Check the Bottom of your Cell phone Bill


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
[ame=]WBFF: Free Phone Frenzy - abuse of the federal Lifeline program - YouTube[/ame]

What a scam......
Just more unconstitutional wealth redistribution by uncle sam. Every one who voted for this shit should be in jail for grand larceny.
Just more unconstitutional wealth redistribution by uncle sam. Every one who voted for this shit should be in jail for grand larceny.

Uh....excuse me for asking the obvious....but, if Congress passed it, how is it "unconstitutional?"
Just more unconstitutional wealth redistribution by uncle sam. Every one who voted for this shit should be in jail for grand larceny.

Uh....excuse me for asking the obvious....but, if Congress passed it, how is it "unconstitutional?"

because congress doesn't always act constitutionally and the court acts as the final arbiter to review legislation.
Just more unconstitutional wealth redistribution by uncle sam. Every one who voted for this shit should be in jail for grand larceny.

there is nothing "unconstitutional" about it.

i really wish people who don't know anything about the constitution would stop throwing that phrase around.

Okay call it what it is, abuse and theft!
Just more unconstitutional wealth redistribution by uncle sam. Every one who voted for this shit should be in jail for grand larceny.

Since it started under Reagan, I'm sure plenty of them are dead by now.

Actually, the free cell phone distribution didn't start under Reagan. There was no such thing as cell phones when Reagan was in. The expansion which included cell phones happened later. And, the Universal Service Fund, which appears on your phone bill, didn't start until 1997, under Clinton.

Under Ronald Reagan, the only service which was available at a lower or free cost to low-income telephone users was long distance calling.
Just more unconstitutional wealth redistribution by uncle sam. Every one who voted for this shit should be in jail for grand larceny.

Since it started under Reagan, I'm sure plenty of them are dead by now.

Actually, the free cell phone distribution didn't start under Reagan. There was no such thing as cell phones when Reagan was in. The expansion which included cell phones happened later. And, the Universal Service Fund, which appears on your phone bill, didn't start until 1997, under Clinton.

Under Ronald Reagan, the only service which was available at a lower or free cost to low-income telephone users was long distance calling.

Yeah, that's what happens when you give the government power. Small low cost programs rarely stay small or lost cost for long.
Just more unconstitutional wealth redistribution by uncle sam. Every one who voted for this shit should be in jail for grand larceny.

Uh....excuse me for asking the obvious....but, if Congress passed it, how is it "unconstitutional?"

Please show me in the Constitution where it authorizes congress to force a private company to collect fees from citizens to fund a product for other citizens. Go a head I'll wait, but I will give you a fair warning, know the definition of terms you might site.
Hey, if it makes you feel any better, it wasn't all that long ago that our phone bills didn't reflect a payment to the government for funding the Spanish American War.

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