Cheap, renewable energy.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2011
Why arent conservatives worried that were going to bankrupt ourselves on fossil fuels?

Do they just think jesus is going to come back before that happens?
Why arent conservatives worried that were going to bankrupt ourselves on fossil fuels?

Do they just think jesus is going to come back before that happens?

Don't you mean Republicans not Conservatives? I may be Conservative but I am not a Republican. To answer your question though what do you mean bankrupt??? Why in the world would anyone be worried about going bankrupt on fossil fuel? It seems to be a good investment to me. It's supply is not increasing and it's demand is growing. It is a bit volatile with certain countries being able to manipulate it's price but really as a long term investment why not invest in the big oil production companies?
Why arent conservatives worried that were going to bankrupt ourselves on fossil fuels?

Do they just think jesus is going to come back before that happens?

Don't you mean Republicans not Conservatives? I may be Conservative but I am not a Republican. To answer your question though what do you mean bankrupt??? Why in the world would anyone be worried about going bankrupt on fossil fuel? It seems to be a good investment to me. It's supply is not increasing and it's demand is growing. It is a bit volatile with certain countries being able to manipulate it's price but really as a long term investment why not invest in the big oil production companies?

The problem with that scenario is that everyone is a consumer of gas. Oil prices are going to sky rocket in the next 30 years.
Why arent conservatives worried that were going to bankrupt ourselves on fossil fuels?

Do they just think jesus is going to come back before that happens?

Don't you mean Republicans not Conservatives? I may be Conservative but I am not a Republican. To answer your question though what do you mean bankrupt??? Why in the world would anyone be worried about going bankrupt on fossil fuel? It seems to be a good investment to me. It's supply is not increasing and it's demand is growing. It is a bit volatile with certain countries being able to manipulate it's price but really as a long term investment why not invest in the big oil production companies?

The problem with that scenario is that everyone is a consumer of gas. Oil prices are going to sky rocket in the next 30 years.

You just proved my point. Yes the prices are going to keep going up. That means good investment.
Don't you mean Republicans not Conservatives? I may be Conservative but I am not a Republican. To answer your question though what do you mean bankrupt??? Why in the world would anyone be worried about going bankrupt on fossil fuel? It seems to be a good investment to me. It's supply is not increasing and it's demand is growing. It is a bit volatile with certain countries being able to manipulate it's price but really as a long term investment why not invest in the big oil production companies?

The problem with that scenario is that everyone is a consumer of gas. Oil prices are going to sky rocket in the next 30 years.

You just proved my point. Yes the prices are going to keep going up. That means good investment.

Lol only for the people that actually own the oil. For those of us that simply buy it at higher prices its not so great.
Why arent conservatives worried that were going to bankrupt ourselves on fossil fuels?

Do they just think jesus is going to come back before that happens?

Drill, baby, drill.

Ya, baby, ya!

We better drill ANWR and the Gulf, as soon as the American people give us the Senate and the WH. Obama opposed both, gas is now double the price as when he entered, and he absolutely gutted America over gas in the Gulf of Mexico with other countries standing ready in line to take over our wells out there. Not nice.

We need to get that gas down to a level where families can plan road trips to Yellowstone, Big Bend, Yosemite, Acadia, and other national parks.
Why arent conservatives worried that were going to bankrupt ourselves on fossil fuels?

Do they just think jesus is going to come back before that happens?
Please tell me you expect to be treated seriously by making such a goddamn stupid statement?

Other than oil, coal, nuclear and hydro-electric can you name a cheaper source of energy SANS SUBSIDIES? That puts all the pinwheels, mirrors and moonshine out of range. Fusion is still science fiction and Hydrogen still relies on cracking from hydrocarbons.

Do you ecofascists think praying to the earth and sun is going to supply the energy needs of the MODERN world and not some backwards neo-tribal rainforest cultist commune?
Could green energy help solve the Israeli/Palestinian problem?
Can green energy help Palestinians unplug from Israel?
July 15, 2011 - Green energy proponents hope to convince Palestinians that renewables can give them greater autonomy from Israel and is more affordable in the long run.
Outside Khaled Sabawi’s West Bank office it is a sweltering summer day, but inside it is a balmy 73 degrees Fahrenheit – without the use of conventional air-conditioning. By powering this building with cool air piped from deep below the earth’s surface, Mr. Sabawi’s company, MENA Geothermal, is part of a budding green energy movement that could save millions of dollars for the heavily aid-reliant Palestinian Authority (PA), according to Sabawi. In the process, it could reduce emissions and diversify the PA’s energy sources, making it less dependent on Israel and increasing Palestinian autonomy. “No diesel enters this building,” says Sabawi. “We are saving around 65 percent on our energy bill.”

