family.

My father and his male siblings all joined the military because that meant you could be fed on a regular schedule. What little pay they got was sent back home to my Aunts.

They all grew up to be productive citizens. They all learned trades after getting out of the military and some ran their own companies. Not one of them ever served any prison time nor got in trouble with the law.

Compare growing up like that to what we call the poor in America today. There simply is no comparison and certainly no excuse to be involved in crime.
That's a nice story but anecdotes do not solve existing problems
Think about the ghettos in this light.

We put all these poor people in densely populated areas. Most of them have no means of transportation and the jobs available in their community are both few and far between for multiple reasons. Crime, lack of consumers with money, etc.
Only so many people can work the liquor stores & gas stations. Where is everyone else supposed to work? Without work how are they supposed to break the cycle of poverty & crime?

I disagree for several reasons. For one, my father could tell you stories about growing up that would make you cry. A house the size of a two car garage with no heat or plumbing where he and his six siblings lived. If you had to go to the toilet in the middle of winter, you must really have to go because the outhouse didn't even have a roof on it.

Many times the family went hungry and were on welfare, but welfare back then meant pulling your red wagon to the fire station where they filled it with fruits and vegetables, and then you'd pull it back five miles to feed the rest of the family.

My father and his male siblings all joined the military because that meant you could be fed on a regular schedule. What little pay they got was sent back home to my Aunts.

They all grew up to be productive citizens. They all learned trades after getting out of the military and some ran their own companies. Not one of them ever served any prison time nor got in trouble with the law.

Compare growing up like that to what we call the poor in America today. There simply is no comparison and certainly no excuse to be involved in crime.
That's a nice story but anecdotes do not solve existing problems

Maybe not, but just making a point. I can make thousands of others. People come here from all over the world from real poverty. When they arrive they have very little in their pockets. So they work night and day. Some save enough money to start their own business. It's like that Joe Biden joke about 7-11's. There is truth to that. At least around here, foreigners own most of the convenience store gas station, beverage stores, sub sandwich shops, cell phone/ pager stores.

If you get to know any of these people, they laugh at what we call poor in our country. As my beverage store owner told me, if he lived like the poor live here, he would have never left his country.

And what about the poor that find riches like sports hero's and entertainers? Many of them get themselves in legal troubles as well. Drugs, dog fights, assault, murder........

I can't lay most of the blame on poverty, especially when our poor carry around cell phones and live in the suburbs.
Reading the news this morning I came across a story about Chicago. Nothing new, just more shootings and murder, but according to the Mayor, the solution lies here:

“This may not be politically correct," he said, "but I know the power of what faith and family can do. … Our kids need that structure. … I am asking … that we also don’t shy away from a full discussion about the importance of family and faith helping to develop and nurture character, self-respect, a value system and a moral compass that allows kids to know good from bad and right from wrong.”

It took a couple of years, but the citizens are finally wising up asking him to find another job somewhere.

While Chicago doesn't have the highest murder rate per capita in the country, the amount of people being killed on a regular basis is transcending. Another part of the article really blew me away:

Kenwon Parker would have turned 16 on Saturday. But instead of celebrating an important milestone in a young person's life, his friends and family are mourning his death.

Parker has become another sad reminder of the horrific crimes that play out almost every day in Chicago.

Parker was shot dead Thursday by a 13-year-old boy following a youth basketball tournament at Garfield Park field house on Chicago’s West Side. A 14-year-old was wounded.

The boy, whom police have not publicly identified because he is a juvenile, has been charged with weapons violations, Chicago police said. He was charged Friday night and released into the custody of a parent or guardian, Officer Jose Jara said.

So what kind of message does the city send to other want-to-be murderer youths when all that happens to you for shooting two people and killing one of them is you are relased to your parents like you got caught smoking a cigarette? Weapons charges? WTF is that?????

As we all know, guns are not favored in the city and the only people armed are the police and the criminals. Also looking into the history, it seems that the state hasn't had an execution in almost 20 years and abolished Capital Punishment.

