Chicago gang members speak: "Killing, killing is the solution"


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Chicago gang members speak: "Killing, killing is the solution"


Watch the video on the site and read the comments.
‘Killing Is The Solution,’ Gang Member Tells Walter Jacobson « CBS Chicago

CBS 2’s Walter Jacobson sat down with gang members in Chicago’s troubled Englewood neighborhood to try to find some answers.
Some of the responses he received were not encouraging.
“There’s no solution to the violence,” one gang member tells him. “Killing, killing is the solution.”

‘Killing Is The Solution,’ Gang Member Tells Walter Jacobson « CBS Chicago

Going back to their nature within Africa.
Young men with no hope and no imagination for how to get out of the ghettos do tend to become violent.

Why does this shock any of us?

Was that not the case with every ghetto class this nation has ever had?
They don't want jobs. They want more stuff given to them. Notice how they compare themselves to people living in Beverly Hills. To the ignorant gang bangers the people in Beverly Hills don't work. The government simply gives them more stuff than the poor get.
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Young men with no hope and no imagination for how to get out of the ghettos do tend to become violent.

These aren't young men. They're young afro-shits. They have more luxuries in their lives than kings, kings of past centuries. They have everything poor whites have, plus racial preferences.

Afros are just worthless animals.
He's right. Let the gang bangers kill each other and then there won't be any left to keep committing violence.
Y'all don't understand the gang and drug culture in Chicago. Gangs call all the shots. So the higher up in the gang you are the more power you have. Now in order for you to be able to sell drugs you must be "plugged" on in a gang. Then you are selling drugs for the guy who runs the neighborhood. These guys on this video are nothing and never will be. Anyone will tell you that violence is bad for business. Just like in the Mob, you don't climb the latter my how many people you kill. It's all about how much money you can make for the guys above you.
Larry Hover and Jeff Fort controlled the gangs from prison. They were somehow able to keep even the lower street punks in check. They are in prison for life but still controlled the streets. Things took a turn for the worst in Chicago when both Hoover and Fort caught federal cases while in prison. Hoover for drugs and Fort for conspiring with Gaddafi. They were both sent to Florence ADX Super Max. They are no longer controlling the gangs of Chicago and no one fears or respects anyone anymore. The second turn is when they closed down the projects. The moved the animals in the projects all over the city and all out war broke out.
But here's a question. If Cabrini Green projects was the worst neighborhood in the city (some say the country). How did it become as safe as it is now? Think it may have something to do with that equal protection under the law I'm always asking about?
Anyway if you would like to read about how the drug game actually works in Chicago, pick up the book Freakamonics. There is a chapter called "Why Do Drug Dealers Still Live With Their Mother's". A guy actually followed a gang LEADER and learned the ins and outs of it all. The rest of the book is good too.
Chicago gang members speak: "Killing, killing is the solution"

They must be Republicans.

Right wingers have no problem with this when it comes to capital punishment.
Chicago gang members speak: "Killing, killing is the solution"

They must be Republicans.

Right wingers have no problem with this when it comes to capital punishment.

We have no problem with capital punishment... as part of the system of due process. Is it painful to be as dumb as dirt?
Chicago gang members speak: "Killing, killing is the solution"

They must be Republicans.

Right wingers have no problem with this when it comes to capital punishment.

We have no problem with capital punishment... as part of the system of due process. Is it painful to be as dumb as dirt?

Your insult shows how insecure you are about your opinion. Crawl back under your stone.

Do you not live in Great Britain, or was that just a lie?
Chicago gang members speak: "Killing, killing is the solution"

This is what LBJ's so called "great society" has wrought. Nearly 50 years of massive redistribution and entitlements and what's the result? Poverty is UP and this is the state of the Black man in America. Anyone ready to admit that all this government intervention has done more harm than good?
Chicago gang members speak: "Killing, killing is the solution"

They must be Republicans.

Right wingers have no problem with this when it comes to capital punishment.

We have no problem with capital punishment... as part of the system of due process. Is it painful to be as dumb as dirt?

Your insult shows how insecure you are about your opinion. Crawl back under your stone.

Do you not live in Great Britain, or was that just a lie?

What insult? You turn a perfectly rational thread into a 'whine' about the GOP and cry when someone calls you on it.... dumbass.

Mind your own business about where I live - it's irrelevant... other than to dirt-munchers.
We have no problem with capital punishment... as part of the system of due process. Is it painful to be as dumb as dirt?

Your insult shows how insecure you are about your opinion. Crawl back under your stone.

Do you not live in Great Britain, or was that just a lie?

What insult? You turn a perfectly rational thread into a 'whine' about the GOP and cry when someone calls you on it.... dumbass.

Mind your own business about where I live - it's irrelevant... other than to dirt-munchers.

You speak about due process leading to capital punishment, but that is not how it is in your country of residence, so you do not have that. Dumbass.
Your insult shows how insecure you are about your opinion. Crawl back under your stone.

Do you not live in Great Britain, or was that just a lie?

What insult? You turn a perfectly rational thread into a 'whine' about the GOP and cry when someone calls you on it.... dumbass.

Mind your own business about where I live - it's irrelevant... other than to dirt-munchers.

You speak about due process leading to capital punishment, but that is not how it is in your country of residence, so you do not have that. Dumbass.

Sweetie, I'm not overly bothered about my 'country of residence'. You seem a tad whiny.... are you one of those sad bastards who doesn't have a passport and has never set foot outside the US? Jealous? Is that your problem?

Pathetic, whiny little prat.
What insult? You turn a perfectly rational thread into a 'whine' about the GOP and cry when someone calls you on it.... dumbass.

Mind your own business about where I live - it's irrelevant... other than to dirt-munchers.

You speak about due process leading to capital punishment, but that is not how it is in your country of residence, so you do not have that. Dumbass.

Sweetie, I'm not overly bothered about my 'country of residence'. You seem a tad whiny.... are you one of those sad bastards who doesn't have a passport and has never set foot outside the US? Jealous? Is that your problem?

Pathetic, whiny little prat.

I live in Europe.

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