Despite summer highs in the nineties and winter temperatures that dip below freezing, the temperature is a constant 63 degrees Fahrenheit a few hundred feet below the ground in Ramallah. By tapping the steady sub-surface temperature, the building uses about half the electricity of a conventional cooling and heating system and reduces carbon dioxide emission by 30 percent. But it’s not just concern for the environment that is sparking the quest for renewable energy here. Power in the Palestinian territories is scarce and expensive, and nearly all of it comes from Israel.

This situation gives Palestinians virtually no energy security – a precarious position in a region with so much political uncertainty, particularly with energy demand growing by as much as 10 percent per year. "We have no choice but to think outside the box,” says Sabawi, who is part of a small coterie of individuals and organizations hoping to spur a larger movement for independent and sustainable energy in the Palestinian Territories.

Even conventional energy out of reach
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Big Fitz:

You'll never get an appraisal from the eco-nauts about the "alternatives" because there are none.
What they got is a list of "peaker sources" that are not reliable enough to become primary sources of power for the electrical grid. Neccessitating the expensive duplication of back-up sources and maintenance. Even with all the grid leveling storage and modifications required -- wind and solar can only supply about 20% MAX of the grid requirements because of geographical and spotty nature of their performance.

Fusion is still science fiction and Hydrogen still relies on cracking from hydrocarbons.

I DO hold out hope the hydrogen could serve as transistion storage fuel to take excess electrical grid energy and place it in the transportation sector via fuel cells. IF -- you have excess grid capacity or you wanted to dedicated enough solar to produce hydrogen from water or bio-chemical sources.


Not gonna solve the Israeli-Palestinian crisis with a new air-conditioning system.. What kind of spin was that? THAT kind of geothermal is not actually "an energy source" -- as opposed to geothermal mining of mantle heat. It is actually just a big passive heat sink that neccessitates a lot of drilling, plumbing and ventilation which is not suitable for every type of building footprint and soil condition..
Another great idea that has limited application. Go ahead and employ it where it makes sense. Don't make claims about solving "energy shortages" or world peace with it..
Why arent conservatives worried that were going to bankrupt ourselves on fossil fuels?

Do they just think jesus is going to come back before that happens?

Drill, baby, drill.

Ya, baby, ya!

We better drill ANWR and the Gulf, as soon as the American people give us the Senate and the WH. Obama opposed both, gas is now double the price as when he entered, and he absolutely gutted America over gas in the Gulf of Mexico with other countries standing ready in line to take over our wells out there. Not nice.

We need to get that gas down to a level where families can plan road trips to Yellowstone, Big Bend, Yosemite, Acadia, and other national parks.

US oil production rose under obama.
Why arent conservatives worried that were going to bankrupt ourselves on fossil fuels?

Do they just think jesus is going to come back before that happens?
Please tell me you expect to be treated seriously by making such a goddamn stupid statement?

Other than oil, coal, nuclear and hydro-electric can you name a cheaper source of energy SANS SUBSIDIES? That puts all the pinwheels, mirrors and moonshine out of range. Fusion is still science fiction and Hydrogen still relies on cracking from hydrocarbons.

Do you ecofascists think praying to the earth and sun is going to supply the energy needs of the MODERN world and not some backwards neo-tribal rainforest cultist commune?

Are you serious? its not about putting solar panels everywhere like you idiots think. Its about making them more efficient. Solar films just being made are 300% more efficient than current silicon panels, and cheaper, and would have no problem powering entire residential populations.

Areas that require more energy just require strips of land for solar films that can power entire geographical areas. Considering we currently have thousands of square miles strip mined for coal and occupied by drilling rigs, thats not too much of a problem. The electrical infrastructure just needs to be upgraded to high voltage DC.
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