So is the solution faith and family or actually providing some kind of deterrent for murder, because it seems there is little deterrent in that city. It's not a wonder the city makes the news so frequently. The state should be having an execution at least once a week.

Amid new shootings, Chicago girds for yet another weekend of crime and violence

I have talked to many black friends I have known who grew up in Chicago and had a past life of crime and drugs why this is. The movie "Trading Places" explains a lot of the problem; surviving due to lack of money and opportunity. Bills need be paid somehow and mouths need be fed. Sometimes sadly crime is the only option for some to make a decent living and to survive especially in Chicago where cost of living is high. When the only jobs they can get is low wage temp jobs I honestly don't blame many for turning to crime to survive. Yes it's wrong but people don't want be homeless and starve to death.

One female black friend I had joked around with me that sometimes only option to get extra money because low wage job isn't paying the bills is to strip and sell drugs. As wrong as that sounds it's very easy for Americans with great salarys and great jobs to be condescending when they have never struggled and don't know what it is like.

Many should do what I did become an OTR truck driver, much better solution than resorting to crime.
Reading the news this morning I came across a story about Chicago. Nothing new, just more shootings and murder, but according to the Mayor, the solution lies here:

“This may not be politically correct," he said, "but I know the power of what faith and family can do. … Our kids need that structure. … I am asking … that we also don’t shy away from a full discussion about the importance of family and faith helping to develop and nurture character, self-respect, a value system and a moral compass that allows kids to know good from bad and right from wrong.”

It took a couple of years, but the citizens are finally wising up asking him to find another job somewhere.

While Chicago doesn't have the highest murder rate per capita in the country, the amount of people being killed on a regular basis is transcending. Another part of the article really blew me away:

Kenwon Parker would have turned 16 on Saturday. But instead of celebrating an important milestone in a young person's life, his friends and family are mourning his death.

Parker has become another sad reminder of the horrific crimes that play out almost every day in Chicago.

Parker was shot dead Thursday by a 13-year-old boy following a youth basketball tournament at Garfield Park field house on Chicago’s West Side. A 14-year-old was wounded.

The boy, whom police have not publicly identified because he is a juvenile, has been charged with weapons violations, Chicago police said. He was charged Friday night and released into the custody of a parent or guardian, Officer Jose Jara said.

So what kind of message does the city send to other want-to-be murderer youths when all that happens to you for shooting two people and killing one of them is you are relased to your parents like you got caught smoking a cigarette? Weapons charges? WTF is that?????

As we all know, guns are not favored in the city and the only people armed are the police and the criminals. Also looking into the history, it seems that the state hasn't had an execution in almost 20 years and abolished Capital Punishment.

So is the solution faith and family or actually providing some kind of deterrent for murder, because it seems there is little deterrent in that city. It's not a wonder the city makes the news so frequently. The state should be having an execution at least once a week.

Amid new shootings, Chicago girds for yet another weekend of crime and violence

I have talked to many black friends I have known who grew up in Chicago and had a past life of crime and drugs why this is. The movie "Trading Places" explains a lot of the problem; surviving due to lack of money and opportunity. Bills need be paid somehow and mouths need be fed. Sometimes sadly crime is the only option for some to make a decent living and to survive especially in Chicago where cost of living is high. When the only jobs they can get is low wage temp jobs I honestly don't blame many for turning to crime to survive. Yes it's wrong but people don't want be homeless and starve to death.

One female black friend I had joked around with me that sometimes only option to get extra money because low wage job isn't paying the bills is to strip and sell drugs. As wrong as that sounds it's very easy for Americans with great salarys and great jobs to be condescending when they have never struggled and don't know what it is like.

Many should do what I did become an OTR truck driver, much better solution than resorting to crime.

Well, government pretty much ruined driving too. It used to be enjoyable years ago. But that doesn't rule out the military. Many people have come out of the service with loads of benefits that can be used in civilian life. And if that's not satisfactory enough, you can just spend 20 years in the service, retire early, and live off of your retirement pay and benefits.

As for driving, you still need transportation to get you to the terminal. You still have to pay for training unless you take a job that gets you your CDL and work for crap money for a year or two. Many people want to come home at the end of the day.

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