Chen, Russia, Syria, Iran, North Korea but hey! We killed UBL

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Today the American embassy LOST Chen while on a trip to the hospital to treat his injuries. He claims America abandoned him, of course the Whitehouse has a completely different story. With high level talks just hours away between Hillary, Geitner and Chinese officials charges are surfacing that Chen was pushed aside despite the threat to him and his family in order to facilitate better talks with China. On top of that you add in all the other countries listed that are currently violating human rights as well as the new threats from Russia to attack American interests preemptively if we don't capitulate tells me that our president is completely out of his league when it comes to foreign affairs. And its not just the opinion of a righty. Christan Powers publicly stated today that these latest events are a black eye for both Obama as well as America.

So we're still bowing down to China, what else is new. It's kinda been going on for a while now.
Today the American embassy LOST Chen while on a trip to the hospital to treat his injuries. He claims America abandoned him, of course the Whitehouse has a completely different story. With high level talks just hours away between Hillary, Geitner and Chinese officials charges are surfacing that Chen was pushed aside despite the threat to him and his family in order to facilitate better talks with China. On top of that you add in all the other countries listed that are currently violating human rights as well as the new threats from Russia to attack American interests preemptively if we don't capitulate tells me that our president is completely out of his league when it comes to foreign affairs. And its not just the opinion of a righty. Christan Powers publicly stated today that these latest events are a black eye for both Obama as well as America.


And Russia just threatened to attack our missile sites in Europe.....

"Russia threatens preemptive strike over planned US missile shield"
World News - Russia threatens preemptive strike over planned US missile shield

But...he got

There aren't enough complete idiots in the country to reelect this empty suit.
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I just heard that Chen called congress today from China. Plead for help. Yet we "lost" him in the hospital.

Such a fucking disgrace. If you believe in a higher power start praying for this man and his family.
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It's being reported that his wife was being held (literally tied up) by Chinese officials and told if her husband wasn't released or forced out of the US custody that she would be executed. Subsequently we took him to the hospital and "walked away" after a couple medical tests.

This REEKS to high heaven.
Oh for christs sake. You people just blindly believe any anti-Obama crap you can dream up.

If you got REAL news from other than fux, you would know that he had 6 days at the US embassy during which time he refused sanctuary and said theat neither he nor his wife wanted to leave their province. I just watched footage of Chen being wheeled from the hospital, by US people. But, the footage was on MSNBC, so none of you would have a fucking clue about what is really happening.

FACT is, this is a lose/lose situation and of course, its only made worse because SOME so-called US citizens will never ever side with their own country.

And, yes, we did kill bin Laden but apparently you ignorant, anti-American rw's don't have a frigging clue what his death means to countries other than the US. No one but YOU (and his fellow terrorists) miss this guy.
I don't blame rw's for not trying to defend their very anti-American position in this thread.


SHAME on those who do not stand WITH our country.
North Korea developed nuclear weapons and long range missiles when who was president? Try to remember.
North Korea developed nuclear weapons and long range missiles when who was president? Try to remember.

North Korea still DOESN'T have a long range missile you idiot. Everyone of them has either blown up on the pad or shortly after take off. If you wanna spout off at least know what the hell you're talking about.
Today the American embassy LOST Chen while on a trip to the hospital to treat his injuries. He claims America abandoned him, of course the Whitehouse has a completely different story. With high level talks just hours away between Hillary, Geitner and Chinese officials charges are surfacing that Chen was pushed aside despite the threat to him and his family in order to facilitate better talks with China. On top of that you add in all the other countries listed that are currently violating human rights as well as the new threats from Russia to attack American interests preemptively if we don't capitulate tells me that our president is completely out of his league when it comes to foreign affairs. And its not just the opinion of a righty. Christan Powers publicly stated today that these latest events are a black eye for both Obama as well as America.


And what exactly do you want Obama to do about Russia? No really answer this one, because its russia.

Same with China...Seriously lets see how you would fuck with them and not cause a melt down of massive proportion.

No really this should be good.

Two points.

First you don't tell our enemies/ allies that you'll have a better position to BARGAIN AFTER an election. Have enough balls to represent all Americans at any time.

Second, I'm not the fucking president. I wasn't elected to solve our problems. Obama was and he has FAILED.
And for the record plasmaball. After a bit of thought i would have told Russia to fuck off. Poland is a sovereign nation and if they choose to attack our interests there it would be considered an act of war against both Poland and America. Big stick brother. You wanna play you gotta pay.
Or would you rather Obama play international affairs with Ken and Barbie dolls? Cause if so you should be happy with his policies this far.
I think Obama should draft grumps and send him over to stop the obvious Russian aggression. Oh wait, he's busy complaining about Obama on a message board so he can't be bothered.
Today the American embassy LOST Chen while on a trip to the hospital to treat his injuries. He claims America abandoned him, of course the Whitehouse has a completely different story. With high level talks just hours away between Hillary, Geitner and Chinese officials charges are surfacing that Chen was pushed aside despite the threat to him and his family in order to facilitate better talks with China. On top of that you add in all the other countries listed that are currently violating human rights as well as the new threats from Russia to attack American interests preemptively if we don't capitulate tells me that our president is completely out of his league when it comes to foreign affairs. And its not just the opinion of a righty. Christan Powers publicly stated today that these latest events are a black eye for both Obama as well as America.


And what exactly do you want Obama to do about Russia? No really answer this one, because its russia.

Same with China...Seriously lets see how you would fuck with them and not cause a melt down of massive proportion.

No really this should be good.

Well obviously Russia and China no longer fear fucking with the U.S.A. Wonder why?

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